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Everything posted by HickoryHusker

  1. Are these archived anywhere? Where can one find information about this service for their school system?
  2. OK Fish, let's hear how DCA stole this kid in an unjustifiable way...you opened it and are making accusations that you can hopefully backup with fact, not rumor!
  3. Why you gotta talk like that on here??? Especially being a good Church of Christ member.....
  4. 120...gosh, and I thought I was the dumb one.
  5. People like me??? I love to watch teams score...and all people talk about on this site is their offensive fire power. I haven't seen either of these teams this year, I was just going by what was being posted here on coacht. So, people like me should just shut up since we ain't edjumecated enough to read the posts and make some reasonable observations. Thanks for the breakdown Digger. With your wealth of knowledge I'll say the over-under is now 135, but only if it is cloudy when the game starts. If the moon is out it might be over 150...
  6. Either one of these teams play defense? Over-Under is 140
  7. Athletics brings out and displays the best and worst our society has to offer. What you all are discussing happens in every gym in America where there is competition and fans are present. That is the negative side of athletics...but fortunately the kids on the floor represent the best...if only the parents in the stands would follow the example of their kids on the floor!!!
  8. 6,232 posts and that is still the best you can come up with!
  9. Wow. This went down hill fast. I thought shpshter was worried about kids getting on here and reading this...
  10. 58-46 Ezell. Deathridge has 29, 5 threes.
  11. "Also, what does bmp stand for? Just curious."--ROBERTO It's bdp, not bmp, and it stands for blue devil pride...c'mon man!
  12. and talent is always in the hands of the players...coaches just have to understand how to maximize it and use it to the best of the athletes' abilities! but back to WH-DCA. I heard that it was a great game. anyone have any details that do not include officiating??? I'd love to know how it went.
  13. 6,140 posts and that is the best you can come up with?
  14. Coach Davis- White House. 2-22 to 17-4 in one year!
  15. Nothing really...just a story I had heard that reminded me about you talking about adults doing and saying dumb things...that's all.
  16. Of all the criticisms of a coach I have never understood why we criticize them for playing younger players over older players. Coaches play the best players, regardless of their age...why would anyone think that a coach would play anyone other than those who can help the team win. One of the main parts of their job is to win games and they do that with the best players they have on the court...regardless of any jealousy in the stands. Also, keep in mind that there are many things that go into who the best players are...ability, attitude, effort, doing what the coach wants, adjusting to a new system...just to name a few...if the coach is playing worse players than he obviously has another agenda, but when have we HONESTLY seen that happen? Coaches are not stupid and want to win games more than the fans in the stands. Players must EARN the trust of their coaches, regardless of how long they have been playing, and if a coach does not trust that a player will perform he is not going to play that player.
  17. danorvp...I understand about adults saying and doing dumb things...I once heard a story about a guy who sent anonymous e-mails to high school coaches saying how great the team he supported was going to be...I think he was an AAU coach or something...what an idiot that guy must have been.
  18. I understand the phone won't get answered until the morning, it has been tried during the school day for more than a month and 1) there is no answer and 2) messages are not returned...somebody I know has tried for that long...I thought e-mail might be a better option for them. I'll send along the phone number info, maybe it is a different number than what they have been using???
  19. Are you sure the e-mail is right? I know a school that can help, but they tried the e-mail and it would not work...and the phone does not seem to get answered.
  20. I don't know if this will make sense or not, but I don't know that FRA has closed the gap on DCA. I think that by graduating so many seniors that DCA "closed the gap" on FRA...in other words, I don't know that FRA is that much better, but DCA certainly isn't as good...but they are still pretty good. I think that, with the exception of Goodpasture, this region is wide open and most games should be competitive...FRA-DCA should be a good one, competitive...
  21. Acker suffers from stingers...may or may not run the ball this year. It all depends. He is much more susceptible to them when he is running the ball than when playing DE or TE. Coaches are just being cautious, I assume. He's about the best athlete out there no matter what position he is playing. As for the defense, JCS ran all over DCA. I don't know why they threw the ball 15 times. Not a typical DCA defense, they are usually very stingy against the run. The strong point of theur defense is their DBs...some of the best corners I have seen in High School. Defended JCS passing game very well. JCS faces a couple more tough tests before they get to the easier part of their schedule. I am interested to see how they do this season. With most of the powerhouse privates moving to AA JCS might be one of the best in A. Can't wait for the USJ game!
  22. Heard it was assistant boys coach, not sure of his name?
  23. According to the Tennessean a couple weeks ago, Barnwell took the Science Hill job. I believe the article link is on the girls home page on this site.
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