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  1. Big48eagle you must be an idiot. Wayne Co. made it to the substate and you must be jealous because your team obviously didnt. CPA is a good team and they beat wayne co because they knocked down so many 3's early in the game and the wildcats just couldnt get back into it. so now we are all truly dumber for reading your stupid post, thanx.
  2. I cannot believe Perry Co. thinks we want to be like them. Perry Co. had a good run in boys b-ball during the 90's but come on they were pretty bad this year. And to say that wayne counties girls will have to try and play at perry counties level is ridiculous!!! You must have been under a rock for the past 15 years because we have barely been touched on the girls side. But going back to class acts, Perry Co. has the greatest leaders in the world for being classless. You know i'm talking about a certain well known family in Perry Co. Your face is rude!!!
  3. It is true that tfranks24 is the brother of the coach and he will tell u that himself. He aint scared!!!! My prediction of the district is: 1. Wayne co. 2. Summertown 3. Perry co. 4. Clifton 5. Mt. Pleasant 6. Santa Fe 7. Collinwood 8. Columbia Academy 9. Hampshire 10. Zion Wayne co. and Summertown probably split this year with each winning at home so they could easily finish tied as long as neither has a slip up anywhere else. which could happen if they are not ready to play in this tough district. Im heading to CA tonight to watch the cats demolish CA see you there tfranks me, sig and the mex are heading that way.
  4. Come on now truelionfan, Wayne co. was a favorite coming in to the year with byrd, nutt, york and mosely returning and when you add in bryant (the best player in the district) it is hard to say wayne co. wont finish 1 or 2. They will probably win the district. the cats went into perry co. and won by 18 or so and we havent won there in 10 years so you need to open your eyes a little bit.
  5. perry co. fans never cease to amaze me. get your share of the calls?? The reason more fouls were called on perry co. is because they could not keep up with temple's players. and perry co did not make temple foul them they just settled for shots. I guess we expected you guys to whine about calls cuz in the district you get all of the calls. One more point, the refs in this game finally called some offensive fouls on jackson he uses one arm to dribble and the other to push off, its just not called in 12A.
  6. it was a 12 point win with summertown shooting a layup at the buzzer to run it up a bit instead of just holding it and running out the clock. [Edited by oldschoolers on 3-6-03 2:58P]
  7. First, Miller is a senior and byrd is a junior. Well guys i had a great time watching this year. It was great to be able to go to any game and know we had a chance to win. 24-9 from 2-25 4 years ago is unreal. You guys played with passion and heart and left it all out there on the court. Sig, im gonna miss seeing you on the court. I've been watching you for about 13 years and i dont think i missed a game. your desire to win is hard to match and your skills arent bad either. Congrats on your career and i love ya kid.
  8. There is a drawing. but it doesnt allow teams from the same region to be paired together is how it goes i think.
  9. There is only one substate game each team plays. If a team wins the sub-state game they go on to Murfreesboro for the state tournament.
  10. Perry co won this game and didnt play very well. I was very disappointed in jamar jenkins. All i have heard is how good he is and he is ranked really high on the junior's list. He is not very good he shot a couple of airball's and had trouble creating shots. He is obviously weak cuz he never went in the post, he is not very good.
  11. Great job guys!!! Pulled this one out and didnt shoot well at all so maybe we saved some for tom nite. good luck, i wil be there yelling at the refs. xcat was that a little mexican face at the end of your last post.
  12. This is in reply to Alumni. Did culleoka already beat wayne co. I thought they played tonight at 6.
  13. I agree, if we can contain holt we can win this game. I think the biggest factor will be if we can get an early lead or just stay with them the first couple of minutes. We kill ourselves by getting down fast to good teams if we can come out hot we can definitely win.
  14. Well DickieV you have gone said something stupid again. Of course Wayne Co. would rather play Clifton. No single A team in the state or any team for that matter would rather play Perry co. i mean they didnt lose a game in this district. Ask perry co. who they would rather play wayne co. or zion christian and i promise they would rather play zion so does that mean they are intimidated by wayne co. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!
  15. I agree with lady sunday on richardson but miller from waynesboro is better than carter. Miller was 3rd in the district in scoring, led it in three point and free throw percentage and was like 5th in assists and 3rd or so in steals. He led the cats to their first winning record in nearly 10 years at 21-7. He means more to his team than any player in the district.
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