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  1. At Riverdale we are not worried about the polls. If we're not #1 it just gives us a reason to work harder.
  2. I think from all the criticism on here i haven't seen any from CPA. They have a great team and great sportsmanship. After the game we all met in the middle of the field for a prayer and Riverdale And CPA players were all mixed in together and congratulating eachother and all that. Most schools wouldn't do that. I give it up to you guys CPA. Take it to em in single-A. O and Sykes is one of the best receivers i've ever seen in my life. He could play for anybody in the state. Hope he gets into a good college.
  3. painintheknee


    If ya'll play every game like the one you played last night i see no reason why CPA wouldn't have a chance at a ring. Go get 'em CPA.
  4. Both Gaston Miller and Keaton Anderson ran 4.4 on their 40 times.
  5. The Riverdale team is gonna be good. We have great depth and one of the best coaches around. We just made way too many mistakes tonight. The ball was on the ground way too many times and our d needs to step it up and make some tackles instead of that bouncing off thing that was going on. Trust me though, practices are about to get alot harder and fewer mistakes will be made.
  6. Final score 48-28 Riverdale. I won't go into a full detailed review of the game now (maybe someone else will save me the trouble), but Riverdale didn't look too hot. CPA has good team and # 12 is a great athlete. This has opened our eyes on the Riverdale team and we won't let this happen again.
  7. I can't be the only person out there that has ever had an injury. In between 2 football related injuries i've torn my mcl, acl, miniscus disc, cartilage, and cracked the bone. That's a hint riverdale06. I've had reconstructive acl surgery and have a donor acl now.
  8. We on the riverdale team knew we weren't supposed to take them down but when we had good coverage he tried to run. We didn't go full out and try to hurt them though. They already have some enough injuries as it is. As our coaches said. Arguably the two best teams in the state were there to scrimmage. I think they were right.
  9. Just wanted to see if i could get a conversation started on past injuries or something. I've blown out my knee twice and had surgery once. A couple of my friends have broken arms before. If u have recieved an injury playing the o so miraculous contact sport of football tell us about it.
  10. Lebanon had to be the worst place to play. Last time i went to go see a game there the bleachers were rickety, hated the concessions, and was scared for my life for just about the whole game. After then game on our way out cops had a big drug bust right at the gates and people were rioting and fighting everywhere. Horrible.
  11. Gatorade is definitely better but costs more.
  12. Final score of the scrimmage...............35-7 Riverdale wins.
  13. I'll let you figure it out on your own Riverdale06. But i'm on varsity team and the name painintheknee comes from some pretty bad experiences.
  14. Personally I like playing at Lincoln County. Coming from Riverdale there's a lot of tension and everybody is hyped. Plus, it's a one of a kind stadium. Not like the cookie cutter stadiums we have back here in the 'boro.
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