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Everything posted by aarondeany

  1. There is one key point everyone misses in this debate. When you go to private school, you pay tuition there, but you continue to pay taxes thus funding public school. Therefore you pay for both; you should be able to play in both. Private schools should be allowed to play in D-I like any other public school, or the tax paying private school parents should be getting a tax rebate. The tax payors build stadiums to play football in, but only public school kids get to use them to the full championship glory their ment for. Just two cents from a private school alum. [Edited by aarondeany on 12-15-02 12:43A]
  2. You know your addicted to coacht when you are actualy proud of your CoachT plus membership, and you show it off like a shinny new penny. Way to go CoachT and iamoz, AaronDeanY
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