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  1. I'm right there with ya buddy. I hate Redbank just as much as anyone else. Heck, those ######'s took my ring from me. And don't get me started on Riggs.
  2. P.S. Did you go to Blackman bhsOL?
  3. True, my last football season ended in December of 00 against Redbank and Co., but I did not graduate until May of 01. Sorry for the confusion. :justwrestle:
  4. You said it. Murfreesboro is the fastest growing city in Tn and I don't think Rankin wants his kids to grow up there. I think he would definately like the small town atmosphere again that the Boro once provided. I went to R'dale and only lived 3 miles from the school, but it still took 15 minutes to get there on a good day.
  5. Rankin would definately provide a serious boost to Cleveland's program. Heck, he only had one losing season at Riverdale, and that was his first year. Since then he has turned Riverdale into a powerhouse for over a decade.
  6. I played for Rankin from 98-01. I think there is no way that Crawford will leave his job at Brentwood so soon. He would be a great asset, but Riverdale has replaced Crawford with a very formidable defensive coordinator. Riverdale will have to find someone who can run the offense as well as Rankin did to keep the winning tradition alive.
  7. Gotcha, misunderstanding on my part. But I definately would not be suprised if he left Riverdale for Cleveland. He has had an outstanding career, but I do not think that he wants his kids growing up in the fasting growing city in TN. Cleveland would definately be a better "hometown" atmosphere for his family. I just hope that if he does leave, Riverdale can find someone as good as Rankin. Not likely though.
  8. First off, Gary Rankin is definately not from Oakland. Anyone who keeps track of high school football knows he is from Riverdale. Secondly, I went to Riverdale and inside sources tell me that he has definately considered taking the head coaching job at Cleveland, but that he has not made a final decision. We will most likely hear something definate after the new year.
  9. Apparently, this terribly misguided Maryville fan has not been keeping up to date with the 5A games. Riverdale has not allowed a touchdown in the past seven games and probably won’t give up one this week either. Furthermore, Riverdale has been a fierce competitor in 5A for over a decade now and Maryville has been in 4A! Obviously, if Maryville were really up to the task of taking on any 5A powerhouses then they would volunteer to move up. So, what are ya’ll waiting for? Until then, I would refrain from stating the completely irrational thought that Maryville would beat Riverdale (not to mention DB or Oak Ridge). P.S. Obviously I am a Riverdale fan. Go Warriors!!!
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