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Everything posted by DiegoLunaIsMyPersonalHottie

  1. where did maryville girls come from?? it was like -- whoosh -- jersey flaps.
  2. the way you spell everybody spells "ridiculous" is ricockulous! *muah ya'll* oak ridge is kicking clinton butt tonight (but who didn't know that would happen?)
  3. oh and to clear up some confusion (maybe): i'm going to marry josh groban Nov. 11, 2014 (a tuesday i believe) he's going to hire kristia to keep him in shape for his legion of grobanites.
  4. nope AP classes are buttsniffs for giving a bunch of hmwk (duh). but i'll work on it this weekend.
  5. you guys, i no joke just ran a whole mile today! it was CRAZY!! it's hard to believe that the races are actually 3! aaaaaaah!
  6. The family, team, and friends have my prayers.
  7. her name's kristia knowles. and guess who's future-fiance is going to be her new client as soon as he and i are lawfully wed?? MINE! THAT'S WHO! (i have to keep running or i'll never fit into my dress -- hehe -- j/k)
  8. well, it's funny that your name is "gotama" -- hehe (this convo shouldn't really be here, so i will zippit)
  9. *sticks tongue out at you* edited to say: ya never know
  10. i know that if sean sees this, he'll just laugh, but can someone tell me what each of these regions encompasses?
  11. none of them will be first, but otherwise, who knows?
  12. Sorry I've been away so long -- running far away from the Internet. I'm an Oak Ridge girl ~~ as soon as my website's up, I'll have some great pics for you to browse!
  13. Thanks 'bout the name. If I were one, it would def. be #3. My caboose and such is a tad too grande for such an outfit, though. I prefer shorts.
  14. EEPS!! It's one thing for women to be so dedicated to their sport that they somehow overlook the fact that they crazy-thin, but GEEZ!! This is MADNESS!! So maybe if they gained weight and go up to, say, 7% body fat, they wouldn't be the top dogs anymore. If it were me, I'd throw my hands up in a big "OH WELL!"
  15. you guys? what's a "hike"?? Okay, first of all I'm joking, because girl or not, I actually do know what that is (if hardly anything else football-y). Anyway, there's this awesome freshman this year somewhere that can run plum 'cross the field in 15 seconds w/ all the equipment on and everything while holding the football. I don't know how impressive that really is, but I thought it was pretty interesting -- especially since he weighs at least 250 lbs. 6'2" (i'd guess) and oooooh so cute. I don't know much more about him minus his phone number. Oh, and another thing, if ya'll are gonna bash each other, check your spelling.
  16. what about the girls?? and why aren't we a more lively group, there is rarely any postage (not stamps) on these boards. come on, guys, we are runners -- LET'S ROAR!!!
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