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  1. It WAS a misunderstanding an ya couldn't be more wrong. For the last time...go back and trace my original post. He liked it and even urged me to continue. Once he saw I was filtering his old posts he said he feared I had "nefarious intentions" and I stopped that day...and ONLY the first post was me...the rest were bots. So yeah...it was all fun banter...you say I did this to discredit him because I disagreed with him? It must be nice being a mind reader...that way you dont have to show proof to your claims. You notice I didn't continue...but could I have continued? Exactly. He hasn't been on the T since then...so I thought I'd apologize when he got back. Am I wrong for apologizing? You two grumpy old men are definitely from the South. It's frustrating just trying to get through to you. I just simply apologized...and that was it! You two deep down love this. You love getting riled up on a forum. You love big commotions. I NEVER would've posted again had you just kept your mouth shut. I was going to apologize and be done...but see you really wouldn't like that, would you? BPM shouldn't even be allowed on the net. I'm technically following the rules by saying I'm heavyrevy and by saying I'm not hevyrevy. That's not impostering. If this is a free country...you'll agree with that. BPM has to falsely report me of something that's not in the terms of service (which is actually illegal) because he just gets off on the thought of doing so (and he knowingly lied). Yup...I apologize and get harassed by two southern ragamuffins. Just admit you jumped on someone for apologizing to another user (a conversation that didn't involve either one of you old fogies)...leave me alone...and I'll be gone. The real reason you two did this is probably to up your already embarrassing post count...yes...that post count says everything about you! Also...if you've ever been a psychology major you know that people who throw out the same constant insults that are repetitive show a persons true mentality. It's called social comparison theory...look it up...so with your cartoonish post count and your repetitive "pathetic" "loser" "I'm a purple retard" (< internally)...well that just says everything about your insecurity! That means you KNOW deep down you're pathetic, a loser, etc. If you want me gone you'll just let me apologize and get off here...Mr. Post Count.
  2. HA! Swo, Hevy is an imposter. The phony ole fogey rookie spelt heavy wrong...a true "duh moment". You know me from years past. I can even add you on Facebook and prove it. Or, you can even come to my workplace where I have a plaque on the wall that says heavyrevy. COACHT EDIT:THE IMPOSTER HEVYREVY1161 IS STILL PRETENDING TO BE ME. NOTICE THE SPELLING DIFFERENCE. BAN THIS ARTIFICIAL USER AND LETS GET BACK TO FOOTBALL. *GO LIONS!* DLU ALL THE WAY!!!
  3. IMPOSTER ALERT! This maniac with the UNauthentic "Hevy", which is spelt wrong is in for a rude awakening...try me dude. I'm from Overton HS and I've seen it all. Everybody knows me and I'm the real and original "heavyrevy" hence why the name is spelt correctly. Oh, well. You just some high schooler having fun with this. I think it's hilarious, epic and brilliant. As long you say nothing extremely negative, I don't care. A good imitation is the best complement. NOW, I'm staring to see why everybody loves da Irbmeister! HA! No wonder I gets all the ladies. This cheering up is doing good, but you better stop "posing" as the real heavyrevy1611, cuz I'm the original. Just sayin!! Anyway if you didn't my post and warning earlier...here you go (read below). %^*#!. WOW!!!!!! AAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!! THIS IS THE AUTHENTIC, OFFICIAL AND ONLY ME. Whoever this imposter is hacking me and doing this...Reveal and expose yourself coward!!! Stuff like this make me want to knock the strawman stuffing out of a phony clown like this!!! HA!Wow! How do punks like this pull off these "hacking" gigs anyhow?!?! Dude...you best run, duck and cover from the incoming doom you're trying to attract. You're barking up the wrong tree...I'm from Memphis and your game will not work on me. Smoke and mirrors don't phase a man like me! Come at me, wee man!!!! WAPPPOHHHHH!!!!! You best sleep with one eye open, my queen. Grrrrrrr!!!!!!! Anyway, now that I'm done with that. Let's talk some fusball Possibly UC would get #2 seed, wouldn't they? Looking at rankings and games left, no 1A team will come out of districts #15 & #16, so it's just #13 & #14 teams to fill Quad, with two teams outta 13 (Dresden & Bruceton), four from 14 (UC, Humbolt, Lake Co, & S.Fulton). Dresden just has to beat the Mustangs and that would settle who #2. If not, I think it's gonna be Humbolt. Hardest games left that have biggest ramifications on where they're seeded is Lake Co, who could be anywhere from #3 to #6, if my prognostications are right. (Don't bet on that though!). Dresden will be #2 or #3 imo, which will be bottom half of Quad anyways. The way it works, the #1, 5, & 6 teams are on top, then #2, 3, & 4 teams on bottom of bracket, right? If that's so, looking at brackets, games left, & the possible seeding (@ http://football.tssa...alstandings.cfm ) it's in realm of possibilities that when dust settles UC & Lake Co. will be battling it out for a trip to the final four (making the safe assumption of UC winning it's games, and Cinderella assumption LC wins out until then). That'd be sumin! Also, lol at post below. HA! . ROFLMHO!!!! EPIC & WONDERFUL. this is the real, official hevyrevy, hog knows me, my son played for him and @ Westview game we were there talking to him on hill with his sons, we had several former players stop by including bench press champ now in Hollywood. And this GREAT post was a hack. Someone.is.good.. very good. They even know nicknames, my past sports, age, weight loss.. lotsa cool personal stuff, even where I work. Either knows me in real world or read all my previous posts and gathered these tidbits. Regardless.. I LUVED IT! Whoever you are, this was Tony the Tiger GRRRRRRREAT! ... UHMMM a thought... no way I could of sleep walked and did this, could I? Time stamp I think I was up.. but my phone not working right, yet I have all kinds of protection.. so the source must have been some type of emulater or code copying of the T. Hehe.. I not smart enough to figure it out.. and using my ID they didn't cross any boundaries or social politeness or such nonsense.. so it cool with me. This was just funny banter ya'll. GREAT rant! I wish I could do.that good. (Was it perhaps a really.old.post redone and.updated? But how was my id used? I did leave the T and.FB both open last night while I asleep.. so maybe they got in that way somehow). Very smart with techie stuff whoever did this. And since it was an awesome post.. I say KUDOS & THANK YOU! x- the official, real hevyrevy1611. Online, at sperPxaM (read backwards) the 2014 schedules (which has only first game listed so far) for Westview, Huntingdon, Dresden, Westwood all match with same info, Chargers vs Stangs in WK 1, Lions vs Longhorns in WK 0 at UTM, which I was motivated to find out after the guy at SaveALot was VERY certain Lions vs Chargers is no longer going to happen, which he said folk in Martin knew already and he discussed with several folk. He a tall (say 6'3", or more) young-looking black guy, fairly dark pigment (mgr i think.. whenever i in store i always see him working everywhere doing everything, hustling after it too) who is in his 40's (don't look it) with his playing days done at Tillman in KY. But our dresdenfootball dot com site has us playing Chargers on the countdown clock (but that site not updated very often, been over a year, preseason 2013 is last time that site had current info put on it). I hope I am made to look silly and moronic (which is EASY to do.. ha!) because I have overlooked or misread something plainly obvious online, but dude at store got me on this search.. he was staunch and adamant "knowing" for certain no more Dresden, and his source is "all the guys he talked to at Westview games" to quote him, because I asked. Man I hope it all wrong and I appear silly, because Chargers & Lions imo would be a great 1st game traditional rivalry for decades to come (provided Dresden keeps up its winning ways, which I believe it will!), always a big money maker, and only drawback, to me, is it hurting Chargers in 3A were the Lions to win or be close, which to me would be the only "logical" reason to drop game from a football standpoint. Hope all this hot air and useless talk.. but that info is online, and dude at store, with his sources all "know" the game not happening. (I rubbing my genie lamp and lucky rock wishing game still on.. for many more years to come!). And yes, Chargers definitely do need to work on not "chop blocking", film shows this habit they have, but it is ok with some fans, coaches, and players I guess no matter who it hurts. Simple truth for all to see, watch the films. But Lions still luv to play Chargers and prepares with practice drills for this blocking tactic Westview uses (Obion bad about it too.. they had 9 guys of theirs thrown out of game last year! They obvious about it, not as slick as others), so yeah, interesting you bring that up. Hope Chargers do find a better blocking technique, but knowing the past I sure our team will prepare themselves for the inevitable, and I wouldn't be surprised if some of our players get sick of it after awhile and retaliate in kind no matter what coaches say about not doing it, these players get emotional too and seek payback I sure. It's human nature to do that in such cases imo. And before anyond gets panties in a wad screaming, if able to, just watch the films... if you can be unbiased, honest, and objective, even against own team, you'll see who doing what as far as blocking goes.. which, hey, if we did drop this game my speculation is that may be reason, Lions tired of our guys being badly hurt, and to get it approved to break the schedule agreement all they have to do is have TSSAA look at tapes (which I have no idea of that being done, just using logical imagination of how/ why the game would be dropped by Dresden and the change approved by powers that be) . So, der it is, backdrop to this confusion of mine, and my response to the brought-up topic about blocking. Methinks it gonna be a great year no matter who we play! Voting for Chargers in WK 0 though! Let me share posting of NEW American football rules though...just imagine the physicality our lions go through every Friday night... American football evolved from the sport of rugby football.[6] Rugby, like American football, is a sport where two competing teams vie for control of a ball, which can be kicked through a set of goalposts or run into the opponent's goal area to score points.[7]The first American football game was played on November 6, 1869 between Rutgers and Princeton. The game was played between two teams of 25 players each, used a round ball, and resembled a combination of rugby and soccer in its rules; the ball could not be picked up or carried, but it could be kicked or batted with the feet, hands, head or sides, with the ultimate goal of advancing it into the opponent's goal. Rutgers won the game 6-4.[8][9] Collegiate play continued for several years in which matches were played using the rules of the host school. Representatives of Yale, Columbia, Princeton and Rutgers met on October 19, 1873 to create a standard set of rules for all schools to adhere to. Teams were set at 20 players each, and fields of 400 by 250 feet (122 m × 76 m) were specified. Harvard abstained from the conference, as they favored a rugby-style game that allowed running with the ball.An 1875 Harvard-Yale game played under rugby-style rules was observed by two impressed Princeton athletes. These players introduced the sport to Princeton, a feat the Professional Football Researchers Association compared to "selling refrigerators to Eskimos."[9] Princeton, Harvard, Yale and Columbia then agreed to intercollegiate play using a form of rugby union rules with a modified scoring system.[10] These schools formed the Intercollegiate Football Association, although Yale did not join until 1879. Yale player Walter Camp, now regarded as the "Father of American Football," secured rule changes in 1880 that reduced the size of each team from 15 to 11 players and instituted the snap to replace the chaotic and inconsistent scrum. HA, I posted this in lieu of learning the game...which folks sometime forget! Let me continue with other tid bits... The introduction of the snap resulted in unexpected consequences. Prior to the snap, the strategy had been to punt if a scrum resulted in bad field position. However, a group of Princeton players realized that, as the snap was uncontested, they now could hold the ball indefinitely to prevent their opponent from scoring. In 1881, both teams in a game between Yale-Princeton used this strategy to maintain their undefeated records. Each team held the ball, gaining no ground, for an entire half, resulting in a 0-0 tie. This "block game" proved extremely unpopular with the spectators and fans of both teams.[10] A rule change was necessary to prevent this strategy from taking hold, and a reversion to the scrum was considered. However, Camp successfully proposed a rule in 1882 that limited each team to three downs, or tackles, to advance the ball five yards. Failure to advance the ball the required distance within those three downs would result in control of the ball being forfeited to the other team. This change effectively made American football a separate sport from rugby, and the resulting five-yard lines added to the field to measure distances made it resemble a gridiron in appearance. Other major rule changes included a reduction of the field size to 110 by 53.333 yards (100.584 m × 48.768 m), and the adoption of a scoring system that awarded four points for a touchdown, two for a safety and a goal following a touchdown, and five for a goal from field; additionally, tackling below the waist was legalized.[10] Despite these new rules, football remained a violent sport. Dangerous mass-formations like the flying wedge resulted in serious injuries or even death.[12] A 1905 peak of 19 fatalities nationwide resulted in a threat by President Theodore Roosevelt to abolish the game unless major changes were made.[13] In response, sixty-two colleges and universities met in New York City to discuss rule changes on December 28, 1905, and these proceedings resulted in the formation of the Intercollegiate Athletic Association of the United States, later named the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA).[14] The legal forward pass was introduced in 1906 after its suggestion by John Heisman, although its impact was initially limited due to the restrictions placed on its use. Other rule changes introduced that year included the reduction of the time of play from 70 to 60 minutes and the increase of the distance required for a first down from 5–10 yards (4.6–9.1 m). To reduce infighting and dirty play between teams, the neutral zone was created along the width of the football.[15] Scoring was also adjusted: field goals were lowered to three points in 1909[11] and touchdowns were raised to six points in 1912.[16] The field was also reduced to 100 yards (91 m) long, but two 10-yard-long end zones were created, and teams were given four downs instead of three to advance the ball 10 yards (9.1 m).[17] The roughing-the-passer penalty was implemented in 1914, and eligible players were first allowed to catch the ball anywhere on the field in 1918.[18] The professional era William "Pudge" Heffelfinger, widely regarded as the first professional football player The first instance of professional play in American football was on November 12, 1892, when William "Pudge" Heffelfinger was paid $500 to play a game for the Allegheny Athletic Association in a match against the Pittsburgh Athletic Club. This is the first recorded instance of a player being paid to participate in a game of American football, although many athletic clubs in the 1880s offered to help players attain employment, gave out trophies or watches that players would pawn for money, or paid double in expense money. Despite these extra benefits, the game had a strict sense of amateurism at the time, and direct payment to players was frowned upon, if not outright illegal.