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Everything posted by oldhasbeen

  1. The real injustice was that this was wasn't the last playoff game being played on a neutral field in Cookville. Of course, the TC fans would have still been ultimately disappointed in the results but could have used their unusual heightened sense of territorialism to defend Cookville's field from unauthorized perforations. TC is a funny place where the disappointment of being displaced as the tall midget of 2A ball is only soothed by beating up a kid in an eagle suit.
  2. A cursory review of this thread indicates that about 90% of the woofing was from the TC fans. The ride back to The Mountain will be short and sweet.
  3. Darn! As Al Pacino once said, "I'm just getting warmed up".
  4. Were you at the prep school nationals the year Kraft suplexed(?) Hannah? I remember the article in Life Magazine about Kraft and all the Baylor wrestlers coming home talking about this "guy" from Tatnall academy. I met Kraft several years later in Tuscaloosa. What a hoss!
  5. Well not quite yet but you'll have to hurry!
  6. Say, aren't you a friend of the former vice president. You know, what's his name? He was kind of big lumbering geek that said he invented things. Wait, it's coming back to me. I can see him now. Kind of a big old overeducated dufus. If you remember that guy's name, how about sharing it with us. I'd like to know what old what's his name is doing back in Carthage. If you see him, tell from one Oldhasbeen to another, howdy!
  7. I stalled for 4 years of high school and another 4 in college. Sometimes the best offense is............ Green's only problem was when the 4 or 5 times Simmons shot poorly, he didn't take the opportunity for a take down. I think he was on top of Simmons at least 4 times and didn't take advantage of what looked like an easy takedown. On the other hand, not trying to control a very strong opponent when you're giving up 40 pounds might have been what Connell told him to do. But every time I looked over at Newman and Connell they were grimmacing! Oh well, Simmons did a super job for his first and only year and Charles will be back.
  8. There is another one that can be use regularly when referring to someone such as ID. It's FOS which usually means Friend of Scouting or in reference to someone of Irish descent, Friend of the Saints, such as "That rascal ID, he is so FOS". I'm sure he'll appreciate that warm Irish greeting that harkens back to the days of St Pat. Next time you run into him socially just go up and say, "ID, you are so FOS". He'll probably kiss you.
  9. Ferris has life. She's not on Coacht.
  10. Can't imagine why Baylor and McCallie had to suspend the annual football game for 4 decades.
  11. First, Ferris has always had my sympathy, and not because of her super kids! Second, one or two other posters on this site ought to read the column to get some perspective about high school sports.
  12. You're right! How's this: Based on comments from Baylor's full tuition paying families, look for more diversity on the wrestling mat.?
  13. in my opinion, in my humble opinion
  14. Oh come one this is just healthy competition. And in case you couldn't go to McCallie: Main Entry: com·pe·ti·tion Pronunciation: "käm-p&-'ti-sh&n Function: noun Etymology: Late Latin competition-, competitio, from Latin competere 1 : the act or process of competing : RIVALRY: as a : the effort of two or more parties acting independently to secure the business of a third party by offering the most favorable terms b : active demand by two or more organisms or kinds of organisms for some environmental resource in short supply 2 : a contest between rivals; also : one's competitors <faced tough competition>
  15. Give the topic rest. Both schools are tremendous assets to the Chattanooga community.
  16. And as my grandfather use say, "Comparisons are odious". And for you Baylor fans: Main Entry: odi·ous Pronunciation: 'O-dE-&s Function: adjective Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French odieus, from Latin odiosus, from odium : exciting or deserving hatred or repugnance <odious associates> <an odious business> - odi·ous·ly adverb - odi·ous·ness noun
  17. I think it's internet shorthand for "people", like IMO, IMHO, etc. My kids had to walk me through it. If you know more than 3 or 4 of these, you're spending way too much time on the internet.
  18. The inquiry was regarding your sleep habits, not your cranium!
  19. How 'bout wrestler parent antagonizing? It's fun. It's clean. It has very few carbs!
  20. Impressive, but are these just high schools which kept records? Do or did Connell, Morgan or Langsdon even keep up with the stat. I can see pins and victories. I mean, is someone out there keeping up with escapes?
  21. Can't agree about vitriolic but you've become hyperbolic. I'm still concerned with your obsession with bathrooms and magazines. Have you sought counseling? And I thought the topics were seeding and wrestling!
  22. Can you go back over my posts and find a "vitriolic attack". You must be getting me confused with Mr. Vitriolic himself- ID. I don't think I've called any 119 lb wrestlers names or any 250 lb oldhasbeens names for that matter. You'll have to clue me in about "taking magazines to the bathroom". If toilet paper is beyond your ability to purchase, you might try "borrowing" some next time you're at McDonalds.
  23. Don't think we ought to be spreading or encouraging this rumor. Is 119 Bill Cherry's screen name?
  24. Sticks and stones................. It's just FR posters present such a target rich environment. They take themselves ooooh so seriously.
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