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Throwdeslant last won the day on September 29 2023

Throwdeslant had the most liked content!

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  1. Offense will be loaded again. Defense will lose several starters, but should be fine. Nix and Gamble have been the most consistent part of this team since they got here. Next man up for sure! Congrats on your Championship win. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
  2. Two totally different style QBs. 12 forced our OC to run a bit more conservative passing game. Most everything was 10-15 (high completion %) yard passes. That along with his foot speed was an almost perfect fit. On the other hand, it was very nice to have 2 capable QBs to get us through the meat of our schedule. 16 had some very nice drives in some tough games to keep Alcoa in the winning column. Wish him and his parents much luck moving forward.
  3. Thanks crow! Congrats on a great win tonight!
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