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Everything posted by no1uno

  1. You misquoted me. I didn't use the words "tell it like it is" I told it as it was told by a member of the booster board in the stands that I witnessed myself. Get it straight. Listen folks, sometimes the truth is an ugly thing. but, I tell you what..I will come back when the pot finally boils over and all the ugliness has finally come out. Until then..good day.
  2. We shall see. That is what I have to say about that. @ CCHSALUMNI, I am a supporter, as well as, speaking my mind. Starting crap? Hey, I am just telling it the way it happened in the stands. Members of Booster Board are the ones talking about it. If they don't want it told maybe they shouldn't say it. I dunno..just an observation. There are plenty of things wrong with the program and not all are being brought to light. Just be thankful of that.
  3. So, I have held off posting over the weekend to see if anyone else did. Since that didn't happen I have to ask the locals of CC what they thought about that cheating by CC. I know it was brought up by the visitor the last week or so that our announcer was unprofessional by accusing the other team of cheating. I just wonder how we, as parents, can condone the cheating of our coaches. Are we that desperate to win that we will stand for the coaches to instill in our young men it is ok to cheat as long as you can get away with it. I was furious to hear a parent in the stand tell another one when they asked what B. James was doing wearing J. Todd's jersey "Shhh..that's our little secret." Really? Todd quite a few weeks ago and James was suspended from the game. But, yet, our coaches made the decision to suit him up in another number. Despicable! I ask some of you what you think about that or how do you justify that?
  4. Not even a first down. That speaks volumes.
  5. My "beef" has never been with players! I am sorry they are a part of the insanity. Also, here is a tidbit for yeah...I have and will continue to do my part to contributing to the school athletics. The difference for me is I don't have to publicize my contributions in the way of banners, advertising or ballcaps. My contributions have come in the form of cash donated to the prgrams (not only football) but for that field house as well. I don't have to have a sign hung up with my name on it. Maybe you should know what you speak of before you assume anything. Also, for the record, the monetary contributions that you speak of are public and people know who donate and who just love to put on the show. My, my aren't we high and mighty this year?! LOL..Have you been to church to ask for forgiveness for the way you trash talked Coach Schrenk last year? HAve you asked him for forgiveness? Before you start pointing that finger at someone else maybe you should clean out your own closet. My conversation with you is over. I have pointed out the obvious and you feel the need to defend. I get it. However, I will be here every week to point out the good and the bad. What? You say I haven't pointed out any good? Hmm... what does that tell you?
  6. Yes, yes, you have it all figured out don't you, Patriot? You say "hater" you should know all about that definition. You were certainly in bash mode last year weren't you? You were all about wins and losses then. Hmmm...how does it feel to be here again? Hey, can you tell me when we can expect to see H&P in the center of the field at CC? After all, instead of helmets on Thursdays our kids are wearing H&P ballcaps, they have been issued ties for Friday dress code and given the speech "You will be respected if you wear a tie." That is the biggest knee slapper of them all! Poor guys...they are being made fools of by the adults that don't know what else to do with them. If we can't teach them football and make winners out of them we will teach them to make cheap shots, and play dirty...Ahhh yes, there is that moral conduct that is alive and well in CC. Carry on gentlemen, and I use that term loosely.
  7. "go to the proper people who make the choices" Please! Those are the same people that voted the dumb and dumber crew in! It is the kids that are suffering. How they are they being led? You say you have a son there. I also know that isn't the truth, Keith. However, the young men are the ones to suffer. They have no leadership, they are being used as advertising pawns and they are being told to keep their mouths closed about incidents that are happening that are just wrong. please tell me how the kids are not suffering from the current leadership. Let's for a moment take winning out of the equation. I can live with losing if we are losing with pride and life lessons being taught along the way. What kind of coach calls a parent meeting to say he isn't going to be going to the York game because he is going to Oregon? A real coach knows that his obligation is to his team foremost! A real coach knows that his life is over through football season and he doesn't make plans to be somewhere else when his team needs him most. We have an assistant coach that cries on the sidelines when he loses. We have kids consoling the coach instead of the coach consoling the kids..What?? Just when you think it can't get any crazier you find out there is a whole underground of craziness!
  8. I would go ahead and get my victory speech ready.
  9. Honestly, I will be "shocked" if CC scores. However, I am just merely commenting on comments made by players, coaches and parents. I have watched the previous games and it is painfully obvious that something isn't working.
  10. I think you will be shocked! CC has been working hard and they have been working towards this game! They are coming for DC full force! Talk is they have "been saving it up just for this game." It will be a close game I am sure. I hope they do as well as they predict!
  11. He has a better chance of getting a spelling bee winner and we all know the chances of that!
  12. Eagle, can we expect your weekly coaching updates like we did last year? I do like the excuse you made reference to about the previous 2 years... Nice backhand. When exactly is it that you will quit blaming someone else or will this just be ongoing? I would just like to know what the rules are so I understand how the game works.
  13. Ha ha.. Actually, Patriot, I mean Eagle..I'm not quite sure who you are referring to. However, back to your original post..I was actually sitting amongst the circus watching dumb and dumber shaking my head. By the way, you refer to "our" staff if you are part of the dog and pony show should you be posting in the forums here? Hmmm SMH.
