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the man

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Everything posted by the man

  1. good move. it should be great for tullahoma program to have somebody with Al's background
  2. they will be pretty food but i think like baylor this year. they do put great wrestlers out on the mat
  3. i think badbloods stat sheet got a little wet and smeared the numbers a little bit. i love how everyone has the answer. to be totally honest i think all the thomas fans, and all the cooker people, your allowed your opinion, but i really senese that you all are worried about nunley winning it. lets keep the excuses to a low. nunley plays everygame like its the championship. i do think alot of people forgot how the voting takes place. it not who has commited to the top colleges. i think this thread should not have started no earlier than the final week. also if all the talk about who coffee county plays why is their strength of schedule 39 and riverdales is 40. sounds like they play pretty much the same opponents to me. also look at it this way when riverdales defense is dominating and getting the offense on the field it is easy to have all these offensive stats. good luck to all.
  4. the game scenes were way to fast to understand how the game was going. did not think game situations were reallistic enough
  5. i believe this week against lincoln co. will be the tell all story on nunley chance at mr. football, even though i believe he should get it anyways
  6. should be a good game till the second half. WC by 14
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