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Everything posted by helapaxt

  1. Westview wins by a nail biting victory.
  2. Thanks. I try to keep with with the Lady Chargers. I think that Hunter is a pretty good player.
  3. What was the score? Did Hunter play any? If so, did she score any?
  4. I predict that the game tonight will be interesting, but the Lady Chargers will pull ahead with a victory. How does everyone else feel about this game?
  5. helapaxt

    Region 4- 3A

    Who should be the teams to watch next season?
  6. How would you guys rank their team this year so far?
  7. I believe that other plays will step up and get the Chargers back on a winning streak. It will just take a little bit of time. Once everyone steps up, the Chargers will become unstoppable.
  8. My top sign is when basketballs start to look like footballs. Nothing bad about bb, just wish it was football season instead.
  9. Westview wins by 7 with score somewhere in the 60's.
  10. I think that where a team plays only has a small effect even if it has one at all on how a team plays. My reasoning is that if a team is good then they should be able to play well, hopefully win, anywhere they play. If a team has a good fan base then the fans should follow their team no matter where they go. I know that this does not always happen. So here is a question; how big of a role does a team's fan activity have in determining how a team plays?
  11. How can you judge a team by how many gold balls they have or do not have? Some of the better teams may never even make it to a championship game but does that mean they are not a good team?
  12. What teams are playing tonight, if there are any?
  13. Should be another good game, but will end like the rest with another W for Westview.
  14. 30 to 22 with Westview winning. [Edited by helapaxt on 1-10-03 7:21P]
  15. Is this game going to either be on the internet or the radio?
  16. Westview wins but not by much. Best of luck Lady Chargers.
  17. Will the Martin Westview game be able to be listened to on the internet tonight?
  18. I think they are doing an excellent job. Keep up the good work. What is everyone else's opinion about Martin Westview's girls' basketball program this year?
  19. Girls basketball team took the ball and ran with it. They won. Good job.
  20. Ridgeway is playing Crockett County
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