[19] Over time, professional play became increasingly common, and with it came rising salaries and unpredictable player movement, as well as the illegal payment of college players who were still in school. The National Football League (NFL), a group of professional teams that was originally established in 1920 as the American Professional Football Association, aimed to solve these problems. This new league's stated goals included an end to bidding wars over players, prevention of the use of college players, and abolition of the practice of paying players to leave another team.[20] By 1922, the NFL had established itself as the premier professional football league.[21] The dominant form of football at the time was played at the collegiate level, but the upstart NFL received a boost to its legitimacy in 1925 when an NFL team, the Pottsville Maroons, defeated a team of Notre Dame all-stars in an exhibition game.[22] A greater emphasis on the passing game helped professional football to further distinguish itself from the college game during the late 1930s.[20] Football in general became increasingly popular following the 1958 NFL Championship game, a match between the Baltimore Colts and the New York Giants that is still referred to as the "Greatest Game Ever Played". The game, a 23–17 overtime victory by the Colts, was seen by millions of television viewers and had a major impact on the popularity of the sport. This, along with the innovations introduced by the new American Football League (AFL) in the early 1960s, helped football to become the most popular sport in the United States by the mid-1960s.[23] The rival American Football League arose in 1960 and challenged the NFL's dominance. The AFL began in relative obscurity but eventually thrived, with an initial television contract with the ABC network. The AFL's existence forced the conservative NFL to expand to Dallas and Minnesota in an attempt to destroy the new league. Meanwhile, the AFL introduced many new features to Professional Football in the United States: official time on the scoreboard clock, rather than on a watch in the referee's pocket, as the NFL did; optional two-point conversions by pass or run after touchdowns; names on the jerseys of players; and several others, including expansion of the role of minority players, actively recruited by the league in contrast to the NFL. The AFL also signed several star college players that had also been drafted by NFL teams. Competition for players heated up in 1965, when the AFL New York Jets signed rookie Joe Namath to a then-record US $437,000 contract. A five-year, $40 million NBC television contract followed, which helped to sustain the young league. The bidding war for players ended in 1966, when NFL owners approached the AFL regarding a merger, and the two leagues agreed on one that would take full effect in 1970. This agreement provided for a common draft that would take place each year, and it instituted an annual World Championship game to be played between the champions of each league. That game began play at the end of the 1966 season. Once the merger was completed, it was no longer a championship game between two leagues, and reverted to the NFL championship game, which came to be known as the Super Bowl.[24] College football maintained a tradition of postseason bowl games. Each bowl game would be associated with a particular conference, and earning a spot in a bowl game was the reward for winning a conference. This arrangement was profitable, but it tended to prevent the two top-ranked teams from meeting in a true national championship game, as they would normally be committed to the bowl games of their respective conferences. Several systems have been used since 1992 to determine a national champion of college football. The first was the Bowl Coalition, in place from 1992 to 1994. This was replaced in 1995 by the Bowl Alliance, which gave way in 1997 to the Bowl Championship Series (BCS).[25] The BCS arrangement proved to be controversial, and was replaced in 2014 by a four-team playoff system.[26][27] Bastian Balthazar Bux was a little boy around the age of ten or twelve. He lived with his father, because his mother died. When his mother was still alive his relationship with his father had been great. But since then they rarely spoke, his father became quiet, and very sad, Bastian couldn't reach him. He didn't care when Bastian was put back in school the year before. Bastian's time at school had been hard too, his classmates made fun of his fatness and clumsiness, and they were laughing at him when they discovered that having no friend to talk to he talked to himself. He told himself stories, about all sort of things, of knights and warriors, of great kings and queens, unicorns and other fantastic animals. He also loved books. All sort of fantasy-books, but all stories must end once, and he was always very sad when one ended. One day when he went to school, his classmates were waiting for him in front of the schoolhouse. They chased him until he was so tired he couldn't run any further. They got him and dropped him into a litter-bin. Only after a long time could he get out. It was raining heavily, and he didn't have an umbrella with him, so he ran into the nearest shop for cover. It was a book-shop. An old man who was sitting in an armchair smoking a pipe was the seller. In his hand he held a book. Bastian who was soaked to skin and the man talked for a time, but the telephone rang and the old man went to the other end of the shop to pick it up. Bastian looked on the book, the man had been reading before he came in. It was bound in copper-coloured silk, and when he leafed through it he saw that it was printed in two colours red and blue. There seemed to be no pictures, but at the beginning of every chapter, there were beautiful capital letters. On the front cover of the book there were two snakes biting each other's tails, one was light and the other was dark. They formed an oval and inside it could be read: The Hobbit and The Neverending Story. ... I pity them, for they are the ones who will live an un-lived lifeaE (Tolkien 358).The Neverending Story is quite similar in this sense. ... The Neverending Story created the same atmosphere with its magical world Fantastica. ... The Neverending Story is much the&... The True Story of Ah Q,\" has more meaning in its small amount of pages than many other stories of much longer length. ... The author, Li Xun, starts the story with a blunt introduction of Ah Q giving the reader background information for the story. ... In the story they represent the literal revolution going on in China at th... Political Views InHaroun and The Sea of StoriesSalman Rushdie wrote Haroun and The Sea of Stories, during the long period of exile and hiding that followed a 1988 contract (fatwah) put out against him by the Ajatollah-Khomeini. ... Written as a long distance message to his then young son, Haroun and The Sea of Stories is about on the man... In the Gospels, the apostles report the story of how Jesus came into Peter\'s house and heal his mother in law, lying in a fever. ... October Sky October Sky"s is a story about a group of high school boys growing up in a coal mining West Virginia town. Homer throughout the story was faced with many different situations and grew up to be a young man because of them. ... Her father had collections of short stories and novels throughout the whole house. ... Jhumpa\'s first short story collection she put out was Interpreter of Maladies. ... Only goodness is one of my favorite short stories by her. Even though I am not Indian I could relate to this story coming from an Italian home. ... This short story is about... Salinger"s Nine Stories is a collection of nine individual short stories that, as a whole, depict the imaginations that dominate and destroy the lives of both children and adults. ... Finally, "Teddy,aE the author"s last and most revealing story, should be mentioned as it ends the nine story compilation like an awakening slap in the ... Here, the short story reached its climax. ... Without these nameless white people in the story, the story would not have had a developed plot. ... Similes were also used in the story to enhance the story"s imagery. ... The story"s title, "LullabyaE, served as a symbol in the story. ... Ayah was also a symbol in the ... Comparing âBedtime storyâ and âThere Will Come Soft The similarities of the two stories, aEBedtime storyaE and ,aE There will come soft rainsaE, are the time period, unrealistic rulers, the death of a species, and the chronological similarities.Both stories are futuristic and are ruled by beings other than humans. ... There are no humans and electronic and human sensitive houses rule t... This is a true story. The film was made in 1994 and directed by Gerard Corbiau. This movie takes place in the mid to early eighteenth century. There are a number of different setting were the story takes place. The film starts in the court of King Philip V of Spain in the year 1740. It the As all of these stories all basically have the same story line or the same meaning, they also all have different plots, setting, and characters. I also think that their psyical appearance affects their personal relationships in the stories. The Movie "RoxanneaE, is basically identical to the story "Cyrano De BergeracaE. They have to These stories are universally functional in any society. ... A story that is one of the oldest recorded, and most recognizable stories ever told, Cinderella. ... Historic stories like myths and fables are precursors to the stories of today with their portrayal of era transcendent themes. ... So a story containing justice becomes easily relatable. In the stor... I dubbed this sandy beach the \"Jordan River\" because of the biblical story where King Naaman washed himself in the Jordan River eight times to cure his It was complex because of the manner the stories were told, specifically the story "In a GroveaE. ... In my opinion, "RashomonaE was a vague story. Although, the message of the story was the clear, the manner in which the story was told was quite vague to me. ... They built and described the characters of the story" Thus the story of Tristran Thorn begins.Tristran Thorn , of the 19th century English town of Wall, wants nothing more than to be a good simple sheep farmer aE" and to marry Victoria Forester. ... Tristran forget everything about Victoria after he finds star.Stardust is one of my favorite stories out there. ... Many that I read as a child The story "Arm Wrestling with My FatheraE, is an interesting story, the father and son have a very difficult relationship. ... As one starts to read and delve more into the details of the story, one will realize that what the cover's lack of depth or meaning, the story makes up for.Franny and Zooey is a story about an intoxicating family, the Glasses, and how one family member deals with another. ... (Or maybe it's the fact that the story is They are required in order for a story to be told completely. ... However, it is not the climax of the story. ... The story starts in the character"s home. ... The setting helps to make the story more realistic. ... In order to help the reader visualize and become part of the story, the author has to set the tone of t... Over time, as the story was told and passed on through generations, many different ideas on what happened were brought up, but the main idea of the story is the same in most cases. ... There are many different versions of the story as to exactly how he died, and some versions of the story go into more detail than others. As time... Several things that make up the story including the characters, the setting, and Hemingway"s own beliefs help to define the importance of Ernest Hemingway"s "A Clean, Well-Lighted PlaceaE, in today"s literature. ... When carefully reading the story, the reader is aware of the old man"s natural disablility of deafness. In comparis... In the story of Bless me Ultima, it struck me to see how so much of Antonio"s life was based on such thoughts and believes. It shows how a society will place importance on tales and stories from past generations to affect the way people live in the present.In the book, curanderismo and the church were often associated with each other ArabyaE by James Joyce is a short story in which the protagonist gained a consciousness that was beyond him. ... In the story, the character was experiencing an initiation or awareness of new actualities that was outside of him. ... In this story, the reader learns of the boy"s initiation in the final sentence: "Gazing up into the sky (hehe...the Irbmeister loves that reference." Shakespeare"s Romeo and Juliet, and Irving Shulman"s Novelization of Arthur Laurent"s West Side Story are two of the most famous love stories in the world. ... This is why both stories end in tragic ways. ... However, later on in the story, Maria"s fianc? ... These two stories also differ in the background. ... and "West Side Story... In Kate Chopin"s short story, The Story of an Hour depicts a short hour of a woman"s life. ... Since this is a short story it gets right to the climax. ... This is the first dialogue we have seen in the story thus far. ... The little the dialogue and action in the story, the better the story was. The Story of... Short Story Analysis PaperBeing able to relate to people can often times be a huge problem. In both Raymond Carver"s short story "CathedralaE, and James Baldwin"s" short story "Sonny"s BluesaE the main focus of the stories is realization. ... At the end of the story they seem to find a common bond through sonny's music Chapter 2, the actual beginning of the story explains that Billy, the protagonist, is a time-traveling WWII veteran. ... There are three components to Billy's story: his time in Germany, his time as a husband and father, and his time on Trafalmadore. ... He's trying to make sense of his life like we're trying to make ... Chapter 2, the actual beginning of the story explains that Billy, the protagonist, is a time-traveling WWII veteran. ... There are three components to Billy's story: his time in Germany, his time as a husband and father, and his time on Trafalmadore. ... He's trying to make sense of his life like we're trying to make. PLEASE move past the Hodge vs Rang issue. THE CHOICE IS MADE! And again, imo the adult, mature thing to do is accept the collective wisdom of decision makers, believe in the MANY, almost unanimous supportive statements about our new coach from those who know him best, try to be positive about this new phase of things, and in this thread discuss DRESDEN LIONS 2014. If you wanna keep other topic going (why one would, who knows?) start a new thread about it, Hodge vs Rang debate or whatever, and let the fur fly! But let's get past that in >this thread< and get on with Dresden football. thank you. GO LIONS! #1 ALL THE WAY! For instance, do we have good players to replace last years seniors? How deep are we? And who could step in for QB if (God forbid) something happen to our phenom Dresser? We had 60+ to dress-out last year (not bad for 1A, eh?), wonder how many we get playing this year? We had a few predictions for upcoming year's regular season record, any other guesses for 2014? (Mine is 8-2, district champs, #1 seed playoffs) ... that's relevant topics here, correct? Last year folk doubted & bad-mouthed our freshman phenom QB, until they saw with own eyes.. then it was : wow! Now this year its doubt on coach selection, but methinks Rang will do much better than folk expect, especially with the players and foundation he inherited. Like Popeye Jones told our team, folk doubted him, but they