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Everything posted by southernpride

  1. Maybe the reasons for the split are different today but people in the South and other parts of the country do think differently and as Beethoven suggested, they vote for "different values."
  2. Leno changed the sets but the bad has never been as good and the jokes are not as funny. It's not who writes the material because most of Carson's best material came when the written jokes failed. He knew how to ad lib and turn a bad script into something better. His interaction with people was better than anyone doing it today. The only one that can come close is Letterman and that has to be when he is at the best of his game.
  3. I guess that's why every Senator and Congressman subscribe to both papers and read them every morning!
  4. I can see what he's trying to say. The same states that were divided in 1860 still have some of the same divisions today. Maybe the way the differences are debated vary greatly and even the parties have switched sides (i.e. Red states used to be Democrats and are now Republicans) the deep divisions between the two groups still remain. It is ironic to look at these two maps!
  5. Federal Courts have ordered the release of several people being held without DUE PROCESS (i.e. being charged with a crime) and no court of any kind has seen the evidence against the men to arraign them. Hundreds of others have not been allowed to have visits from their families or have an attorney talk directly to them (in person) even though the Federal Courts have ordered this to happen. The Supreme Court ruled back many years ago that even in time of war, due process was required of all those held. You can't hold people without due process, it is the single most important aspect of our civil rights, no matter what crimes you think they may have committed! Once we do away with this aspect of our courts, then we lose the basic freedoms that make America free!
  6. Pentagon police on Wednesday turned away family members of troops killed in Iraq who wanted to confront Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld on the reasons for the war in Iraq.
  7. Not in this case. The justice Department and the Army is openly disobeying the orders of the federal courts. The way it is supposed to work is if the courts rule against the state, then the state must acquiesce until the appeal is made. In a civil rights case, the state can't continue to defy the order of a higher court It is not done
  8. Here's the problem that Beethoven is quoting, The President's team still refuses to do what the federal courts require. Instead, they are postponing actions ordered by the courts while hoping for a more favorable ruling by a higher court.
  9. Not everyone protesting was a Democrat. You have tens of thousands of "professional protestors" that show up at many events (Greenpeace, etc).
  10. The greatest talk show host and late night entertainer of all time Only Dave can come close to touching the GREAT ONE
  11. It's really not that you or I am white It's that you guys keep saying NO ONE's CIVIL RIGHTS ARE BEING SET ASIDE and it's simply not true. Then you act upset when other white men say anything about civil rights. We should protect the rights of everyone. There is a quote from a Protestant Minister from Nazi Germany that says it all:
  12. Tell that to Timothy McVey and the idiot from Ruby Ridge! Granted he was a nut job! We used to have a conservative on here (SWAMP) who talked about reducing the size and scope of government.
  13. These things I'm talking about are very liberal! Republicans never believed in these things in the past? When did you ever hear an old-school republican elephant say he supported: Welfare Social Security Medicaid National Health Care A Woman's Right to her Civil Rights Civil Rights for ALL Americans End welfare for corporate America Balancing the budget (a few maybe for this one) More jobs for Americans (Pat Buchanan and a few others but not many) A higher minimum wage for all Americans More pay for teachers and schools that do well!
  14. Clinton got into bed with Monica and almost got kicked out of office! Reagan got into bed with Saddam and Osama and receives medals and accolades for it. Bush gets into bed with "The Church," Tony Blair, Musharif (?) in Pakistan, and The Royal Saud Family and gets relected for it. Funny how things work!
  15. I agree with most of these the only problem is you have to be very rich to run for office and win. Bill Clinton was the only true Middle Class (some say White Trash) president we've ever had. At the time he was elected he had a net worth of just under 400K. Now, he's very rich but he still identifies well with the middle and lower classes.
  16. Muffin, you had better watch out about what websites you log onto! You boss may find out! Texas, the whole point is big brother is now hiring the private sector to do what they themselves are prohibited from doing by law. Read the articles and you will learn more!
  17. I guess we were also married to Osama at the time because we sure divorced him after the Russians left Afghanistan and you see what he did to pay us back! Back to the point, we say we don't want to "get in bed with tyrants" and then we do it anyway!
  18. Bush is now saying what he should have said before invading Iraq. The problem is we are two faced about the whole thing and here's why I say this: 1. The President makes a great "Jeffersonian - Liberal speech" about America. He says we will stand for freedom and against tyrany all around the world! 2. We support the following Tyrannical regemes all around the Globe: Egypt Saudi Arabia Pakistan Kuwaitt and various other nations around the world 3. We always support tyrants that help us attack some other evil We supported Saddam when it was good for America and even sold him WMD that he used on the Iranians and the kurds!
  19. The problem is how the information is being used. Since it is already in the hands of private companies, anyone with a checkbook can find out almost anything they want about you and you have no say in the matter! Let's say for instance, you want to change jobs and relocate. In the past, you had to sign a release to allow your potential employer to ask questions about you to people you listed as references. Now, they can look up your credit, find out personal information about the type of websites you look at and your online spending habits. They can find out if you have been sued, your credit records, and even certain public information about your healthcare records (those not protected by HIPPA). It is out of control and too much of our private life is open for anyone who can pay for the information.
  20. Most American's didn't feel their civil rights were being violated back in the 1950's or early 60's before the Civil Rights Act was passed because they werre living as a White man/woman in a predominate White society. Ask Arab-Americans and others who have had their civil rights taken away if they feel violated? The Constitution is not supposed to be for just the majority, it is designed to protect all of us in our society.
  21. I don't think this is correct, I think they just don't do a good job of crafting their message to identify with what Americans believe. Here is an example: Most Americans are middle class! From a real "political values" standpoint most Americans are for: Better paying jobs, better health care, better education, More pay for teachers, soldiers, and government workers, less unemployment and a higher standard of living in America, less corporate welfare and more compassion about Americans who need help, CIVIL LIBERTIES, PERSONAL FREEDOM, and personal security (i.e. more cops, fireman, law enforcement, and laws that protect us). These are the values that the Democratic Party has espoused for decades and we allowed the Republicans to change the tone of the debate to focus on the "extremes" of the Democratic Party rather than the core values or issues of the party.
  22. I can remember throughout the 1980's and early 90's, Conservatives feared this very thing! Now they seem to embrace it because "their guy" is promoting it!
  23. The INFORMATION MATRIX: Whatever happened to those who warned us this day would come? Inside The MATRIX Whatever happened to the conservatives who used to complain about the size and scope of the federal government? What happened to those on the far right who feared the ARM and EYE of BIG BROTHER? Those men who moved to Idaho or Oklahoma to escape what they thought was a federal government that was too big and had too much authority over states and the individual citizen? Where are they now that their predictions are coming true and our government is developing systems to keep track of the citizens every move through digital purchases, gas receipts, library and video rentals, rail and "Rapid pass" movements, and online viewing habits. Even small cities now have networks of surveillance equipment that private companies can tap into and track the movement of people. Where are those conservative voices who used to warn us about such things? I guess they decided having big brother watch out for us was better than allowing terrorists to bomb us??? TOTAL INFORMATION AWARENESS! ______________________________________________________ ABC Primtime Live NO PLACE TO HIDE A New Book about the Mining of personal data in this new era ______________________________________________ BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING AND HAS BEEN FOR A LONG TIME!
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