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Apu Nahasapeemapetilon, Jr.

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Everything posted by Apu Nahasapeemapetilon, Jr.

  1. Please come back. All the others seem to have run away from the scrum.
  2. Sorry I've been gone so long. I've been visiting my family in Calcutta. They're doing fine, but I messed around and got arranged married while I was there. Seems as though my Anglo friends have been holding down the Coach T fort while I was gone. Thanks, buddies.
  3. Scissors, Have you ever been to DL? Have you ever actually been in the school, and not just at the athletic complex? And I use the term "complex" loosely; if they are recruiting then thay are sure not luring them in by the dozens with their fine facilities. Your comments are typical of someone who has no clue of what he/she is talking about. You think you know, but that's where it gets dangerous. What the brilliant mind of vandy1 was trying to say was simple: DL's kids are predominantly a product of the Lipscomb community. Most families send their kids to DL because it's where they went, or their family went, or both. The school's been around for well over a century, and is not one of these white-flight, Johnny-come-lately types that is seeking to make an immediate impact on the scene both athletically and academically while also weeding out any undesirables. Some of their kids came after Kindergarten, but that's simply the nature of urban schools, both public and private.
  4. You have some issues. May I recommend you get some counseling ASAP.
  5. Seems I hit a nerve. You must be one of those aforementioned overpaid, overappreciated, overweight coaches. Oh yeah, and congrats again to Austin (but not his coaches!).
  6. Seems I hit a nerve. You must be one of those aforementioned overpaid, overappreciated, overweight coaches. Oh yeah, and congrats again to Austin (but not his coaches!).
  7. Please allow me to address a few comments individually. 1) "I think that is the dumbest thing i have ever heard. " Then you haven't been around the block too many times. You want dumb? Jessica Simpson. 2) "...they are the best influence a high school kid can have." Then we're in bad shape. 3) "...and being that role model is the is worth all the money they get." That makes too little sense to even respond to. PLease proof-reed. 4) "I do not see you watching the film on weekends and developing a game plan." Then come on over sometime. I devise a gameplan each and every week. I watch hours of film so I can go back and knit-pick at every little mistake the coaches make. I would be a much better coach than most of these jokers. 5) "How would deal with a kid coming into your office and crying over playing time." That's what's wrong with football today. Your question should be rhetorical, but it's not. I'd smack them upside the head and tell them to stop crying or hit the road. Simple enough.
  8. Always good things to say about kids; never good things to say about coaches. Coaches, especially at the high school level, are overpaid, underworked, overappreciated egomaniacs. P.S. I hope the Wilkerson kid (Jamie) is 100% for the MC game. If so, the Tigers better look out!
  9. Congrats to Austin. One heck of a player and a great person too.
  10. To not have and abide by a detector is asinine. Any strike detected within 7 miles should require fields to be cleared and not reentered until the last strike within that range has been lapsed by at least 15 minutes.
  11. I think I heard that Chris Hite was going to run fullback for the Stangaroos this week. He's not real big, but he makes up for it in other ways.
  12. EH gets 21 only if DA gets over 40 and calls off the dogs (or Bears).
  13. Marco.................Polo...................Marco Here I am!!!!! Believe it or not, I have responsibilites beyond Coach T. I now have multiple message boards to harrass. The missing is mutual. Postmodernity rules!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. Paul Wade will have his boys ready to go. DA by a bunch.
  15. Whos' going to win this big region match-up?
  16. OK, here's the question: If football coaches had to do like baseball coaches and dress like the team, who would have the best looking staff and the worst looking staff. (For those of you who are not secure in your masculinity this one might scare you a bit.) I'm going to have to say that all I know for sure is that I would not want to see Lipscomb's McAdams in that attire. The mere thought scares me. However, the rest of the staff is OK. Taylor's gigantic calves & Stewart's Italian Stallion-esque good lucks are to die for.
  17. Holy Calcutta! I have been gone for way too long and look what I have missed. I think hsfball & easttn expert need some marital counseling. I'm taking the Mustangs, but only if they come out in their gold game pants. Quite possibly the nastiest looking uniforms I have ever seen. That's why they win so many games; opposing teams see those crappy pants and think, "Those guys can't be any good." What other team goes with the sag look in football pants? It could be worse: it could be like baseball and the coaches have to dress like the players. Imagine Coach McAdams in those pants. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now that's an image I that will haunt me for days. Look for that to be an upcoming poll question.
  18. A person born in America is an American..enough said. If you weren't born in the USA you're not an American how more simple could it be? It doesn't take the head cashier from Wal-Mart to figure that one out. Thats all that I have to say. I'm an American and proud of it. I don't care if you manage the 7eleven or get wicker baskets full of snakes for Christmas You're not an American unless you're born in America. You can become a legal American Citizen in 7 years but you're still not a American.... OK, so now we have a dilemma on our hands. I am not sure if I am an American or not. My parents immigrated from India to the US in 1974 due to the fact that they were being taxed by the Indian gov't without proper representation, which is obviously an issue that cannot be tolerated. I wish they had started a bloody revolution over the atrocities of taxation, but I wasn't born yet, so what could I do? But that's another story. Anyway, on the plane ride over, my mother, who was nine months pregnant at the time, went into labor right about the time we were over the Bermuda Triangle. I think the evil spirits of the Triangle were trying to take me from the womb, but that's another story. Anyway, as we crossed the British Virgin Islands, my head began to crown. I know this sounds gross, but we must resolve my citizenship. We then crossed over Dutch territory and my head popped out completely. One would think the rest of me would've slid right out and then I'd be Dutch, but that was not the case. I think it was because my mother ate too much currie during her pregnancy, but that's another story. Anyway, there she was, a head of a baby, but no baby. All the while she didn't tell anyone because she feared they would send us back to the tyrranical tax-collectors. So she unboarded the plane like that. Needless to say she walked a little bow-legged. I think that led to her varicose veins, but that's another story. Anyway, she finally delivered the rest of me in the LaGuardia clinic on April 1, 1974, all 14 lbs. 8 oz. of me. I was stuck like that for over 3 hours, and I am sure it was painful, but I cannot recall it, for I was too young. Furthermore, after I was born she dropped me on my head in the airport. She said she was simply tossing me up in excitment over the fact that I would not have to endure a life under those devilish tax-collectors. I think my extended time w/ my head sticking out and/or me being dropped led to my tennis ball sizd goiter on my forehead, as well as blurred vision, but that's another story. Anyway, to make a long story short, what am I? I crowned a Brit, first saw the world as Dutch, but wasn't fully out intil I was an American. I suppose technically speaking, I was born in America, and according to the all-knowing 02Wildcat, that makes me an AMERICAN!!!!!!!! Hallelujah!!!!!!!!!! Now I can call all you people my brothers. This is the greatest day of my life. Thanks for all you have done in helping me clarify all of this. Down w/ tax-collectors, but that's another story.
  19. How does the fact that YOU were born in AMErica make ME an AmericaN? Not sure about your logic on that one. Since you were born an AMERican does that make all 6 billion people worldwide AmeRIcans as well? Or is it just a one-to-one thing? Please enlighten me, for I was not born in America and thus do not have such an education as you seem to. I do manage a 7-Eleven, however, so thanks for the props!!!!!! Upon further review of your post, I htink I see where you're going with this. So let me ask you this: If you were born in a chicken house would that make you a chicken? If you were born on Uranus (which apparently that's where your head is) would than make you Uranese? Of course I'm still a bit confused b/c maybe if YOU were born in either of these places then that would make ME a chicken or Uranese, repsectively. Please clarify. RUNNINGBALL RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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