couldn't measure his heart! And it was his heart that got him where he did in spite of naysayers. And those who know Rang best put 100%+ confidence in our new Coach, and that is where I cast my lot too, phooey on doubters! Chad could have done a fantastic job too, yes indeed, but Rang will as well. It's the heart that counts most imho, which our coaches and players are loaded with, on top of raw talent! Thus, our team will do better than most expect (so says this nutcase! HA!) Yeppers, that is the unanimous opinion it seems from first meeters to those who really know our new coach. And I made an "upbeat, glowing" prediction of 8-2 season, but hey, if we finish 5-5 and win all our district games that fine too (tough job indeed!) . Our non-district foes are good (except for Fayette Academy, who WERE tops when we scheduled them, but their new year saw huge decrease in families, thus their players, thanks to tanking economy! From first to worst in one year. Sad). Next time coaches redo our schedule, I say keep as is but drop FA and Obion (they "dirtiest" team I ever see, trying to hurt on purpose. Classless!), and add who?... Milan? Halls? Lake County? Or who for non-district? I think the harder the non-conference opponent the better for us! What y'all think? BTW.. I know we need to focus on this year and get through it first, but at years end everyone does revamp their schedule, right? (It is a two-year cycle I think). I just "thinking out loud". Yeah, yeah, I know too that not something I known for, nor do a good job when I guilty of it.. thinking that is! HA! How the scam works: Some of the most influential people in the word are reverends and pastors. There is no surprise that in their communities they could have sometimes hundreds of thousands of followers on social media, depending on the size of their congregation and community. There is an inherent trust in these men and women of God, and it has opened a door for scammers to take full advantage of this position of authority and trust for their own greed. Pastors, especially high profile pastors and ones with large congregations are the targets of this fake profile scam. Scammers use information from the pastors’ real Facebook page and create a phony, practically identical page, sending friend requests to all the people on the actual page’s Friends list. After posting a few interesting things on their wall, to create a sense of authenticity and get more trust - they solicit donations for missions work and other charities for which the church legitimately collects tithes and donations. Of course the money is only used to line the scammers’ pockets. United States, Australia, Canada, or Great Britain - it could happen anywhere. The latest victim was Rev. Adam Hamilton (photo, his real page) from Kansas City, US, where the scammers duplicated his page and reached out to over 10,000 people. How to avoid: If you do receive a friend request from your church or minister – and you are already Facebook friends with this person – ask them in person, via email or over the telephone if they are legitimately friending you on another page. Often you will discover that this page is a fake profile. Do not just send a private message to the person making the request; of course the scammer is going to tell you they are the actual person! Also, be aware that churches and other charitable organizations will only use their social media profiles to post church updates, news and positive, inspirational messages. The majority of their donations for missions are made to their official web pages or during special collections during services. Make your friends and family aware of this scam by sharing it, using the buttons provided. There are 2 comments On Saturday, March 28, 2015, nagesh wrote: Mr &mrs ravi naddar , they are first living in chamber. but now they change the room. they are cheating people saying that we will provide you a bank seal property in minimum rate and taking money from people. please font deal with this couple . they have cheated many people. if u find this couple pls contact to this number 8689875409 or send message regarding this couple On Monday, January 26, 2015, Scam Awareness Center in facebook wrote: HERE IS THE ANTI CHRIST, WORLD NOTORIOUS FAKE BISHOP, THAT SCAM AWARENESS CENTER, DOING ITS CRIME RESEARCH FROM 2006, WE GOT ALL THE LEGAL EVIDENCE IN INDIA, BUT WE NEED SOME ONE WHO CAN PAY 25 USD UNDER "THE FREEDOM OF THE INFORMATION ACT OF USA" His boss fake Arch Bishop is in jail for ever in India. But please read the story of Anand raj's cook cum driver ,real existence in India now wanted to become the Prime Minister of India, by fake baptist world alliance funds to innocent Indian voters. http://court.mah.nic...024192010_1.pdf So far we are discussing and crusading about the Scam Artists, those who are ,exile, and elsewhere and its impossible to trace them for any police agencies. But an ordinary 10th standard failed Indian person who is stationery in only one place for 8 years, (his address is fixed and any one can call him and ask to tell a sentence about the Bible, then he would ask "what is that? what is a Bible?". But this fake Bishop is awarded Master of Divinity and Doctor of Divinity over night by www dot lovinghands dot net . and the Degrees MD.DD only suffixed by medical doctors in India, so this Indian, Scam Lord, joined in some super specialty hospitals like Kamineni hospitals, and also he promised trillions of fake funds to a Medical College run by some rich Hindu Senator in Indian Parliament, who believes that Christians are good and they will never lie. So this fake Christian, and Fake Bishop promised trillion of dollars to that medical college, website www dot kims dot in and told them that if he made the president on paper for the college management board trust, for just 7 days, and video the function and hand it over to him, he will send it to BWA(Baptist World Alliance)from there he will get trillions of funds. , thus they kept him as temporary president for 7 days, later he filed a petition in the court that he is the owner of the college.Out of shame, the original owner trust , silently fighting back in the court. Meanwhile he showed that papers, to thousands of biological sciences innocent students, that KIMS medical college is his own and taken bribes to provide them a medical admission seat in the management quota. He deceived thousands and all the Hindus knock the doors of various Christian Organizations and churches in India. But no Christian body or, council or Christian church never knew who is this fake Bishop. He met all the political parties in India and told that he got trillions of dollars funds from Baptist World Alliance, so he will donate election fund, if he be given a party ticket to contest to the Parliament of India. One 5th largest party of India, www bspindia org has given him prestigious party ticket and thus he is gaining ground in public as a good boy, to cheat more innocent Indians and BWA. I have filed a complaint against his affidavit in which he could not write his name properly and his nomination Affidavit is totally false information. Then Chief Election Commission of India ordered immediate inquiry on my complaint. The District Electoral officer , wrote to me by agreeing he is fraud and asked me to go to competent court. But eminent lawyers in India told me that he will be go behind the bars for life, for hurting the sentiments of Christians, with out having a baptism certificate, in addition he holds a Revenue records certificate as a Hindu for him and his two kids. If any American citizen pay 25 dollars under the "Freedom of Information act " by quoting the below link, by asking the 501 © 3, Tax exempted non profit www dot lovinghands dot net and also to www dot bwanet dot org whether they knew his name and educational qualification and about his Hindusim as his religion certificate he submitted to the Election Commission of India. And a 501© 3 non profit , should not indulge in such issue of degrees MD DD to non baptized and Hindu person by records, does not know how to open the Bible, is claiming the Arch Bishop for entire baptist churches in India. Indian Government does not have any legal teeth on him, until unless, www bwanet dot org and www.lovinghands dot net write to the Indian Government through their US embassy in India. This is a fake bishop scam he is doing by staying only in one place for 8 years. I can not pay 25 USD as freedom of the Information act, will any US citizen will help me to apply juts to know who is he? if you type in google CBCNC then you will get all about him. and the shocking proof of his scam is the following link is the one of the thousands of fake funds statements every day to the news papers. http://www.oneindia....1199533461.html like the boko haram terrorists kidnapped 200 school girls in Nigeria, at present 800 girls students Christian school is under his captive legally by telling all the Indian Government stating that he will get trillions of funds from baptist world Alliance , of USA. For any US citizen ,it is only the matter of 25 USD to pay for the www. ecfa dot org, whether they know about this cbcncindia org and what are their affiliations with bwanet org and www lovinghands dot net It is more dangerous scam in India on Indian Christianity and Christian properties by a non Christian terrorist out fit, then Boko Haram, .Any American human rights activist if pay, 25 dollars by the freedom of the information act , and just ask the baptism certificate of the person who is claiming that he is the owner of the world baptist Alliance. See his face book ratna kumar md dot7 facebook. it is the world notorious fake bishop scam, The person who bells the cat , will be the hero or heroine in USA, who pays just 25 USD under freedom of Information act. All his certificates and clippings are graphics. and fake photos. He is anti Christ of the world. been on t a few years, on net itself since late 80's using hevyrevy1611. This newbie heavy popped up after Trenton game. If you at Trenton game and know me, and heard my chatter and cheers.. yeah.. it was epic that night. Betcha it got under their skin and its an attempt at payback. Or maybe a UC fan trying to divide the Lion fans by infighting thanks to heavy's junk posts impersonating me.. hevy. Anyways.. look at spelling. Clever they were.. but busted they are. Notice.. heavy vs hevy. New trolling imposter heavy is copying & pasting old posts of mine hevy, plus adding their own stuff.. he looks like a trojan horse troublemaker. I musta got poor lil poser peeved. Pity this fool.. he has no idea. Pay attention to spellings. Wonder if an admin can ban/ kick off this pretender who stole my id? Heavy is NOT hevy. 'm heading in this direction, you'll see!!! Before this is over, I will be a household name, an inspirational speaker of how to comeback against seeming insurmountable odds, (and doing so alone, noone else there helping, with some even mocking, ridiculing, and standing in my way.. but do it anyways I have, and shall continue doing so!). Losing 300 pounds (and counting), struggling out of my bed of affliction where I had to have full-time nurse-care for years, no more having to use an electric. How does one keep going when there is no purpose, no reason, no inner "why" to do it all? When each movement of body assaults you with searing, mind-fogging pain? When you are alone/ single, nobody to encourage nor support you, no outlets of service nor another to love on and give to, nobody to bring out what's laying dormant within, to help you be your best. When there is no "why" to do the "what" that you do... how to keep on? Why keep on? The only reward is incredible pain, tears, loneliness. zy woman who WILL find you. Do you know why men don't go through menopause? ... because they've never left adolescence. So the past, present, & future walk into a bar... it was tense! What kind of car would Jesus drive? ... a Chrysler. A kid was crying after Sunday School, parents asked what is wrong? Why are you so upset?.. Child answered, teacher says it is best to be raised in a Christian home, but I want to go home with... I've been heavyrevy since the beginning and time...THE GREAT AND POWER REV IRB J HAS SPOKEN! WHO ARE YOU? Ha...reveal yourself for this has gone for two days and methinks it may not end if you don't hault this smoke and mirrors gimmick. Everybody notice it's always "Heavy" not "Hevy" or however this sad imposter spelt it. BUT, now you've been caught red handed!!! HA. What kind of a weak gimmick is this? If you're going to attempt to hack somebody...get out!! COACHT EDIT:KICK THIS IMPOSTER OFF THE SITE.
  4. IMPOSTER ALERT! This maniac with the UNauthentic "Hevy", which is spelt wrong is in for a rude awakening...try me dude. I'm from Overton HS and I've seen it all. Everybody knows me and I'm the real and original "heavyrevy" hence why the name is spelt correctly. Oh, well. You just some high schooler having fun with this. I think it's hilarious, epic and brilliant. As long you say nothing extremely negative, I don't care. A good imitation is the best complement. NOW, I'm staring to see why everybody loves da Irbmeister! HA! No wonder I gets all the ladies. This cheering up is doing good, but you better stop "posing" as the real heavyrevy1611, cuz I'm the original. Just sayin!! Anyway if you didn't my post and warning earlier...here you go (read below). %^*#!. WOW!!!!!! AAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!! THIS IS THE AUTHENTIC, OFFICIAL AND ONLY ME. Whoever this imposter is hacking me and doing this...Reveal and expose yourself coward!!! Stuff like this make me want to knock the strawman stuffing out of a phony clown like this!!! HA!Wow! How do punks like this pull off these "hacking" gigs anyhow?!?! Dude...you best run, duck and cover from the incoming doom you're trying to attract. You're barking up the wrong tree...I'm from Memphis and your game will not work on me. Smoke and mirrors don't phase a man like me! Come at me, wee man!!!! WAPPPOHHHHH!!!!! You best sleep with one eye open, my queen. Grrrrrrr!!!!!!! Anyway, now that I'm done with that. Let's talk some fusball Possibly UC would get #2 seed, wouldn't they? Looking at rankings and games left, no 1A team will come out of districts #15 & #16, so it's just #13 & #14 teams to fill Quad, with two teams outta 13 (Dresden & Bruceton), four from 14 (UC, Humbolt, Lake Co, & S.Fulton). Dresden just has to beat the Mustangs and that would settle who #2. If not, I think it's gonna be Humbolt. Hardest games left that have biggest ramifications on where they're seeded is Lake Co, who could be anywhere from #3 to #6, if my prognostications are right. (Don't bet on that though!). Dresden will be #2 or #3 imo, which will be bottom half of Quad anyways. The way it works, the #1, 5, & 6 teams are on top, then #2, 3, & 4 teams on bottom of bracket, right? If that's so, looking at brackets, games left, & the possible seeding (@ http://football.tssa...alstandings.cfm ) it's in realm of possibilities that when dust settles UC & Lake Co. will be battling it out for a trip to the final four (making the safe assumption of UC winning it's games, and Cinderella assumption LC wins out until then). That'd be sumin! Also, lol at post below. HA! . ROFLMHO!!!! EPIC & WONDERFUL. this is the real, official hevyrevy, hog knows me, my son played for him and @ Westview game we were there talking to him on hill with his sons, we had several former players stop by including bench press champ now in Hollywood. And this GREAT post was a hack. Someone.is.good.. very good. They even know nicknames, my past sports, age, weight loss.. lotsa cool personal stuff, even where I work. Either knows me in real world or read all my previous posts and gathered these tidbits. Regardless.. I LUVED IT! Whoever you are, this was Tony the Tiger GRRRRRRREAT! ... UHMMM a thought... no way I could of sleep walked and did this, could I? Time stamp I think I was up.. but my phone not working right, yet I have all kinds of protection.. so the source must have