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Everything posted by Bama4life

  1. I think that this region is very competitive and there is several teams capable of winning the region title. I think that Stratford will again be a front runner when it all shakes out in October. I feel that White House, Pearl- Cohn and Northwest could also win this region. I think that Springfield and Mount Juliet are two teams that can throw a monkey wrench into who walks away as the region 6-4A champion. One thing is for sure, it will be exciting to watch what happens in this region from week to week. This region will probably look a whole lot different in 2005 with the new classifications and region realignments.
  2. Hawaii, not sure where everything stands right now. The county commision was scheduled to vote on a proposed 31 cent property tax increase last week. I left town and did not have a chance to keep up with that meeting. I have not heard anything this week. As far as I know, schools will open on August 10th.
  3. CH, you need to be careful about what you say on here because the DC at Beech is a personal friend of mine and HE was only doing what the HC and HE thought was right for the group. In talking with both of the coaches, the problem was this: the defense never worked on just one base look with multiple stunts. The defense was a grab bag of sorts. So before you start criticizing, make sure you start at the top, because that is where the ultimate decision was made.
  4. Bama4life


    If I understand the z-plan correctly, it will basically place you in the district that your school is in for all other sports. This does make it cheaper for travel purposes and re-establishes some natural rivalries that are good for local communities. I personnally feel that the z-plan would aid the schools in Montgomery County for instance by replacing the Williamson County Schools in the 6-5A region with the rest of the Montgomery County Schools that now play in region 6-4A. I personally would be for the z- plan. sorry for the double post!
  5. From one coach in region 6-5A, Good Luck to the Franklin Rebels this week against the Commandos of Hendersonville.
  6. jc33tn, you have no clue what you are talking about. The teachers are not seeking a 5% pay raise. That raise is for the support staff that has not experienced a pay raise in almost 10 years. The teachers are seeking a 2% cost of living adjustment. Our helath insurance premiums are also increasing by 40 % for the system. The school board is not the enemy, the county commisioners are the enemy. My property taxes are going down by some 75.00 dollars and now, thanks to the elected officials of this county my paycheck is taking a 300.00 dollar hit as well. What has been proven is a revenue problem for this county exists and not a spending problem. This school system recently received a certificate of compliance, ISO 9001, which is given primarily to industrial corporations. We are one of ten school systems around the country with this certification. The issue is revenue, not spending.
  7. Unfortunately for the kids that have worked hard this summer. To think that their entire season is jeopardized because a few elected officials think that this area is a retirement community. Everything will become known next Thursday night 7/24 when the school board meets in emergency session to discuss this issue and several others that will have a major economic impact on the county.
  8. Word is that Ray Busey is returning to coach the irish.
  9. Bama4life

    Dead Period ?

    eaglesfan15, I have a question for you? 1) How can the TSSAA restrict access to public facilities by paid members? It seems to me that if Coach Hawkins is a paid member at Extreme Fitness, He is entitled to lift whenever he so chooses. The players that utilized the facilities at Extreme Fitness also paid membership fees, so how can the TSSAA regulate when those kids went to complete their workouts. As long as Coach Hawkins did not directly establish a workout routine, there should be no problems with him utilizing his paid membership.
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