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Everything posted by JacketPride34

  1. Let me help, they are not in trouble. Someone got caught and cried wolf.....didn't work. End of story.
  2. Both Wilmore and Cates are good players. If you are looking for a true leader that has the stats to back it up from that region though, it has to be Trey McDonald. He has been a work horse all season and has not buckled to that pressure. I honestly don't see anyone from this region getting it, but Trey could start for ANY team in this region.
  3. Show me where TC fans were crying after there losses ALL-KNOWING Muffin. The fans with a grasp on reality did not expect to win it out this year. No one likes to lose, but we do not get on here with all of the 'the penalties, the bad calls, blah, blah, blah.... " Do you just dream this stuff up?
  4. I don't think they are using tonight for homecoming. They have had to reschedule it a couple of times, and I think it is later this month. What has happened??? Last year you could not keep those tigger fans off of this board! Where have they gone. I do believe that I said it last year....as long as the tiggers kept winning the fans would be there. Start losing again and they are gone just as fast.
  5. Somehow, I doubt that. When the Jackets get done with this game, the blue kitties are going to wish that certain seniors had not spit on the middle of Jacket field last year after the game! Law may be gone, but the Jackets remember! They are going to paint that blue and white stadium purple and gold tonight!
  6. I am pretty sure that the Tigers are not going to want that Stifler.
  7. Now, now Mr. "I am not from Macon County Muffin". What in the world would you know about that? BTW, thanks for picking Smith County over the Jackets last week. I told you that was the best thing you could do for us! Got to love you Muffin....go out on a limb and pick Macon for me!
  8. If you're not winning it all though, does it really matter?
  9. I will give you that, it was a touchdown. At the same time, Smith County was given a fantastic spot for a first down on fourth that same drive that was wrong. Should not have even been another SC play on that drive. Bad calls happen, it is football. I heard that Wilmore played with a concussion from the second quarter on. How is he? One more thing, and I am sure that you guys that were blowing his horn won't mind. Maynord is the better coach? He wasn't on Friday night. Everyone thinks their coach is the best. That was two class acts on the field Friday night. In all honesty, I would love to see Smith County pull it together. Wilmore gives that team all he has and you always want to see players with that kind of heart and dedication succeed.
  10. Mama, we never beat him. The Jackets never fielded a powder-puff team! thumb
  11. Smith County has less talented players? You have got to be kidding. The pool is larger and there is more talent to choose from. Keep thinking though, you may find one good point before long. Don't you keep up with the hype? Smut County and LA were supposed to own the region this year. That would be because of all the TALENT they have. wow..................
  12. The best thing going for the Jackets right now is that Muffin has predicted a Smut County victory!
  13. Wow Antwan, maybe folks in Trousdale County do have something to look forward to next year! These teams never used to have all this attitude! We are going to miss the region we have now. It is undoubtedly the most competitve we have ever been in, but looks like Monterey and FCS are heading for reality checks. Where we have spent the past four years only makes us stronger!
  14. Oh, I see.....next year, next year, next year...the old MC Tiger song! That does nothing for this year, this year, this year...lmao
  15. Does it have to hurt so bad though?? lol
  16. He probably does. Think real hard. He said LA had a legitimate chance at winning the region this year. Now if you really strain yourself, you will remember that he said that Macon County would not have a good season. He was only wrong on one account......you guys couldn't do your part.
  17. There just aren't really any. It is not the same Jacket football that everyone is accustomed to. It used to be that the program would consistently keep talent. It was like you would lose a couple to graduation and there would be somebody else there to take over. The talent pool has gone down. Nobody defensively is stepping up and leading. The hard-hitting days of Evitts, Towns, and Scruggs, people like that are gone. Trey McDonald really stands out of offense, he is carrying a lot of the load. Other than that, there is not much leadership within the team. I will say that the freshmen and sophomores look promising though.
  18. It doesn't have to be 'our year' with the way you guys are playing right now. Take it one week at a time Tigger fan, even your Dekalb County game was not that good. You are right 1A will be 'easier'. We will be playing against schools the same size as ours. This year should be easy for you if that is how you judge it. Ask LA how 'easy' that game was. Had Marco been at qb the entire game, I believe that the outcome would have been different. But, alas, just like Macon County has been FOREVER, there are always going to be some politics played into that lineup. I don't care where you are from.
  19. Trousdale has more talent?? I love my Jackets as much as the next person, but there is no reason that Smut County should not win. TC is outmanned. If it is a 3 point game, TC wins it because Smut County has folded. Smut should win by 2 touchdowns at the least.
  20. Trousdale County does not do live broadcasts of their games. They prefer that their fans actually come out and watch it. It does not air until the next day.
  21. That is what I am talking about. The lack of discipline with both teams is obvious. Get it? Both teams keep playing like they have been and this will be a close game. No one looks that good right now. You have two players for both teams carrying the load for them all. No one is going far that way. It takes a team.
  22. I really thought that 'Smut' County would have the kinks worked out last night for that game. Surprised to see that they still looked fairly undisciplined. Two weeks ago I would have been fairly positive about a SC victory this week. I am not so sure now. This may work out to be a much better game than originally expected. If it stays close, Trousdale wins. Wide margin of victory will probably mean Smith County has found a little fumblitis cure and they win. Should be a classic even though neither team seems as strong as in the past. Most of all, hope for a injury-free game! Good luck both teams.
  23. I am not a Macon fan by any means, but they came on this board after the game and were humble. No excuses, just congratulated Smith County on a good game. What do they get? A shot at the coaches. Don't know why I am surprised.
  24. He is still young, but Davy Cothron at Trousdale County is going to be a great head coach someday. He played under Satterfield and has the respect for his head coach that you need to be a valuable assistant. There will be many wins in his future. He is too much of a Satterfield clone for there not to be.
  25. Thanks, your opinion is noted.....FYI this is a football board, not a meet a man hotline!
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