been some type of emulater or code copying of the T. Hehe.. I not smart enough to figure it out.. and using my ID they didn't cross any boundaries or social politeness or such nonsense.. so it cool with me. This was just funny banter ya'll. GREAT rant! I wish I could do.that good. (Was it perhaps a really.old.post redone and.updated? But how was my id used? I did leave the T and.FB both open last night while I asleep.. so maybe they got in that way somehow). Very smart with techie stuff whoever did this. And since it was an awesome post.. I say KUDOS & THANK YOU! x- the official, real hevyrevy1611. Online, at sperPxaM (read backwards) the 2014 schedules (which has only first game listed so far) for Westview, Huntingdon, Dresden, Westwood all match with same info, Chargers vs Stangs in WK 1, Lions vs Longhorns in WK 0 at UTM, which I was motivated to find out after the guy at SaveALot was VERY certain Lions vs Chargers is no longer going to happen, which he said folk in Martin knew already and he discussed with several folk. He a tall (say 6'3", or more) young-looking black guy, fairly dark pigment (mgr i think.. whenever i in store i always see him working everywhere doing everything, hustling after it too) who is in his 40's (don't look it) with his playing days done at Tillman in KY. But our dresdenfootball dot com site has us playing Chargers on the countdown clock (but that site not updated very often, been over a year, preseason 2013 is last time that site had current info put on it). I hope I am made to look silly and moronic (which is EASY to do.. ha!) because I have overlooked or misread something plainly obvious online, but dude at store got me on this search.. he was staunch and adamant "knowing" for certain no more Dresden, and his source is "all the guys he talked to at Westview games" to quote him, because I asked. Man I hope it all wrong and I appear silly, because Chargers & Lions imo would be a great 1st game traditional rivalry for decades to come (provided Dresden keeps up its winning ways, which I believe it will!), always a big money maker, and only drawback, to me, is it hurting Chargers in 3A were the Lions to win or be close, which to me would be the only "logical" reason to drop game from a football standpoint. Hope all this hot air and useless talk.. but that info is online, and dude at store, with his sources all "know" the game not happening. (I rubbing my genie lamp and lucky rock wishing game still on.. for many more years to come!). And yes, Chargers definitely do need to work on not "chop blocking", film shows this habit they have, but it is ok with some fans, coaches, and players I guess no matter who it hurts. Simple truth for all to see, watch the films. But Lions still luv to play Chargers and prepares with practice drills for this blocking tactic Westview uses (Obion bad about it too.. they had 9 guys of theirs thrown out of game last year! They obvious about it, not as slick as others), so yeah, interesting you bring that up. Hope Chargers do find a better blocking technique, but knowing the past I sure our team will prepare themselves for the inevitable, and I wouldn't be surprised if some of our players get sick of it after awhile and retaliate in kind no matter what coaches say about not doing it, these players get emotional too and seek payback I sure. It's human nature to do that in such cases imo. And before anyond gets panties in a wad screaming, if able to, just watch the films... if you can be unbiased, honest, and objective, even against own team, you'll see who doing what as far as blocking goes.. which, hey, if we did drop this game my speculation is that may be reason, Lions tired of our guys being badly hurt, and to get it approved to break the schedule agreement all they have to do is have TSSAA look at tapes (which I have no idea of that being done, just using logical imagination of how/ why the game would be dropped by Dresden and the change approved by powers that be) . So, der it is, backdrop to this confusion of mine, and my response to the brought-up topic about blocking. Methinks it gonna be a great year no matter who we play! Voting for Chargers in WK 0 though! Let me share posting of NEW American football rules though...just imagine the physicality our lions go through every Friday night... American football evolved from the sport of rugby football.[6] Rugby, like American football, is a sport where two competing teams vie for control of a ball, which can be kicked through a set of goalposts or run into the opponent's goal area to score points.[7]The first American football game was played on November 6, 1869 between Rutgers and Princeton. The game was played between two teams of 25 players each, used a round ball, and resembled a combination of rugby and soccer in its rules; the ball could not be picked up or carried, but it could be kicked or batted with the feet, hands, head or sides, with the ultimate goal of advancing it into the opponent's goal. Rutgers won the game 6-4.[8][9] Collegiate play continued for several years in which matches were played using the rules of the host school. Representatives of Yale, Columbia, Princeton and Rutgers met on October 19, 1873 to create a standard set of rules for all schools to adhere to. Teams were set at 20 players each, and fields of 400 by 250 feet (122 m × 76 m) were specified. Harvard abstained from the conference, as they favored a rugby-style game that allowed running with the ball.An 1875 Harvard-Yale game played under rugby-style rules was observed by two impressed Princeton athletes. These players introduced the sport to Princeton, a feat the Professional Football Researchers Association compared to "selling refrigerators to Eskimos."[9] Princeton, Harvard, Yale and Columbia then agreed to intercollegiate play using a form of rugby union rules with a modified scoring system.[10] These schools formed the Intercollegiate Football Association, although Yale did not join until 1879. Yale player Walter Camp, now regarded as the "Father of American Football," secured rule changes in 1880 that reduced the size of each team from 15 to 11 players and instituted the snap to replace the chaotic and inconsistent scrum. HA, I posted this in lieu of learning the game...which folks sometime forget! Let me continue with other tid bits... The introduction of the snap resulted in unexpected consequences. Prior to the snap, the strategy had been to punt if a scrum resulted in bad field position. However, a group of Princeton players realized that, as the snap was uncontested, they now could hold the ball indefinitely to prevent their opponent from scoring. In 1881, both teams in a game between Yale-Princeton used this strategy to maintain their undefeated records. Each team held the ball, gaining no ground, for an entire half, resulting in a 0-0 tie. This "block game" proved extremely unpopular with the spectators and fans of both teams.[10] A rule change was necessary to prevent this strategy from taking hold, and a reversion to the scrum was considered. However, Camp successfully proposed a rule in 1882 that limited each team to three downs, or tackles, to advance the ball five yards. Failure to advance the ball the required distance within those three downs would result in control of the ball being forfeited to the other team. This change effectively made American football a separate sport from rugby, and the resulting five-yard lines added to the field to measure distances made it resemble a gridiron in appearance. Other major rule changes included a reduction of the field size to 110 by 53.333 yards (100.584 m × 48.768 m), and the adoption of a scoring system that awarded four points for a touchdown, two for a safety and a goal following a touchdown, and five for a goal from field; additionally, tackling below the waist was legalized.[10] Despite these new rules, football remained a violent sport. Dangerous mass-formations like the flying wedge resulted in serious injuries or even death.[12] A 1905 peak of 19 fatalities nationwide resulted in a threat by President Theodore Roosevelt to abolish the game unless major changes were made.[13] In response, sixty-two colleges and universities met in New York City to discuss rule changes on December 28, 1905, and these proceedings resulted in the formation of the Intercollegiate Athletic Association of the United States, later named the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA).[14] The legal forward pass was introduced in 1906 after its suggestion by John Heisman, although its impact was initially limited due to the restrictions placed on its use. Other rule changes introduced that year included the reduction of the time of play from 70 to 60 minutes and the increase of the distance required for a first down from 5–10 yards (4.6–9.1 m). To reduce infighting and dirty play between teams, the neutral zone was created along the width of the football.[15] Scoring was also adjusted: field goals were lowered to three points in 1909[11] and touchdowns were raised to six points in 1912.[16] The field was also reduced to 100 yards (91 m) long, but two 10-yard-long end zones were created, and teams were given four downs instead of three to advance the ball 10 yards (9.1 m).[17] The roughing-the-passer penalty was implemented in 1914, and eligible players were first allowed to catch the ball anywhere on the field in 1918.[18] The professional era William "Pudge" Heffelfinger, widely regarded as the first professional football player The first instance of professional play in American football was on November 12, 1892, when William "Pudge" Heffelfinger was paid $500 to play a game for the Allegheny Athletic Association in a match against the Pittsburgh Athletic Club. This is the first recorded instance of a player being paid to participate in a game of American football, although many athletic clubs in the 1880s offered to help players attain employment, gave out trophies or watches that players would pawn for money, or paid double in expense money. Despite these extra benefits, the game had a strict sense of amateurism at the time, and direct payment to players was frowned upon, if not outright illegal.[19] Over time, professional play became increasingly common, and with it came rising salaries and unpredictable player movement, as well as the illegal payment of college players who were still in school. The National Football League (NFL), a group of professional teams that was originally established in 1920 as the American Professional Football Association, aimed to solve these problems. This new league's stated goals included an end to bidding wars over players, prevention of the use of college players, and abolition of the practice of paying players to leave another team.[20] By 1922, the NFL had established itself as the premier professional football league.[21] The dominant form of football at the time was played at the collegiate level, but the upstart NFL received a boost to its legitimacy in 1925 when an NFL team, the Pottsville Maroons, defeated a team of Notre Dame all-stars in an exhibition game.[22] A greater emphasis on the passing game helped professional football to further distinguish itself from the college game during the late 1930s.[20] Football in general became increasingly popular following the 1958 NFL Championship game, a match between the Baltimore Colts and the New York Giants that is still referred to as the "Greatest Game Ever Played". The game, a 23–17 overtime victory by the Colts, was seen by millions of television viewers and had a major impact on the popularity of the sport. This, along with the innovations introduced by the new American Football League (AFL) in the early 1960s, helped football to become the most popular sport in the United States by the mid-1960s.[23] The rival American Football League arose in 1960 and challenged the NFL's dominance. The AFL began in relative obscurity but eventually thrived, with an initial television contract with the ABC network. The AFL's existence forced the conservative NFL to expand to Dallas and Minnesota in an attempt to destroy the new league. Meanwhile, the AFL introduced many new features to Professional Football in the United States: official time on the scoreboard clock, rather than on a watch in the referee's pocket, as the NFL did; optional two-point conversions by pass or run after touchdowns; names on the jerseys of players; and several others, including expansion of the role of minority players, actively recruited by the league in contrast to the NFL. The AFL also signed several star college players that had also been drafted by NFL teams. Competition for players heated up in 1965, when the AFL New York Jets signed rookie Joe Namath to a then-record US $437,000 contract. A five-year, $40 million NBC television contract followed, which helped to sustain the young league. The bidding war for players ended in 1966, when NFL owners approached the AFL regarding a merger, and the two leagues agreed on one that would take full effect in 1970. This agreement provided for a common draft that would take place each year, and it instituted an annual World Championship game to be played between the champions of each league. That game began play at the end of the 1966 season. Once the merger was completed, it was no longer a championship game between two leagues, and reverted to the NFL championship game, which came to be known as the Super Bowl.[24] College football maintained a tradition of postseason bowl games. Each bowl game would be associated with a particular conference, and earning a spot in a bowl game was the reward for winning a conference. This arrangement was profitable, but it tended to prevent the two top-ranked teams from meeting in a true national championship game, as they would normally be committed to the bowl games of their respective conferences. Several systems have been used since 1992 to determine a national champion of college football. The first was the Bowl Coalition, in place from 1992 to 1994. This was replaced in 1995 by the Bowl Alliance, which gave way in 1997 to the Bowl Championship Series (BCS).[25] The BCS arrangement proved to be controversial, and was replaced in 2014 by a four-team playoff system.