  14. Good point.. I am a fan of CC young men. I wish for them they had better leadership, but it is what it is. Bashing? Nah, merely calling it like I see it. Bashing would be what some of the members of this forum did to Coach Schrenk. BTW, where are all of those folks now? I would have expected to hear how great things were at CC since he left. Hmmm...*shrugs shoulders* I would never put myself in the catagory of those. Bashing would be; if I called out the staff of CC coaches/staff for the indiscretions they allow to go on in their program. That is another days story. This thread is about CC@ Grace Baptist. Grace Baptist is predicted to win this game. Maybe that will take a little pressure off of the staff to make excuses.
  15. I predict this weeks excuses are going to be the amount of players injured. I do realize that will pose a problem for them, but I am wondering when we will read about our coaching staff and the people bashing on them for their lack of ability. I also predict in a couple more games the people will start to see what they wanted isn't exactly what they thought they were going to get.
  16. Things sure are quiet in Cannon Cannon. Where are all those people that are Coach Schrenk haters? Let's talk about last nights game... Can you say BLOW OUT?? I have to assume the coaching wasn't the reason they lost 31-6. That couldn't be, because the people spoke, and got exactly what they asked for. I guess this years excuse will be they are trying to build a program that has had much adversity. All I see is lots of Huffing and puffing.
  17. First, the local media is a joke. That is all I have to say about that. The person that reported that bit of information made himself appear as though he didn't know what he was talking about, he didn't need me to help him. *Shrugs* It is what it is. Look, I just comment on it the way I see it. I have to agree that it looks like a bunch of clowns when I watch the coaching staff 'try' to put a program together. But, hey, that is just one persons opinion. Time will tell. If I am wrong I will be glad to post that as well. As a matter of fact, yes, I do know why 4 of the players are not returning. I would invite you to contact them yourself and ask them why.
  18. No, what I would like is the facts to be reported, not reported in a manner that serves ones cause. Let's face it, you can spin it in anyway that you would like, but the program itself is falling apart. First, we lose the head coach and now players are jumping ship left and right. We have lost our QB and receiver and that doesn't even count the many others that have decided they don't want to be part of a three ring circus. More will follow, it is just a matter of time. We all are painfully aware of what happens when promised "change" all we can hope for now is this doesn't last 4 years and it doesn't crumble so far that it can't be brought back from the depths of heck.
  19. It was reported in the local paper that Cannon won their scrimmage against Red Boiling Springs. I am not sure who reported that information, but it was not correct. They reported that Cannon won 28-21 when actually we lost by a touchdown (and no one kicked extra points). I am not sure if someone's "dadddy" had that reported to make the situation look better than it actually is or someone is terribly confused. Given the current situation, I would wager the latter.
  20. The people have spoken and they have gotten exactly what they asked for; a new head coach. Congratulations! Things are running amuck here in Cannon County. The worst looking Spring practice that I have seen yet. These poor kids haven't been given any direction. If you all thought Cannon County was in a sad state before this year, you haven't seen anything yet. Oh, don't get me wrong, there will be plenty of tailgating, cowbells, bleach jugs filled with rocks and lots of noise makers..that is to distract you from how horrible things really are. The season will speak for itself. Unfortunately for our kids they will be missing someone to set forth guidelines, rules and ethics.
  21. @ patriotspy- hit a nerve did I? " It would be in my best interest" ... Bwahahaha you have made my day, thanks! This little dog and pony show you put on is quite amusing. I can't believe your life consists of so little that it consists of burning up the text lines and forums.. I guess it's true what they say "the truth hurts" Now, how about you add a little something to that cold coffee to assist you with those delusional thoughts.
  22. Wow! I guess I shouldn't be surprised by the posts that I have read about Coach Schrenk and the program. The people that are doing the posting are the same people that are involved in bashing the program in front of their kids. One of which doesn't even have a kid playing this year. He will next year and how will you support the coach when that happens? You won't you will try to coach your kid from the recliner or the fence. He will have that same disprect that you people show. It is a cycle. CHange starts with YOU! If you put as much effort in something positive to bring to the team maybe you would have less time to be so bitter. While I am on the topic of change...some of you are working towards the goal of getting a family member or friend the head coaching job at CCHS. That in itself is a joke. That bumbling idiot isn't capable of leading a team. For those of you that think he is such a great motivator, obviously hasn't been very motivated by much. Instead of expecting someone else to mentor him, he needs to take responsibility and gather the tools of being a great coach from elsewhere. If I wasn't able to do my job it isn't someone elses problem to help me. I need to be out helping myself. Maybe he could go to coaching clinics on his own time. Maybe he could attend some type of motivaing seminars on his own time. I especially have enjoyed the rumors of the private school shopping. Oh me! Hang on while I catch my breathe....I laughed so hard at that one my sides hurt... you people are pathetic if that is all you can come up. The dad is right there every Friday night, ask him about it if you are that curious. I can't imagine why we can't keep a coach in this county for any time at all. Has anyone looked at the past 20 years stats fro CCHS? Did that ever occur to you to do that? No, I am sure not. Why would you? If you did that you would have anything to stand on. I am not sure if you have your head in the sand...or elsewhere, but I digress on that subject. How about pulling those and posting them and then let's come back to the table and banter about those stats! I like this quote..."A fools name and face are always posted in a public place."
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