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Everything posted by mykidsdad

  1. This is truly a case of "lose at all cost". Both coaches should be dismissed, there is no room for this in high school sports. What are we teaching of kids? Bad for both schools, bad for both coaches and bad for RCS. Anyone condoning this type of behavior has lost their ever loving mind and can not be taken seriously!
  2. I have been doing work for various school districts in and around Nashville since 1999. I can tell you first hand that what used to be done by a verbal and a handshake now requires three layers of paperwork, so much so I am in the process of shutting that business down.
  3. Oh I think it's pretty clear he had two choices and it wasn't wingT or spread.
  4. While the Booster President was not asked to resign by the School Board, my understanding is that he did in fact resign the post. I have known WA for 8 years and have NEVER doubted his integrity (nor have I doubted Shads). It is unfortunate that we are having this discussion, but I think we should refrain from making too many accusations either way. People are entitled to their own opinion, but not their own facts. The truth will flush itself out, it's like the fella said last night "the people deserve to know the whole story" and eventually that will happen. Shad says he will coach in the county again and if he is cleared to do so I think you will have your answer. If not, you will have your answer. More than anything I hate this for the school, the players and the county. Today is yet another Black Friday for Blackman High School!
  5. Well, it wasn't good. I hate it for the kids and the program. I do respect the Booster President for standing up. I feel like I'm watching a tennis match and my neck is starting to hurt! The bottom line is if the school board recommended dismissal it does not look good regardless of whats said by either party.
  6. He says he going to coach in the county.
  7. She stuck her nose in it, then it got personal. Now he's gone. Unbelievable!
  8. Wow, I'm speechless and for me that's saying a lot!
  9. LOD 2.0, Bigger, Better, Faster, Stronger. Was recently quoted as saying "now that I fell better the wing-t really sucks!" Good to hear your better, glad to have you back!
  10. I think what Fred meant was that the DNJ was confirming what Wingman10 had already reported! I think when the news surfaced everybody felt like he was gone. Heck my coach interviewed just about every year, but timing seemed to always be the issue. Now that those issues have graduated one wonders how long will he remain.
  11. I had not heard coach Price is leaving. He will be missed, truly one of the most charismatic, entertaining coaches I have ever met. Seems like he would be awesome to play for, coach with or just hang out. Best of Luck Coach!
  12. You do know my wife's name is LeighAnn?
  13. Wrong Oakland Goober! I personally I would like him to stay just as I would Ron Aydelott. Blackman had rarely beat Oakland and never beaten Riverdale they got there. Plus the addition of mykidsdads kids didn't hurt either! I do know Oakland graduated quite a bit though. But they will again be loaded as they always are. Some superstar/cousin will move in or have some kid will jump zone for the I gotta get me some IBP Program.
  14. Mac is a punk and his team and coaches act like punks! I have said it before and I will say it again, if Oakland can't turn the game into a brawl there is not enough under the headset to beat you in a chess match, he will never out coach you! Plus I'm not much on a man that curses his own players out. I saw and heard it myself I was 15 feet from the man.
  15. Oaklands empty headset is rearing its ugly head! The radio guys are a joke at best!
  16. That's my bad. I thought this was from the stadium! Have a safe trip down.😎
  17. This looks like an upgrade, but where did yall put the lockers?
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