[26][27] Bastian Balthazar Bux was a little boy around the age of ten or twelve. He lived with his father, because his mother died. When his mother was still alive his relationship with his father had been great. But since then they rarely spoke, his father became quiet, and very sad, Bastian couldn't reach him. He didn't care when Bastian was put back in school the year before. Bastian's time at school had been hard too, his classmates made fun of his fatness and clumsiness, and they were laughing at him when they discovered that having no friend to talk to he talked to himself. He told himself stories, about all sort of things, of knights and warriors, of great kings and queens, unicorns and other fantastic animals. He also loved books. All sort of fantasy-books, but all stories must end once, and he was always very sad when one ended. One day when he went to school, his classmates were waiting for him in front of the schoolhouse. They chased him until he was so tired he couldn't run any further. They got him and dropped him into a litter-bin. Only after a long time could he get out. It was raining heavily, and he didn't have an umbrella with him, so he ran into the nearest shop for cover. It was a book-shop. An old man who was sitting in an armchair smoking a pipe was the seller. In his hand he held a book. Bastian who was soaked to skin and the man talked for a time, but the telephone rang and the old man went to the other end of the shop to pick it up. Bastian looked on the book, the man had been reading before he came in. It was bound in copper-coloured silk, and when he leafed through it he saw that it was printed in two colours red and blue. There seemed to be no pictures, but at the beginning of every chapter, there were beautiful capital letters. On the front cover of the book there were two snakes biting each other's tails, one was light and the other was dark. They formed an oval and inside it could be read: The Hobbit and The Neverending Story. ... I pity them, for they are the ones who will live an un-lived lifeaE (Tolkien 358).The Neverending Story is quite similar in this sense. ... The Neverending Story created the same atmosphere with its magical world Fantastica. ... The Neverending Story is much the&... The True Story of Ah Q,\" has more meaning in its small amount of pages than many other stories of much longer length. ... The author, Li Xun, starts the story with a blunt introduction of Ah Q giving the reader background information for the story. ... In the story they represent the literal revolution going on in China at th... Political Views InHaroun and The Sea of StoriesSalman Rushdie wrote Haroun and The Sea of Stories, during the long period of exile and hiding that followed a 1988 contract (fatwah) put out against him by the Ajatollah-Khomeini. ... Written as a long distance message to his then young son, Haroun and The Sea of Stories is about on the man... In the Gospels, the apostles report the story of how Jesus came into Peter\'s house and heal his mother in law, lying in a fever. ... October Sky October Sky"s is a story about a group of high school boys growing up in a coal mining West Virginia town. Homer throughout the story was faced with many different situations and grew up to be a young man because of them. ... Her father had collections of short stories and novels throughout the whole house. ... Jhumpa\'s first short story collection she put out was Interpreter of Maladies. ... Only goodness is one of my favorite short stories by her. Even though I am not Indian I could relate to this story coming from an Italian home. ... This short story is about... Salinger"s Nine Stories is a collection of nine individual short stories that, as a whole, depict the imaginations that dominate and destroy the lives of both children and adults. ... Finally, "Teddy,aE the author"s last and most revealing story, should be mentioned as it ends the nine story compilation like an awakening slap in the ... Here, the short story reached its climax. ... Without these nameless white people in the story, the story would not have had a developed plot. ... Similes were also used in the story to enhance the story"s imagery. ... The story"s title, "LullabyaE, served as a symbol in the story. ... Ayah was also a symbol in the ... Comparing âBedtime storyâ and âThere Will Come Soft The similarities of the two stories, aEBedtime storyaE and ,aE There will come soft rainsaE, are the time period, unrealistic rulers, the death of a species, and the chronological similarities.Both stories are futuristic and are ruled by beings other than humans. ... There are no humans and electronic and human sensitive houses rule t... This is a true story. The film was made in 1994 and directed by Gerard Corbiau. This movie takes place in the mid to early eighteenth century. There are a number of different setting were the story takes place. The film starts in the court of King Philip V of Spain in the year 1740. It the As all of these stories all basically have the same story line or the same meaning, they also all have different plots, setting, and characters. I also think that their psyical appearance affects their personal relationships in the stories. The Movie "RoxanneaE, is basically identical to the story "Cyrano De BergeracaE. They have to These stories are universally functional in any society. ... A story that is one of the oldest recorded, and most recognizable stories ever told, Cinderella. ... Historic stories like myths and fables are precursors to the stories of today with their portrayal of era transcendent themes. ... So a story containing justice becomes easily relatable. In the stor... I dubbed this sandy beach the \"Jordan River\" because of the biblical story where King Naaman washed himself in the Jordan River eight times to cure his It was complex because of the manner the stories were told, specifically the story "In a GroveaE. ... In my opinion, "RashomonaE was a vague story. Although, the message of the story was the clear, the manner in which the story was told was quite vague to me. ... They built and described the characters of the story" Thus the story of Tristran Thorn begins.Tristran Thorn , of the 19th century English town of Wall, wants nothing more than to be a good simple sheep farmer aE" and to marry Victoria Forester. ... Tristran forget everything about Victoria after he finds star.Stardust is one of my favorite stories out there. ... Many that I read as a child The story "Arm Wrestling with My FatheraE, is an interesting story, the father and son have a very difficult relationship. ... As one starts to read and delve more into the details of the story, one will realize that what the cover's lack of depth or meaning, the story makes up for.Franny and Zooey is a story about an intoxicating family, the Glasses, and how one family member deals with another. ... (Or maybe it's the fact that the story is They are required in order for a story to be told completely. ... However, it is not the climax of the story. ... The story starts in the character"s home. ... The setting helps to make the story more realistic. ... In order to help the reader visualize and become part of the story, the author has to set the tone of t... Over time, as the story was told and passed on through generations, many different ideas on what happened were brought up, but the main idea of the story is the same in most cases. ... There are many different versions of the story as to exactly how he died, and some versions of the story go into more detail than others. As time... Several things that make up the story including the characters, the setting, and Hemingway"s own beliefs help to define the importance of Ernest Hemingway"s "A Clean, Well-Lighted PlaceaE, in today"s literature. ... When carefully reading the story, the reader is aware of the old man"s natural disablility of deafness. In comparis... In the story of Bless me Ultima, it struck me to see how so much of Antonio"s life was based on such thoughts and believes. It shows how a society will place importance on tales and stories from past generations to affect the way people live in the present.In the book, curanderismo and the church were often associated with each other ArabyaE by James Joyce is a short story in which the protagonist gained a consciousness that was beyond him. ... In the story, the character was experiencing an initiation or awareness of new actualities that was outside of him. ... In this story, the reader learns of the boy"s initiation in the final sentence: "Gazing up into the sky (hehe...the Irbmeister loves that reference." Shakespeare"s Romeo and Juliet, and Irving Shulman"s Novelization of Arthur Laurent"s West Side Story are two of the most famous love stories in the world. ... This is why both stories end in tragic ways. ... However, later on in the story, Maria"s fianc? ... These two stories also differ in the background. ... and "West Side Story... In Kate Chopin"s short story, The Story of an Hour depicts a short hour of a woman"s life. ... Since this is a short story it gets right to the climax. ... This is the first dialogue we have seen in the story thus far. ... The little the dialogue and action in the story, the better the story was. The Story of... Short Story Analysis PaperBeing able to relate to people can often times be a huge problem. In both Raymond Carver"s short story "CathedralaE, and James Baldwin"s" short story "Sonny"s BluesaE the main focus of the stories is realization. ... At the end of the story they seem to find a common bond through sonny's music Chapter 2, the actual beginning of the story explains that Billy, the protagonist, is a time-traveling WWII veteran. ... There are three components to Billy's story: his time in Germany, his time as a husband and father, and his time on Trafalmadore. ... He's trying to make sense of his life like we're trying to make ... Chapter 2, the actual beginning of the story explains that Billy, the protagonist, is a time-traveling WWII veteran. ... There are three components to Billy's story: his time in Germany, his time as a husband and father, and his time on Trafalmadore. ... He's trying to make sense of his life like we're trying to make. PLEASE move past the Hodge vs Rang issue. THE CHOICE IS MADE! And again, imo the adult, mature thing to do is accept the collective wisdom of decision makers, believe in the MANY, almost unanimous supportive statements about our new coach from those who know him best, try to be positive about this new phase of things, and in this thread discuss DRESDEN LIONS 2014. If you wanna keep other topic going (why one would, who knows?) start a new thread about it, Hodge vs Rang debate or whatever, and let the fur fly! But let's get past that in >this thread< and get on with Dresden football. thank you. GO LIONS! #1 ALL THE WAY! For instance, do we have good players to replace last years seniors? How deep are we? And who could step in for QB if (God forbid) something happen to our phenom Dresser? We had 60+ to dress-out last year (not bad for 1A, eh?), wonder how many we get playing this year? We had a few predictions for upcoming year's regular season record, any other guesses for 2014? (Mine is 8-2, district champs, #1 seed playoffs) ... that's relevant topics here, correct? Last year folk doubted & bad-mouthed our freshman phenom QB, until they saw with own eyes.. then it was : wow! Now this year its doubt on coach selection, but methinks Rang will do much better than folk expect, especially with the players and foundation he inherited. Like Popeye Jones told our team, folk doubted him, but they couldn't measure his heart! And it was his heart that got him where he did in spite of naysayers. And those who know Rang best put 100%+ confidence in our new Coach, and that is where I cast my lot too, phooey on doubters! Chad could have done a fantastic job too, yes indeed, but Rang will as well. It's the heart that counts most imho, which our coaches and players are loaded with, on top of raw talent! Thus, our team will do better than most expect (so says this nutcase! HA!) Yeppers, that is the unanimous opinion it seems from first meeters to those who really know our new coach. And I made an "upbeat, glowing" prediction of 8-2 season, but hey, if we finish 5-5 and win all our district games that fine too (tough job indeed!) . Our non-district foes are good (except for Fayette Academy, who WERE tops when we scheduled them, but their new year saw huge decrease in families, thus their players, thanks to tanking economy! From first to worst in one year. Sad). Next time coaches redo our schedule, I say keep as is but drop FA and Obion (they "dirtiest" team I ever see, trying to hurt on purpose. Classless!), and add who?... Milan? Halls? Lake County? Or who for non-district? I think the harder the non-conference opponent the better for us! What y'all think? BTW.. I know we need to focus on this year and get through it first, but at years end everyone does revamp their schedule, right? (It is a two-year cycle I think). I just "thinking out loud". Yeah, yeah, I know too that not something I known for, nor do a good job when I guilty of it.. thinking that is! HA! How the scam works: Some of the most influential people in the word are reverends and pastors. There is no surprise that in their communities they could have sometimes hundreds of thousands of followers on social media, depending on the size of their congregation and community. There is an inherent trust in these men and women of God, and it has opened a door for scammers to take full advantage of this position of authority and trust for their own greed. Pastors, especially high profile pastors and ones with large congregations are the targets of this fake profile scam. Scammers use information from the pastors’ real Facebook page and create a phony, practically identical page, sending friend requests to all the people on the actual page’s Friends list. After posting a few interesting things on their wall, to create a sense of authenticity and get more trust - they solicit donations for missions work and other charities for which the church legitimately collects tithes and donations. Of course the money is only used to line the scammers’ pockets. United States, Australia, Canada, or Great Britain - it could happen anywhere. The latest victim was Rev. Adam Hamilton (photo, his real page) from Kansas City, US, where the scammers duplicated his page and reached out to over 10,000 people. How to avoid: If you do receive a friend request from your church or minister – and you are already Facebook friends with this person – ask them in person, via email or over the telephone if they are legitimately friending you on another page. Often you will discover that this page is a fake profile. Do not just send a private message to the person making the request; of course the scammer is going to tell you they are the actual person! Also, be aware that churches and other charitable organizations will only use their social media profiles to post church updates, news and positive, inspirational messages. The majority of their donations for missions are made to their official web pages or during special collections during services. Make your friends and family aware of this scam by sharing it, using the buttons provided. There are 2 comments On Saturday, March 28, 2015, nagesh wrote: Mr &mrs ravi naddar , they are first living in chamber. but now they change the room. they are cheating people saying that we will provide you a bank seal property in minimum rate and taking money from people. please font deal with this couple . they have cheated many people. if u find this couple pls contact to this number 8689875409 or send message regarding this couple On Monday, January 26, 2015, Scam Awareness Center in facebook wrote: HERE IS THE ANTI CHRIST, WORLD NOTORIOUS FAKE BISHOP, THAT SCAM AWARENESS CENTER, DOING ITS CRIME RESEARCH FROM 2006, WE GOT ALL THE LEGAL EVIDENCE IN INDIA, BUT WE NEED SOME ONE WHO CAN PAY 25 USD UNDER "THE FREEDOM OF THE INFORMATION ACT OF USA" His boss fake Arch Bishop is in jail for ever in India. But please read the story of Anand raj's cook cum driver ,real existence in India now wanted to become the Prime Minister of India, by fake baptist world alliance funds to innocent Indian voters. http://court.mah.nic...024192010_1.pdf So far we are discussing and crusading about the Scam Artists, those who are ,exile, and elsewhere and its impossible to trace them for any police agencies. But an ordinary 10th standard failed Indian person who is stationery in only one place for 8 years, (his address is fixed and any one can call him and ask to tell a sentence about the Bible, then he would ask "what is that? what is a Bible?". But this fake Bishop is awarded Master of Divinity and Doctor of Divinity over night by www dot lovinghands dot net . and the Degrees MD.DD only suffixed by medical doctors in India, so this Indian, Scam Lord, joined in some super specialty hospitals like Kamineni hospitals, and also he promised trillions of fake funds to a Medical College run by some rich Hindu Senator in Indian Parliament, who believes that Christians are good and they will never lie. So this fake Christian, and Fake Bishop promised trillion of dollars to that medical college, website www dot kims dot in and told them that if he made the president on paper for the college management board trust, for just 7 days, and video the function and hand it over to him, he will send it to BWA(Baptist World Alliance)from there he will get trillions of funds. , thus they kept him as temporary president for 7 days, later he filed a petition in the court that he is the owner of the college.Out of shame, the original owner trust , silently fighting back in the court. Meanwhile he showed that papers, to thousands of biological sciences innocent students, that KIMS medical college is his