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  1. Rhea won by 9, Josh Jenkins had 5 threes throughout the game to lead Rhea in scoring.
  2. On the McMinn County players getting in the trouble, half of it is true, #20 Robert Moore is in trouble and will not get to play the whole 1st game under TSSAA rules, so IMAOWL TribeFan was not pulling anyone's leg!
  3. You guys leave Hunter alone, Hunter can beat everyone on this thread. But yet I do agree on how he does need to be a little more leanent on his wallet.
  4. Grad I meant to extend my congrats to you for your 2,000th post but it kind of slipped my mind. As far as any students know at McMinn, Locke, Moore, and the other 2 are still in the lineup for tomorrow. If anything else changes I'll make ya'll aware, because that could be a tremendous blow to the Cherokee offense and defense.
  5. Since this game is gonna be so packed I think it should be relocated to Finley Stadium, that should be enough seating!
  6. Thinkin either of these teams will win by 50 is absolutely absurd.
  7. When it gets down to it, McMinn County has the one of, if not the best high school stadium in the state of Tennessee. Normally a HS stadium gives the home fans the nice, clean side. But at McMinn both sides are clean, spacious, and flat out nice. The field also has great grass. Plus it seats 6,500+. Cherokee Stadium is definitely one of the best atmospheres in TN HS Football.
  8. McCallie won the freshmen game 14-0, and McCallie also beat the JV by at least 28
  9. Whoever wins this game will win by less than 14, being theres two teams of talented players(MC- McBride, Locke, McDermott: OHS- Caldwell, Hydas, and many more), this game will come down to defense. I pick McMinn to win this simply off of running.
  10. The Hawaii 'H' is what that this year's logo 'M' is modeled from.
  11. BIG DOOKIE is former 6'8" 300 pound linemen, Justin White
  12. I respect Ooltewah's program, I just like striking intense conversation so don't get your panties in a twist!
  13. And he is engaged to a lady at school, which will definitely ruin his chances at replacing Nigel Holland
  14. First I care what i say, Secondly, Everyone cares who I am, Lastly, none of the McMinn/Ooltewah people are getting along. Sounds like you dont have a clue.
  15. You Ooltewah people cant say nothing back to that, we have better everything than you guys!!!
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