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Everything posted by soccerjet8

  1. hey cassie!!!! yeah, we lost 1-0, very very sad. but that's okay... mcminn shut em up!!! yeah, go cherokees!!! but good luck w/ bball!!!!
  2. hey, ne one know who one mcminn vs bradley? i hope and pray it was mcminn!!!
  3. hey, be nice to rhea.... they're way better than bradley!
  4. well, the game's tomorrow and i don't know who'll win.... i think crossville has a curse w/ cookeville cause even tho we're usually better, u guys always beat us... so, maybe the curse'll be broken... i mean, look how far the redsox have gone... anything can happen... but i'm still sayin GOOOO JJJJEEETTTSSS!!!!!
  5. well, looks like everyone was wrong. Bradley so did NOT deserve to win that game... it would have been great if maybe the refs could have called a couple of things, but oh well, now its time for them to get SCHOOLED by McMinn, and whoever they have to play in the region, so let me tell ya, job well done on complaining and playing cheap! Rhea Co- you guys did really good!!!!! you've come a long way in the season!!!! Cassie (9) u did awesome!!! i yelled for u the WHOLE game!!!!!!
  6. well... i'm feeling a miracle for crossville, so GOOOOO JETS!!!! and i'll be there to yell for em the whole game!!!!! anyway, i hope u guys aren't just talkin trash, and that u'll actually be there to support ur cavs.
  7. well, i have no idea what the score'll be, what school do u go to firebug? plz don't say bradley.
  8. hey cassie, i'm ashley, this stinks that we got canceled today!!! now i don't get to see my boyfriend tomorrow!!!! i'm not a happy camper. but good luck to Rhea Co. and McMinn'll be seeing Cumberland Thursday!!!!! I'm sry that McMinn lost soo many players this yr tho... that really stinks.
  9. I have faith in Crossville.... they're gonna be focused and ready for yall!!!!! cookeville needs to get beat.... oh wait, what's your record again? oh, its a losing one, isn't it... yeah... stinks for yall!!!! Gooo JETS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. hey yeah, we're going early, i don't know how much we'll get to see, but it should be quiet a bit!!! i'm # 8 what # r u? so i know who i'm yelling for... hehehe
  11. thank the lord! i HATE bradley!!! rhea's cool, and i'll be yelling for u guys too!!! u play mcminn right? i feel for ya... i don't like them either, but i think they're down right now w/ holly being out and everything.... anyway, good luck tomorrow!!!
  12. well well well long snapper, ur pretty confident, but i have faith in crossville, and i'll be there to support em! so, do u play ne sports or r u just an athletic supporter?
  13. so, do ne of u lil cookevillians play sports or r all ya'll just spectators?
  14. I'm sayin JETS allllll they way!!!!!! Tyler Fitzgerald is the best ever!!!! anywho, rumor has it that Cookeville's qb and one of their running backs is hurt.... is this true and if so, will they play Friday?
  15. Hey, the district game between Bradley Co. and Cumberland Co. is tomorrow and i just want to know who everyone thinks'll win!
  16. hey, i have no idea what the scores were, but what school do u go to? i'm from cumberland and i heard cookeville's pretty good, but i know warren isn't that good, or atleast they weren't last year.
  17. I'm sayin mcminn for there's but cumberland'll be 2nd for sure!!!! anyone else in this region?
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