own and taken bribes to provide them a medical admission seat in the management quota. He deceived thousands and all the Hindus knock the doors of various Christian Organizations and churches in India. But no Christian body or, council or Christian church never knew who is this fake Bishop. He met all the political parties in India and told that he got trillions of dollars funds from Baptist World Alliance, so he will donate election fund, if he be given a party ticket to contest to the Parliament of India. One 5th largest party of India, www bspindia org has given him prestigious party ticket and thus he is gaining ground in public as a good boy, to cheat more innocent Indians and BWA. I have filed a complaint against his affidavit in which he could not write his name properly and his nomination Affidavit is totally false information. Then Chief Election Commission of India ordered immediate inquiry on my complaint. The District Electoral officer , wrote to me by agreeing he is fraud and asked me to go to competent court. But eminent lawyers in India told me that he will be go behind the bars for life, for hurting the sentiments of Christians, with out having a baptism certificate, in addition he holds a Revenue records certificate as a Hindu for him and his two kids. If any American citizen pay 25 dollars under the "Freedom of Information act " by quoting the below link, by asking the 501 © 3, Tax exempted non profit www dot lovinghands dot net and also to www dot bwanet dot org whether they knew his name and educational qualification and about his Hindusim as his religion certificate he submitted to the Election Commission of India. And a 501© 3 non profit , should not indulge in such issue of degrees MD DD to non baptized and Hindu person by records, does not know how to open the Bible, is claiming the Arch Bishop for entire baptist churches in India. Indian Government does not have any legal teeth on him, until unless, www bwanet dot org and www.lovinghands dot net write to the Indian Government through their US embassy in India. This is a fake bishop scam he is doing by staying only in one place for 8 years. I can not pay 25 USD as freedom of the Information act, will any US citizen will help me to apply juts to know who is he? if you type in google CBCNC then you will get all about him. and the shocking proof of his scam is the following link is the one of the thousands of fake funds statements every day to the news papers. http://www.oneindia....1199533461.html like the boko haram terrorists kidnapped 200 school girls in Nigeria, at present 800 girls students Christian school is under his captive legally by telling all the Indian Government stating that he will get trillions of funds from baptist world Alliance , of USA. For any US citizen ,it is only the matter of 25 USD to pay for the www. ecfa dot org, whether they know about this cbcncindia org and what are their affiliations with bwanet org and www lovinghands dot net It is more dangerous scam in India on Indian Christianity and Christian properties by a non Christian terrorist out fit, then Boko Haram, .Any American human rights activist if pay, 25 dollars by the freedom of the information act , and just ask the baptism certificate of the person who is claiming that he is the owner of the world baptist Alliance. See his face book ratna kumar md dot7 facebook. it is the world notorious fake bishop scam, The person who bells the cat , will be the hero or heroine in USA, who pays just 25 USD under freedom of Information act. All his certificates and clippings are graphics. and fake photos. He is anti Christ of the world. been on t a few years, on net itself since late 80's using hevyrevy1611. This newbie heavy popped up after Trenton game. If you at Trenton game and know me, and heard my chatter and cheers.. yeah.. it was epic that night. Betcha it got under their skin and its an attempt at payback. Or maybe a UC fan trying to divide the Lion fans by infighting thanks to heavy's junk posts impersonating me.. hevy. Anyways.. look at spelling. Clever they were.. but busted they are. Notice.. heavy vs hevy. New trolling imposter heavy is copying & pasting old posts of mine hevy, plus adding their own stuff.. he looks like a trojan horse troublemaker. I musta got poor lil poser peeved. Pity this fool.. he has no idea. Pay attention to spellings. Wonder if an admin can ban/ kick off this pretender who stole my id? Heavy is NOT hevy. 'm heading in this direction, you'll see!!! Before this is over, I will be a household name, an inspirational speaker of how to comeback against seeming insurmountable odds, (and doing so alone, noone else there helping, with some even mocking, ridiculing, and standing in my way.. but do it anyways I have, and shall continue doing so!). Losing 300 pounds (and counting), struggling out of my bed of affliction where I had to have full-time nurse-care for years, no more having to use an electric. How does one keep going when there is no purpose, no reason, no inner "why" to do it all? When each movement of body assaults you with searing, mind-fogging pain? When you are alone/ single, nobody to encourage nor support you, no outlets of service nor another to love on and give to, nobody to bring out what's laying dormant within, to help you be your best. When there is no "why" to do the "what" that you do... how to keep on? Why keep on? The only reward is incredible pain, tears, loneliness. zy woman who WILL find you. Do you know why men don't go through menopause? ... because they've never left adolescence. So the past, present, & future walk into a bar... it was tense! What kind of car would Jesus drive? ... a Chrysler. A kid was crying after Sunday School, parents asked what is wrong? Why are you so upset?.. Child answered, teacher says it is best to be raised in a Christian home, but I want to go home with... I've been heavyrevy since the beginning and time...THE GREAT AND POWER REV IRB J HAS SPOKEN! WHO ARE YOU? Ha...reveal yourself for this has gone for two days and methinks it may not end if you don't hault this smoke and mirrors gimmick. Everybody notice it's always "Heavy" not "Hevy" or however this sad imposter spelt it. BUT, now you've been caught red handed!!! HA. What kind of a weak gimmick is this? If you're going to attempt to hack somebody...get out!! COACHT EDIT:KICK THIS IMPOSTER OFF THE SITE.
  5. IMPOSTER ALERT! This maniac with the UNauthentic "Hevy", which is spelt wrong is in for a rude awakening...try me dude. I'm from Overton HS and I've seen it all. Everybody knows me and I'm the real and original "heavyrevy" hence why the name is spelt correctly. Oh, well. You just some high schooler having fun with this. I think it's hilarious, epic and brilliant. As long you say nothing extremely negative, I don't care. A good imitation is the best complement. NOW, I'm staring to see why everybody loves da Irbmeister! HA! No wonder I gets all the ladies. This cheering up is doing good, but you better stop "posing" as the real heavyrevy1611, cuz I'm the original. Just sayin!! Anyway if you didn't my post and warning earlier...here you go (read below). %^*#!. WOW!!!!!! AAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!! THIS IS THE AUTHENTIC, OFFICIAL AND ONLY ME. Whoever this imposter is hacking me and doing this...Reveal and expose yourself coward!!! Stuff like this make me want to knock the strawman stuffing out of a phony clown like this!!! HA!Wow! How do punks like this pull off these "hacking" gigs anyhow?!?! Dude...you best run, duck and cover from the incoming doom you're trying to attract. You're barking up the wrong tree...I'm from Memphis and your game will not work on me. Smoke and mirrors don't phase a man like me! Come at me, wee man!!!! WAPPPOHHHHH!!!!! You best sleep with one eye open, my queen. Grrrrrrr!!!!!!! Anyway, now that I'm done with that. Let's talk some fusball Possibly UC would get #2 seed, wouldn't they? Looking at rankings and games left, no 1A team will come out of districts #15 & #16, so it's just #13 & #14 teams to fill Quad, with two teams outta 13 (Dresden & Bruceton), four from 14 (UC, Humbolt, Lake Co, & S.Fulton). Dresden just has to beat the Mustangs and that would settle who #2. If not, I think it's gonna be Humbolt. Hardest games left that have biggest ramifications on where they're seeded is Lake Co, who could be anywhere from #3 to #6, if my prognostications are right. (Don't bet on that though!). Dresden will be #2 or #3 imo, which will be bottom half of Quad anyways. The way it works, the #1, 5, & 6 teams are on top, then #2, 3, & 4 teams on bottom of bracket, right? If that's so, looking at brackets, games left, & the possible seeding (@ http://football.tssa...alstandings.cfm ) it's in realm of possibilities that when dust settles UC & Lake Co. will be battling it out for a trip to the final four (making the safe assumption of UC winning it's games, and Cinderella assumption LC wins out until then). That'd be sumin! Also, lol at post below. HA! . ROFLMHO!!!! EPIC & WONDERFUL. this is the real, official hevyrevy, hog knows me, my son played for him and @ Westview game we were there talking to him on hill with his sons, we had several former players stop by including bench press champ now in Hollywood. And this GREAT post was a hack. Someone.is.good.. very good. They even know nicknames, my past sports, age, weight loss.. lotsa cool personal stuff, even where I work. Either knows me in real world or read all my previous posts and gathered these tidbits. Regardless.. I LUVED IT! Whoever you are, this was Tony the Tiger GRRRRRRREAT! ... UHMMM a thought... no way I could of sleep walked and did this, could I? Time stamp I think I was up.. but my phone not working right, yet I have all kinds of protection.. so the source must have been some type of emulater or code copying of the T. Hehe.. I not smart enough to figure it out.. and using my ID they didn't cross any boundaries or social politeness or such nonsense.. so it cool with me. This was just funny banter ya'll. GREAT rant! I wish I could do.that good. (Was it perhaps a really.old.post redone and.updated? But how was my id used? I did leave the T and.FB both open last night while I asleep.. so maybe they got in that way somehow). Very smart with techie stuff whoever did this. And since it was an awesome post.. I say KUDOS & THANK YOU! x- the official, real hevyrevy1611. Online, at sperPxaM (read backwards) the 2014 schedules (which has only first game listed so far) for Westview, Huntingdon, Dresden, Westwood all match with same info, Chargers vs Stangs in WK 1, Lions vs Longhorns in WK 0 at UTM, which I was motivated to find out after the guy at SaveALot was VERY certain Lions vs Chargers is no longer going to happen, which he said folk in Martin knew already and he discussed with several folk. He a tall (say 6'3", or more) young-looking black guy, fairly dark pigment (mgr i think.. whenever i in store i always see him working everywhere doing everything, hustling after it too) who is in his 40's (don't look it) with his playing days done at Tillman in KY. But our dresdenfootball dot com site has us playing Chargers on the countdown clock (but that site not updated very often, been over a year, preseason 2013 is last time that site had current info put on it). I hope I am made to look silly and moronic (which is EASY to do.. ha!) because I have overlooked or misread something plainly obvious online, but dude at store got me on this search.. he was staunch and adamant "knowing" for certain no more Dresden, and his source is "all the guys he talked to at Westview games" to quote him, because I asked. Man I hope it all wrong and I appear silly, because Chargers & Lions imo would be a great 1st game traditional rivalry for decades to come (provided Dresden keeps up its winning ways, which I believe it will!), always a big money maker, and only drawback, to me, is it hurting Chargers in 3A were the Lions to win or be close, which to me would be the only "logical" reason to drop game from a football standpoint. Hope all this hot air and useless talk.. but that info is online, and dude at store, with his sources all "know" the game not happening. (I rubbing my genie lamp and lucky rock wishing game still on.. for many more years to come!). And yes, Chargers definitely do need to work on not "chop blocking", film shows this habit they have, but it is ok with some fans, coaches, and players I guess no matter who it hurts. Simple truth for all to see, watch the films. But Lions still luv to play Chargers and prepares with practice drills for this blocking tactic Westview uses (Obion bad about it too.. they had 9 guys of theirs thrown out of game last year! They obvious about it, not as slick as others), so yeah, interesting you bring that up. Hope Chargers do find a better blocking technique, but knowing the past I sure our team will prepare themselves for the inevitable, and I wouldn't be surprised if some of our players get sick of it after awhile and retaliate in kind no matter what coaches say about not doing it, these players get emotional too and seek payback I sure. It's human nature to do that in such cases imo. And before anyond gets panties in a wad screaming, if able to, just watch the films... if you can be unbiased, honest, and objective, even against own team, you'll see who doing what as far as blocking goes.. which, hey, if we did drop this game my speculation is that may be reason, Lions tired of our guys being badly hurt, and to get it approved to break the schedule agreement all they have to do is have TSSAA look at tapes (which I have no idea of that being done, just using logical imagination of how/ why the game would be dropped by Dresden and the change approved by powers that be) . So, der it is, backdrop to this confusion of mine, and my response to the brought-up topic about blocking. Methinks it gonna be a great year no matter who we play! Voting for Chargers in WK 0 though! Let me share posting of NEW American football rules though...just imagine the physicality our lions go through every Friday night... American football evolved from the sport of rugby football.[6] Rugby, like American football, is a sport where two competing teams vie for control of a ball, which can be kicked through a set of goalposts or run into the opponent's goal area to score points.[7]The first American football game was played on November 6, 1869 between Rutgers and Princeton. The game was played between two teams of 25 players each, used a round ball, and resembled a combination of rugby and soccer in its rules; the ball could not be picked up or carried, but it could be kicked or batted with the feet, hands, head or sides, with the ultimate goal of advancing it into the opponent's goal. Rutgers won the game 6-4.[8][9] Collegiate play continued for several years in which matches were played using the rules of the host school. Representatives of Yale, Columbia, Princeton and Rutgers met on October 19, 1873 to create a standard set of rules for all schools to adhere to. Teams were set at 20 players each, and fields of 400 by 250 feet (122 m × 76 m) were specified. Harvard abstained from the conference, as they favored a rugby-style game that allowed running with the ball.An 1875 Harvard-Yale game played under rugby-style rules was observed by two impressed Princeton athletes. These players introduced the sport to Princeton, a feat the Professional Football Researchers Association compared to "selling refrigerators to Eskimos."[9] Princeton, Harvard, Yale and Columbia then agreed to intercollegiate play using a form of rugby union rules with a modified scoring system.