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Everything posted by longbeard

  1. Riley Westlake from Baylor placed 2nd at 182 at the Prep Slams
  2. Michigan state tourney is at the palace of auburn hills. look it up. its sweet
  3. Brunner didn't have a falling out with the coaching staff. He simply decided he wanted to come home. He is currently coaching at Tullahoma .
  4. no backs on that stack is terrible. period.
  5. Not at all... I didint pay this year only because i was unable to attend. I believe the awards should be better regardless of how much the facility cost to rent. Only making the observation that it cant be a money issue concerning the size or nature of the awards. I will admitt however that i would have paid had i of been able to attend because wrestling is great......
  6. If the event was free admission and free parking.... folks wouldnt have such a hang up with the size of the medals I dont believe. When all those people are spending $50 in 3 days to watch then a portion of those proceeds should absolutely go to finer awards. The building is free...lets be real
  7. I have watched the match between cyree/fuller on video several times. I understand that anybody can watch video and pick it apart in order to discredit an official. I also realize that i should become an official myself instead of complaining but here goes: The officiating in that match was horrible. The stalling call at the end was definately not the right call in any form or fashion but there was more that caught my attention prior to that. At one point, Cyree had fuller stacked straight up and down with his shoulders on the mat and his feet straight up in the air. four seconds ran off the clock before the ref made an attempt to run to the other side of the wrestlers in order to start counting backpoints. ( at least thats what im assuming and hoping he was attempting to do) was it a pin? maybe not or maybe in college but absolutely worthy of backpoints. combine that with a missed escape point and very possibly more backpoints at the end of the second period and it was a recipe for disaster from the get. Add in the stalling call on cyree at the end that blew everybodys mind that was watching and you have a young man who was robbed of a huge opportunity and its a shame. Along with that you have another young man who may not get his due credit. The officiating in this match took something away from both of these fine wrestlers but you're right..... We never miss a call from the stands!! I believe the misconception concerning officials is that it is not volunteer work. Its a job and they get paid for it. I get paid to do a job and if i dont do it efficiently I risk being fired. Its not ok to say you win some and you lose some when it comes to the calls out there. The kids work to hard to be disregarded in such a way.....
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