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Everything posted by BarneySox2007

  1. I don't want to mention names but he wore a lineman's number last year. Hope one of the other schools gives him a chance to show his abilities.
  2. They would still have their cow pasture football field had Pilot not donated the money for what they have now. The whole place is a nightmare to get into and out of during football games. The visitor side is the worst I have ever seen in my life.
  3. The over use of the field in general was how we got to this point of synthetic turf. With all the practices, band, Junior high games, youth leauge games B games the field would look like a garden again by November.
  4. The only thing I have to go off of is Alcoa is putting in a new field for $750,000 which they have all the drainage and infrastructure in place just as we do. The only thing we have that they don't is a Dumb Azz that would allow someone to paint the field yellow.
  5. I can asure you I don';t make this stuff up. The whole City of Maryville is being taken over like a swarm of locus by out of towners that have brought their destructive ways and stupidity along with them. Heads would have rolled had this happened at another school system but not here.
  6. Grandma from Heaven looking down at the field to see if that gulley washer rain this past weekend sent to make a dent on that paint that some are claiming washes off of turf. Nope looks like Krylon Tough Coat.
  7. I went to practice yesterday and liked what I saw for the most part. Derek and crew have done a good job during the off-season. I was very impressed with the size of some of those boys on the offensive line. My only regret was one of the boys I was really pulling for to have a good year was dismissed from the team. I have to applaud the coaches for setting examples for the others, no one is bigger than the team. One other thing, I was hoping with that big rain we got this week some of that yellow paint would dissolve but it didn't.
  8. Most spring scrimages are usually in May.
  9. Lacross isn't a TSSAA sanctioned sport but will be next year for girl's and boy's and if they want to go mark out a field and do it right then play the sport at the junior high who will be getting a new field. It's a couple of blocks away and I'm sure they can brigng in stands to seat the fifty people that will attend those events. While they're at it go on ahead and draw out some Pickleball Courts and beat her to the punch.
  10. My theory back then was why wait until 3 p.m. on Friday to get out of school when I could get us all out at 2..
  11. That's what I would like to know. Surley this couldn't be a coincidence. When I saw that yellow paint on the field the other day the very first thing that hit my mind was a dog pissing all over that green carpet marking it's territory showing it's boss who the real boss was up there and I guess it did because nothing happened.
  12. The reason I posted about the football field had to do with someone in the middle giving permission to do it without asking the one that writes their check. Remember Wednesday when I said everything should be fine until the next episode of That Crazy Woman. Learned today that the golf coach of 20 plus years and the swimming & diving coaches have all resigned. Is this the next episode?
  13. Good choice. When we replaced GQ with Derek he wasn't an outsider and knew the system that none of us wanted changing. I'm sure a lot of the Farragut fans don't want their system changed. When you have an outsider come in you never know how long they will be there or if they're using you for their next move. Look at all the programs out there and you never see a coach hang around very long. Farragut doesn't need that especially long as his father had been in charge. Good luck to his son and coaching the Admirals.
  14. I take it your throwing shade on my thread from last year about Maryville High School planning to microwave their football fans. I know they read my stuff and probably said we better listen to Barney on this one.
  15. For right now if that paint washes off the field I'm okay with it and hope the Lacross team well. I've tried to understand the game of Lacross and it looks like a combination of Soccer and Hockey. Instead of a hockey stick everyone is carring around a long stick with a Jock Strap Cup Protector fastened to the end of it to carry a ball in.
  16. Hopefully that paint isn't permanent and this all blows over until the next episode of That Crazy Woman.
  17. The first pictures I had, there were people in them I did not want to put on here. There are a lot of people very upset about this from what is being told at the water cooler. The problem here is we're dealing with one of those let's make that one person happy out of a thousand and go paint the football field. I have absolutely no problem with the lacrosse team using the football field and hope them the best of luck or any other function that wants to use the field. Our soccer team has always used it but there's no markings on the field from that sport. Everyone in Blount County knows about the Trojan Horse that has been brought into the school. The only thing I've ever actually done was get on here and say I told you so. Every school in the country has the government pushing nonsense down everyone's throat or you don't get funded. What happened to the field didn't go to the very top of the chain for permission, it was blessed by the Trojan Horse. All I got to say is what's going to be next.
  18. Here you go. The games will no longer be played at the Black Hole, they'll now be played at Old Yeller!!!
  19. Hopefully Heather will have Mr Clean lined up to take care of this.
  20. Have no problem if they want to use the football field but dang get a professional painter that knows what he's doing , not something that looks like Box Car Willie stopped by overnight to spray yellow graffiti on the field. if this was grass it would be no big deal but this is a synthetic football field someone painted.
  21. Enjoyed watching Lee when he was at Powell and looking forward to his son playing at Maryville. Heard this from good sources over a week ago this may happen and glad to find out it was confirmed today.
  22. I'll guarantee you this, there isn't a school in the State of Tennessee that would have allowed something this stupid to have happened. Think of all the money that has been raised to purchase that field and then some igmo goes out there with a bunch of yellow cans of paint and draws him out a lacrosse field. I wonder what Alcoa, Eagleton, Heritage or William Blount would have done had this happened to their fields. I don't even have to answer that question.
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