[10] These schools formed the Intercollegiate Football Association, although Yale did not join until 1879. Yale player Walter Camp, now regarded as the "Father of American Football," secured rule changes in 1880 that reduced the size of each team from 15 to 11 players and instituted the snap to replace the chaotic and inconsistent scrum. HA, I posted this in lieu of learning the game...which folks sometime forget! Let me continue with other tid bits... The introduction of the snap resulted in unexpected consequences. Prior to the snap, the strategy had been to punt if a scrum resulted in bad field position. However, a group of Princeton players realized that, as the snap was uncontested, they now could hold the ball indefinitely to prevent their opponent from scoring. In 1881, both teams in a game between Yale-Princeton used this strategy to maintain their undefeated records. Each team held the ball, gaining no ground, for an entire half, resulting in a 0-0 tie. This "block game" proved extremely unpopular with the spectators and fans of both teams.[10] A rule change was necessary to prevent this strategy from taking hold, and a reversion to the scrum was considered. However, Camp successfully proposed a rule in 1882 that limited each team to three downs, or tackles, to advance the ball five yards. Failure to advance the ball the required distance within those three downs would result in control of the ball being forfeited to the other team. This change effectively made American football a separate sport from rugby, and the resulting five-yard lines added to the field to measure distances made it resemble a gridiron in appearance. Other major rule changes included a reduction of the field size to 110 by 53.333 yards (100.584 m × 48.768 m), and the adoption of a scoring system that awarded four points for a touchdown, two for a safety and a goal following a touchdown, and five for a goal from field; additionally, tackling below the waist was legalized.[10] Despite these new rules, football remained a violent sport. Dangerous mass-formations like the flying wedge resulted in serious injuries or even death.[12] A 1905 peak of 19 fatalities nationwide resulted in a threat by President Theodore Roosevelt to abolish the game unless major changes were made.[13] In response, sixty-two colleges and universities met in New York City to discuss rule changes on December 28, 1905, and these proceedings resulted in the formation of the Intercollegiate Athletic Association of the United States, later named the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA).[14] The legal forward pass was introduced in 1906 after its suggestion by John Heisman, although its impact was initially limited due to the restrictions placed on its use. Other rule changes introduced that year included the reduction of the time of play from 70 to 60 minutes and the increase of the distance required for a first down from 5–10 yards (4.6–9.1 m). To reduce infighting and dirty play between teams, the neutral zone was created along the width of the football.[15] Scoring was also adjusted: field goals were lowered to three points in 1909[11] and touchdowns were raised to six points in 1912.[16] The field was also reduced to 100 yards (91 m) long, but two 10-yard-long end zones were created, and teams were given four downs instead of three to advance the ball 10 yards (9.1 m).[17] The roughing-the-passer penalty was implemented in 1914, and eligible players were first allowed to catch the ball anywhere on the field in 1918.[18] The professional era William "Pudge" Heffelfinger, widely regarded as the first professional football player The first instance of professional play in American football was on November 12, 1892, when William "Pudge" Heffelfinger was paid $500 to play a game for the Allegheny Athletic Association in a match against the Pittsburgh Athletic Club. This is the first recorded instance of a player being paid to participate in a game of American football, although many athletic clubs in the 1880s offered to help players attain employment, gave out trophies or watches that players would pawn for money, or paid double in expense money. Despite these extra benefits, the game had a strict sense of amateurism at the time, and direct payment to players was frowned upon, if not outright illegal.[19] Over time, professional play became increasingly common, and with it came rising salaries and unpredictable player movement, as well as the illegal payment of college players who were still in school. The National Football League (NFL), a group of professional teams that was originally established in 1920 as the American Professional Football Association, aimed to solve these problems. This new league's stated goals included an end to bidding wars over players, prevention of the use of college players, and abolition of the practice of paying players to leave another team.[20] By 1922, the NFL had established itself as the premier professional football league.[21] The dominant form of football at the time was played at the collegiate level, but the upstart NFL received a boost to its legitimacy in 1925 when an NFL team, the Pottsville Maroons, defeated a team of Notre Dame all-stars in an exhibition game.[22] A greater emphasis on the passing game helped professional football to further distinguish itself from the college game during the late 1930s.[20] Football in general became increasingly popular following the 1958 NFL Championship game, a match between the Baltimore Colts and the New York Giants that is still referred to as the "Greatest Game Ever Played". The game, a 23–17 overtime victory by the Colts, was seen by millions of television viewers and had a major impact on the popularity of the sport. This, along with the innovations introduced by the new American Football League (AFL) in the early 1960s, helped football to become the most popular sport in the United States by the mid-1960s.[23] The rival American Football League arose in 1960 and challenged the NFL's dominance. The AFL began in relative obscurity but eventually thrived, with an initial television contract with the ABC network. The AFL's existence forced the conservative NFL to expand to Dallas and Minnesota in an attempt to destroy the new league. Meanwhile, the AFL introduced many new features to Professional Football in the United States: official time on the scoreboard clock, rather than on a watch in the referee's pocket, as the NFL did; optional two-point conversions by pass or run after touchdowns; names on the jerseys of players; and several others, including expansion of the role of minority players, actively recruited by the league in contrast to the NFL. The AFL also signed several star college players that had also been drafted by NFL teams. Competition for players heated up in 1965, when the AFL New York Jets signed rookie Joe Namath to a then-record US $437,000 contract. A five-year, $40 million NBC television contract followed, which helped to sustain the young league. The bidding war for players ended in 1966, when NFL owners approached the AFL regarding a merger, and the two leagues agreed on one that would take full effect in 1970. This agreement provided for a common draft that would take place each year, and it instituted an annual World Championship game to be played between the champions of each league. That game began play at the end of the 1966 season. Once the merger was completed, it was no longer a championship game between two leagues, and reverted to the NFL championship game, which came to be known as the Super Bowl.[24] College football maintained a tradition of postseason bowl games. Each bowl game would be associated with a particular conference, and earning a spot in a bowl game was the reward for winning a conference. This arrangement was profitable, but it tended to prevent the two top-ranked teams from meeting in a true national championship game, as they would normally be committed to the bowl games of their respective conferences. Several systems have been used since 1992 to determine a national champion of college football. The first was the Bowl Coalition, in place from 1992 to 1994. This was replaced in 1995 by the Bowl Alliance, which gave way in 1997 to the Bowl Championship Series (BCS).[25] The BCS arrangement proved to be controversial, and was replaced in 2014 by a four-team playoff system.[26][27] Bastian Balthazar Bux was a little boy around the age of ten or twelve. He lived with his father, because his mother died. When his mother was still alive his relationship with his father had been great. But since then they rarely spoke, his father became quiet, and very sad, Bastian couldn't reach him. He didn't care when Bastian was put back in school the year before. Bastian's time at school had been hard too, his classmates made fun of his fatness and clumsiness, and they were laughing at him when they discovered that having no friend to talk to he talked to himself. He told himself stories, about all sort of things, of knights and warriors, of great kings and queens, unicorns and other fantastic animals. He also loved books. All sort of fantasy-books, but all stories must end once, and he was always very sad when one ended. One day when he went to school, his classmates were waiting for him in front of the schoolhouse. They chased him until he was so tired he couldn't run any further. They got him and dropped him into a litter-bin. Only after a long time could he get out. It was raining heavily, and he didn't have an umbrella with him, so he ran into the nearest shop for cover. It was a book-shop. An old man who was sitting in an armchair smoking a pipe was the seller. In his hand he held a book. Bastian who was soaked to skin and the man talked for a time, but the telephone rang and the old man went to the other end of the shop to pick it up. Bastian looked on the book, the man had been reading before he came in. It was bound in copper-coloured silk, and when he leafed through it he saw that it was printed in two colours red and blue. There seemed to be no pictures, but at the beginning of every chapter, there were beautiful capital letters. On the front cover of the book there were two snakes biting each other's tails, one was light and the other was dark. They formed an oval and inside it could be read: The Hobbit and The Neverending Story. ... I pity them, for they are the ones who will live an un-lived lifeaE (Tolkien 358).The Neverending Story is quite similar in this sense. ... The Neverending Story created the same atmosphere with its magical world Fantastica. ... The Neverending Story is much the&... The True Story of Ah Q,\" has more meaning in its small amount of pages than many other stories of much longer length. ... The author, Li Xun, starts the story with a blunt introduction of Ah Q giving the reader background information for the story. ... In the story they represent the literal revolution going on in China at th... Political Views InHaroun and The Sea of StoriesSalman Rushdie wrote Haroun and The Sea of Stories, during the long period of exile and hiding that followed a 1988 contract (fatwah) put out against him by the Ajatollah-Khomeini. ... Written as a long distance message to his then young son, Haroun and The Sea of Stories is about on the man... In the Gospels, the apostles report the story of how Jesus came into Peter\'s house and heal his mother in law, lying in a fever. ... October Sky October Sky"s is a story about a group of high school boys growing up in a coal mining West Virginia town. Homer throughout the story was faced with many different situations and grew up to be a young man because of them. ... Her father had collections of short stories and novels throughout the whole house. ... Jhumpa\'s first short story collection she put out was Interpreter of Maladies. ... Only goodness is one of my favorite short stories by her. Even though I am not Indian I could relate to this story coming from an Italian home. ... This short story is about... Salinger"s Nine Stories is a collection of nine individual short stories that, as a whole, depict the imaginations that dominate and destroy the lives of both children and adults. ... Finally, "Teddy,aE the author"s last and most revealing story, should be mentioned as it ends the nine story compilation like an awakening slap in the ... Here, the short story reached its climax. ... Without these nameless white people in the story, the story would not have had a developed plot. ... Similes were also used in the story to enhance the story"s imagery. ... The story"s title, "LullabyaE, served as a symbol in the story. ... Ayah was also a symbol in the ... Comparing âBedtime storyâ and âThere Will Come Soft The similarities of the two stories, aEBedtime storyaE and ,aE There will come soft rainsaE, are the time period, unrealistic rulers, the death of a species, and the chronological similarities.Both stories are futuristic and are ruled by beings other than humans. ... There are no humans and electronic and human sensitive houses rule t... This is a true story. The film was made in 1994 and directed by Gerard Corbiau. This movie takes place in the mid to early eighteenth century. There are a number of different setting were the story takes place. The film starts in the court of King Philip V of Spain in the year 1740. It the As all of these stories all basically have the same story line or the same meaning, they also all have different plots, setting, and characters. I also think that their psyical appearance affects their personal relationships in the stories. The Movie "RoxanneaE, is basically identical to the story "Cyrano De BergeracaE. They have to These stories are universally functional in any society. ... A story that is one of the oldest recorded, and most recognizable stories ever told, Cinderella. ... Historic stories like myths and fables are precursors to the stories of today with their portrayal of era transcendent themes. ... So a story containing justice becomes easily relatable. In the stor... I dubbed this sandy beach the \"Jordan River\" because of the biblical story where King Naaman washed himself in the Jordan River eight times to cure his It was complex because of the manner the stories were told, specifically the story "In a GroveaE. ... In my opinion, "RashomonaE was a vague story. Although, the message of the story was the clear, the manner in which the story was told was quite vague to me. ... They built and described the characters of the story" Thus the story of Tristran Thorn begins.Tristran Thorn , of the 19th century English town of Wall, wants nothing more than to be a good simple sheep farmer aE" and to marry Victoria Forester. ... Tristran forget everything about Victoria after he finds star.Stardust is one of my favorite stories out there. ... Many that I read as a child The story "Arm Wrestling with My FatheraE, is an interesting story, the father and son have a very difficult relationship. ... As one starts to read and delve more into the details of the story, one will realize that what the cover's lack of depth or meaning, the story makes up for.Franny and Zooey is a story about an intoxicating family, the Glasses, and how one family member deals with another. ... (Or maybe it's the fact that the story is They are required in order for a story to be told completely. ... However, it is not the climax of the story. ... The story starts in the character"s home. ... The setting helps to make the story more realistic. ... In order to help the reader visualize and become part of the story, the author has to set the tone of t... Over time, as the story was told and passed on through generations, many different ideas on what happened were brought up, but the main idea of the story is the same in most cases. ... There are many different versions of the story as to exactly how he died, and some versions of the story go into more detail than others. As time... Several things that make up the story including the characters, the setting, and Hemingway"s own beliefs help to define the importance of Ernest Hemingway"s "A Clean, Well-Lighted PlaceaE, in today"s literature. ... When carefully reading the story, the reader is aware of the old man"s natural disablility of deafness. In comparis... In the story of Bless me Ultima, it struck me to see how so much of Antonio"s life was based on such thoughts and believes. It shows how a society will place importance on tales and stories from past generations to affect