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  1. I need a quote for a bill board coming into Hartsville, TN. Looking for a six months lease. Have a picture of a certain team holding a shiny gold ball Saturday in Cookeville, that needs to be displayed. Call 1.800.886.BTME I do hope that TVA will finish that plant in Hartsville. I expect that one action could raise the county's cumulative IQ 80 points, increase the depth of the gene pool to almost a foot, and quadruple the average number of real teeth per capita. Well, maybe. There were a few Trousersniffers, some of your real geniuses, on the SM side Saturday; they found it in their best interest to "observe from another location".
  2. A second amen, Mr. Troll. And one more shout out. My SM student is in the Signal Corp, and to that entire group: thank you. "Music is what feelings sound like" - and Signal Corp made it clear that our Signal Mountain Eagles were ready to play, telling the opposition in no uncertain terms that: "Pull all your straps tight, boys, Signal is here to play, hard." Signal Corp made a measurable difference in Beene Stadium and on The Creekbank. With Signal Corp leading the way, home field advantage followed Signal Mountain to those venues. I am certain of that. Signal Corp helped contribute to the honorable traditions of South Pittsburg, and has helped, I think, forever dispell the myth of The Creekbank. A most telling compliment was the desire for a competitor, Friendship Christian, to ask Signal Corp to play for them. That is another highlight in a season of many. So to Signal Corp: we take a bow to you for a great season, and the traditions you have help bring to Signal Mountain.
  3. No. 17 from TCA got one play to many from Relle. Have you every heard a stadium so quite? Saying we were more than thrilled to see him walk off the field is an understatement. Relle also cleaned his clock on a kick return, and he was woozy before the goal line collision. Tough, and valiant effort. And don't underestimate the play along the SM boundary following TCA making it 21-7. Relle snapped No. 70s head back on the return; it was awesome. That woke our young men up and the next time TCA scored it was 2 quarter later and way too late.
  4. I agree. That was the only playoff game in doubt for SM this year. FCS had the momentum in the Second Half, but SM woke up in time. Trousersniffers will disagree, but once Honey Bees had to pass the ball, they looked like Whitwell. SM was able to just shade both SP and FCS this season. That is how you win championships. I'll remember those 2 games forever. The Beene is a special place and Swindoll put on a show. Best of fortunes to FC next season. SP, we know you are coming to The Mountain in 2011. Going to be exciting, and good times.
  5. Nick Saban's judgement is almost impeccable. He is the best CEO AND coach in FBC. Likely the best coach since you know who, but that was a different era. TCA's all-star safety avoided way too much contact for an aspiring SEC cornerback. On at least three (3) separate occasions No. 1 avoided the hit and cost his team yardage. He pulled up and let the left corner make a tackle on a critical drive that put the game away. He was eaten alive on the goal line by a very good high school running back. He could not catch an excellent HS wide wide out with decent speed, and was burned deep. That will not cut it in the SEC. Nice try, but the truth is apparent live: very quick, but a front runner, that is too light, and will avoid contact. I see how TCA lost 4 games.
  6. Nick Saban's judgement is almost impeccable. He is the best CEO AND coach in FBC. Likely the best coach since you know who, but that was a different era. TCA's all-star safety avoided way too much contact for an aspiring SEC cornerback. On at least three (3) separate occasions No. 1 avoided the hit and cost his team yardage. He pulled up and let the left corner make a tackle on a critical drive that put the game away. He was eaten alive on the goal line by a very good high school running back. He could not catch an excellent HS wide wide out with decent speed, and was burned deep. That will not cut it in the SEC. Nice try, but the truth is apparent live: very quick, but a front runner, that is too light, and will avoid contact. I see how TCA lost 4 games.
  7. Awesome showing today. Another entry on the US 72 sign. I love it. I feared the unknown in Jo Byrnes. Mr. Hale was incredible. Get your shades out: the future looks bright inside The Beene.
  8. Tennessee is Tennessee, three Grand Divisions, each unique and wonderful; no place like it on earth. Our passion and willingness to stand for what we believe is right and true makes us all Volunteers. We'll see if TCA can keep it close. SM will score early and often. Weather affects both sides; it is silly to worry about that on a synthetic field. SM will not be flat, SM will not be over confident. SM will show up with healthy confidence, and with a chip on their shoulder - a dangerous mix. SM will have many people in the stands, and we will be the 'home team' by any measure. SM will play their game and score 28 in the first half. Another 24 in the second half. Catch us if you can, TCA. It's SM's game to lose, and it can happen, but that will require a miracle. Maybe TCA has one coming. God speed to all. See you tomorrow. SM 52, TCA 13
  9. Nope. State championship was decided in the Eagle's Nest three weeks ago, SM 56 FCS 43. Why FCS fears TC is beyond me. Word is that FC offered to hire Signal Corp Marching Band to play for them against TC in 2011. Hope they work that out. "One last victorious trip to The Creekbank, then dust Hartsville off our shoes."
  10. Agree that SM @ SP was the best game I have ever attended. That includes UT beating Bama in 1982, and the 1986 Sugar Bowl. I think CoachP will find a way to keep the TEAM on track. We've had a plethora of players touch the ball, so you never know what scheme is coming at you. That keeps the intensity up, provided you win, and we have continued to win.
  11. Now who's brain is fried? Swindoll from FCS is the best non-Eagle player I've seen (sorry PowerP), and your guy is going to get 5? Dream on. No keep thinking that. It will make the haul from Jackson go a bit easier. Sorry can't do much for the ride back. No mercy.
  12. People can SAY anything. Quad 1 was EXPOSED last night. Two different things. When BB started snapping the ball, it added some validity to that sign, I'll give you that.
  13. Nice redemptive win against McKenzie. Good stuff for your program and your young men. Why yes, yes it has. Mountain air is perfect this AM, just like SM record. If TCA can score 53, then they have a chance. But I think SM is a shade better than Middleton, and we win any shootout.
  14. Have 2 State Champions ever come from the same district? PowerP - love all kinds of things about SP. You all ought to be proud at every level: great town, great foundry, The Beene, excellent fans, player pride, and real tradition. Looking forward to see another entry to the State Championship sign out on US 72.
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