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Everything posted by pujo

  1. Doubt he would have had to move at all, hardship rure I'd say.
  2. Yeah but I'm pretty sure he's staying at Mitchell now, small kid but think he was really fast.
  3. Sounds like you missed out on a good one,good kickers are hard to come by and hear he was a good QB as well.
  4. Talking about the kid from Avery who practiced with you guys.
  5. Did the QB from Avery not pan out, heard he was pretty good.
  6. Oneida can swap the field in a skinny minute, great punter.
  7. Kicking game could be LARGE. Huge advantage.
  8. I'm with you, this don't look like a very even game. Louden was a really good 3a team. Sure won't be any shame to lose this one.
  9. SP seems to have benefitted quite a bit in the offseason. Also think you're area has more to offer.
  10. I won't be picking in the Big Ones. LOL
  11. Shoot, I'd say Louden by 21.Then again, Greenback is holding their cards close. They may have A's in the hole.
  12. Always keeping it real, Think the East goes through SP. UNLESS
  13. Yeah just depends on who Greenback has picked up, never know,they might be better than last season.
  14. I'd have to pick Louden, Greenback lost a ton .
  15. Sounds like a joke to me,reckon ALLSPORTS has lost his mind.
  16. Yeah you could be right, might not be very smart to start with.
  17. If this is so, I'd like to hear the reasoning.
  18. Guess you could as long as both teams agreed,
  19. Yeah thats sounds STRANGE to say the least.
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