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goldentide's Achievements


Trainer (5/14)



  1. What does matter is the kids. They had a great coach last year, and now it sounds like they have another great coach. It should be exciting.
  2. Whatever is on paper is on paper. A lot of it has to do with how coach and players interact. ROLL TIDE!!!!
  3. Did this really just happen? Where have I been? ROLL, TIDE!!!
  4. Dan Bland was at Peabody High School today. I heard he is now a coach there. Has anybody heard anything for sure? I sure hope it is true.
  5. Peabody would welcome Bland with open arms! Gaddis and Bland...what a combination. We can only hope it works out this way.
  6. Well, I've heard it all now. Let me just say that the Humboldt school system is apparently headed up by the INEPT. The leader of the school system was quoted in the Jackson Sun as FINALLY giving the reason behind the firing of Bland. He said he fired Bland in order to "give Reid a shot to be the coach". Did he REALLY say that? Is it possible that the head of the school system, of ANY school system, would give THAT as the reason why they just fired their head coach. I can't believe what I just read. Amazed is an understatement. Now I will brace myself as the TWO Humboldt fans in existence respond with how that's such a perfect reason to fire the coach and how great of a high school player Reid was.
  7. I don't believe it is true. Peabody does not do business like Humboldt does...within hours.
  8. Sounds like a rumor, but we can still hope. What a combination of coaches that would be.
  9. In response to your specific question it goes like this. Community support for football in Humboldt is lacking at best. People aren't exactly lining up to run the booster club, in fact there is no line at all. Therefore the guy running the boosters has a voice that is perhaps louder than most who holds his position in other places. His voice wasn't the determining factor but it was a contributing factor for sure. My guess is that he wasn't campaigning for Reid but he wanted rid of Bland, which indirectly helped Reid.
  10. That rumor is a strong one which doesn't make it true, but the caliber of the people spreading it are such that I don't think they are lying. I know many good people in Humboldt who are saying the rumors concerning the role of the booster president is totally on target.
  11. I'm much more interested to see what Humboldt does in years two, three, and four of Coach Reid's tenure. Humboldt WILL WIN withanyone at the controls next season. I was at the game and they were a junior dominated team last season and their very best players were juniors. Next year will tell us NOTHING unless Coach Reid finds a way to screw it up. I would expect no less than 9-1 and a trip to at least the semis in 1A with what they have coming back.
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