the way people live in the present.In the book, curanderismo and the church were often associated with each other ArabyaE by James Joyce is a short story in which the protagonist gained a consciousness that was beyond him. ... In the story, the character was experiencing an initiation or awareness of new actualities that was outside of him. ... In this story, the reader learns of the boy"s initiation in the final sentence: "Gazing up into the sky (hehe...the Irbmeister loves that reference." Shakespeare"s Romeo and Juliet, and Irving Shulman"s Novelization of Arthur Laurent"s West Side Story are two of the most famous love stories in the world. ... This is why both stories end in tragic ways. ... However, later on in the story, Maria"s fianc? ... These two stories also differ in the background. ... and "West Side Story... In Kate Chopin"s short story, The Story of an Hour depicts a short hour of a woman"s life. ... Since this is a short story it gets right to the climax. ... This is the first dialogue we have seen in the story thus far. ... The little the dialogue and action in the story, the better the story was. The Story of... Short Story Analysis PaperBeing able to relate to people can often times be a huge problem. In both Raymond Carver"s short story "CathedralaE, and James Baldwin"s" short story "Sonny"s BluesaE the main focus of the stories is realization. ... At the end of the story they seem to find a common bond through sonny's music Chapter 2, the actual beginning of the story explains that Billy, the protagonist, is a time-traveling WWII veteran. ... There are three components to Billy's story: his time in Germany, his time as a husband and father, and his time on Trafalmadore. ... He's trying to make sense of his life like we're trying to make ... Chapter 2, the actual beginning of the story explains that Billy, the protagonist, is a time-traveling WWII veteran. ... There are three components to Billy's story: his time in Germany, his time as a husband and father, and his time on Trafalmadore. ... He's trying to make sense of his life like we're trying to make. PLEASE move past the Hodge vs Rang issue. THE CHOICE IS MADE! And again, imo the adult, mature thing to do is accept the collective wisdom of decision makers, believe in the MANY, almost unanimous supportive statements about our new coach from those who know him best, try to be positive about this new phase of things, and in this thread discuss DRESDEN LIONS 2014. If you wanna keep other topic going (why one would, who knows?) start a new thread about it, Hodge vs Rang debate or whatever, and let the fur fly! But let's get past that in >this thread< and get on with Dresden football. thank you. GO LIONS! #1 ALL THE WAY! For instance, do we have good players to replace last years seniors? How deep are we? And who could step in for QB if (God forbid) something happen to our phenom Dresser? We had 60+ to dress-out last year (not bad for 1A, eh?), wonder how many we get playing this year? We had a few predictions for upcoming year's regular season record, any other guesses for 2014? (Mine is 8-2, district champs, #1 seed playoffs) ... that's relevant topics here, correct? Last year folk doubted & bad-mouthed our freshman phenom QB, until they saw with own eyes.. then it was : wow! Now this year its doubt on coach selection, but methinks Rang will do much better than folk expect, especially with the players and foundation he inherited. Like Popeye Jones told our team, folk doubted him, but they couldn't measure his heart! And it was his heart that got him where he did in spite of naysayers. And those who know Rang best put 100%+ confidence in our new Coach, and that is where I cast my lot too, phooey on doubters! Chad could have done a fantastic job too, yes indeed, but Rang will as well. It's the heart that counts most imho, which our coaches and players are loaded with, on top of raw talent! Thus, our team will do better than most expect (so says this nutcase! HA!) Yeppers, that is the unanimous opinion it seems from first meeters to those who really know our new coach. And I made an "upbeat, glowing" prediction of 8-2 season, but hey, if we finish 5-5 and win all our district games that fine too (tough job indeed!) . Our non-district foes are good (except for Fayette Academy, who WERE tops when we scheduled them, but their new year saw huge decrease in families, thus their players, thanks to tanking economy! From first to worst in one year. Sad). Next time coaches redo our schedule, I say keep as is but drop FA and Obion (they "dirtiest" team I ever see, trying to hurt on purpose. Classless!), and add who?... Milan? Halls? Lake County? Or who for non-district? I think the harder the non-conference opponent the better for us! What y'all think? BTW.. I know we need to focus on this year and get through it first, but at years end everyone does revamp their schedule, right? (It is a two-year cycle I think). I just "thinking out loud". Yeah, yeah, I know too that not something I known for, nor do a good job when I guilty of it.. thinking that is! HA! How the scam works: Some of the most influential people in the word are reverends and pastors. There is no surprise that in their communities they could have sometimes hundreds of thousands of followers on social media, depending on the size of their congregation and community. There is an inherent trust in these men and women of God, and it has opened a door for scammers to take full advantage of this position of authority and trust for their own greed. Pastors, especially high profile pastors and ones with large congregations are the targets of this fake profile scam. Scammers use information from the pastors’ real Facebook page and create a phony, practically identical page, sending friend requests to all the people on the actual page’s Friends list. After posting a few interesting things on their wall, to create a sense of authenticity and get more trust - they solicit donations for missions work and other charities for which the church legitimately collects tithes and donations. Of course the money is only used to line the scammers’ pockets. United States, Australia, Canada, or Great Britain - it could happen anywhere. The latest victim was Rev. Adam Hamilton (photo, his real page) from Kansas City, US, where the scammers duplicated his page and reached out to over 10,000 people. How to avoid: If you do receive a friend request from your church or minister – and you are already Facebook friends with this person – ask them in person, via email or over the telephone if they are legitimately friending you on another page. Often you will discover that this page is a fake profile. Do not just send a private message to the person making the request; of course the scammer is going to tell you they are the actual person! Also, be aware that churches and other charitable organizations will only use their social media profiles to post church updates, news and positive, inspirational messages. The majority of their donations for missions are made to their official web pages or during special collections during services. Make your friends and family aware of this scam by sharing it, using the buttons provided. There are 2 comments On Saturday, March 28, 2015, nagesh wrote: Mr &mrs ravi naddar , they are first living in chamber. but now they change the room. they are cheating people saying that we will provide you a bank seal property in minimum rate and taking money from people. please font deal with this couple . they have cheated many people. if u find this couple pls contact to this number 8689875409 or send message regarding this couple On Monday, January 26, 2015, Scam Awareness Center in facebook wrote: HERE IS THE ANTI CHRIST, WORLD NOTORIOUS FAKE BISHOP, THAT SCAM AWARENESS CENTER, DOING ITS CRIME RESEARCH FROM 2006, WE GOT ALL THE LEGAL EVIDENCE IN INDIA, BUT WE NEED SOME ONE WHO CAN PAY 25 USD UNDER "THE FREEDOM OF THE INFORMATION ACT OF USA" His boss fake Arch Bishop is in jail for ever in India. But please read the story of Anand raj's cook cum driver ,real existence in India now wanted to become the Prime Minister of India, by fake baptist world alliance funds to innocent Indian voters. http://court.mah.nic.in/courtweb/orders/citycriminal/orders/203601024192010_1.pdf So far we are discussing and crusading about the Scam Artists, those who are ,exile, and elsewhere and its impossible to trace them for any police agencies. But an ordinary 10th standard failed Indian person who is stationery in only one place for 8 years, (his address is fixed and any one can call him and ask to tell a sentence about the Bible, then he would ask "what is that? what is a Bible?". But this fake Bishop is awarded Master of Divinity and Doctor of Divinity over night by www dot lovinghands dot net . and the Degrees MD.DD only suffixed by medical doctors in India, so this Indian, Scam Lord, joined in some super specialty hospitals like Kamineni hospitals, and also he promised trillions of fake funds to a Medical College run by some rich Hindu Senator in Indian Parliament, who believes that Christians are good and they will never lie. So this fake Christian, and Fake Bishop promised trillion of dollars to that medical college, website www dot kims dot in and told them that if he made the president on paper for the college management board trust, for just 7 days, and video the function and hand it over to him, he will send it to BWA(Baptist World Alliance)from there he will get trillions of funds. , thus they kept him as temporary president for 7 days, later he filed a petition in the court that he is the owner of the college.Out of shame, the original owner trust , silently fighting back in the court. Meanwhile he showed that papers, to thousands of biological sciences innocent students, that KIMS medical college is his own and taken bribes to provide them a medical admission seat in the management quota. He deceived thousands and all the Hindus knock the doors of various Christian Organizations and churches in India. But no Christian body or, council or Christian church never knew who is this fake Bishop. He met all the political parties in India and told that he got trillions of dollars funds from Baptist World Alliance, so he will donate election fund, if he be given a party ticket to contest to the Parliament of India. One 5th largest party of India, www bspindia org has given him prestigious party ticket and thus he is gaining ground in public as a good boy, to cheat more innocent Indians and BWA. I have filed a complaint against his affidavit in which he could not write his name properly and his nomination Affidavit is totally false information. Then Chief Election Commission of India ordered immediate inquiry on my complaint. The District Electoral officer , wrote to me by agreeing he is fraud and asked me to go to competent court. But eminent lawyers in India told me that he will be go behind the bars for life, for hurting the sentiments of Christians, with out having a baptism certificate, in addition he holds a Revenue records certificate as a Hindu for him and his two kids. If any American citizen pay 25 dollars under the "Freedom of Information act " by quoting the below link, by asking the 501 © 3, Tax exempted non profit www dot lovinghands dot net and also to www dot bwanet dot org whether they knew his name and educational qualification and about his Hindusim as his religion certificate he submitted to the Election Commission of India. And a 501© 3 non profit , should not indulge in such issue of degrees MD DD to non baptized and Hindu person by records, does not know how to open the Bible, is claiming the Arch Bishop for entire baptist churches in India. Indian Government does not have any legal teeth on him, until unless, www bwanet dot org and www.lovinghands dot net write to the Indian Government through their US embassy in India. This is a fake bishop scam he is doing by staying only in one place for 8 years. I can not pay 25 USD as freedom of the Information act, will any US citizen will help me to apply juts to know who is he? if you type in google CBCNC then you will get all about him. and the shocking proof of his scam is the following link is the one of the thousands of fake funds statements every day to the news papers. http://www.oneindia.com/2008/01/04/cbcnc-to-renovate-schools-hospitals-at-rs-650-cr-1199533461.html like the boko haram terrorists kidnapped 200 school girls in Nigeria, at present 800 girls students Christian school is under his captive legally by telling all the Indian Government stating that he will get trillions of funds from baptist world Alliance , of USA. For any US citizen ,it is only the matter of 25 USD to pay for the www. ecfa dot org, whether they know about this cbcncindia org and what are their affiliations with bwanet org and www lovinghands dot net It is more dangerous scam in India on Indian Christianity and Christian properties by a non Christian terrorist out fit, then Boko Haram, .Any American human rights activist if pay, 25 dollars by the freedom of the information act , and just ask the baptism certificate of the person who is claiming that he is the owner of the world baptist Alliance. See his face book ratna kumar md dot7 facebook. it is the world notorious fake bishop scam, The person who bells the cat , will be the hero or heroine in USA, who pays just 25 USD under freedom of Information act. All his certificates and clippings are graphics. and fake photos. He is anti Christ of the world. been on t a few years, on net itself since late 80's using hevyrevy1611. This newbie heavy popped up after Trenton game. If you at Trenton game and know me, and heard my chatter and cheers.. yeah.. it was epic that night. Betcha it got under their skin and its an attempt at payback. Or maybe a UC fan trying to divide the Lion fans by infighting thanks to heavy's junk posts impersonating me.. hevy. Anyways.. look at spelling. Clever they were.. but busted they are. Notice.. heavy vs hevy. New trolling imposter heavy is copying & pasting old posts of mine hevy, plus adding their own stuff.. he looks like a trojan horse troublemaker. I musta got poor lil poser peeved. Pity this fool.. he has no idea. Pay attention to spellings. Wonder if an admin can ban/ kick off this pretender who stole my id? Heavy is NOT hevy. 'm heading in this direction, you'll see!!! Before this is over, I will be a household name, an inspirational speaker of how to comeback against seeming insurmountable odds, (and doing so alone, noone else there helping, with some even mocking, ridiculing, and standing in my way.. but do it anyways I have, and shall continue doing so!). Losing 300 pounds (and counting), struggling out of my bed of affliction where I had to have full-time nurse-care for years, no more having to use an electric. How does one keep going when there is no purpose, no reason, no inner "why" to do it all? When each movement of body assaults you with searing, mind-fogging pain? When you are alone/ single, nobody to encourage nor support you, no outlets of service nor another to love on and give to, nobody to bring out what's laying dormant within, to help you be your best. When there is no "why" to do the "what" that you do... how to keep on? Why keep on? The only reward is incredible pain, tears, loneliness. zy woman who WILL find you. Do you know why men don't go through menopause? ... because they've never left adolescence. So the past, present, & future walk into a bar... it was tense! What kind of car would Jesus drive? ... a Chrysler. A kid was crying after Sunday School, parents asked what is wrong? Why are you so upset?.. Child answered, teacher says it is best to be raised in a Christian home, but I want to go home with... I've been heavyrevy since the beginning and time...THE GREAT AND POWER REV IRB J HAS SPOKEN! WHO ARE YOU? Ha...reveal yourself for this has gone for two days and methinks it may not end if you don't hault this smoke and mirrors gimmick. Everybody notice it's always "Heavy" not "Hevy" or however this sad imposter spelt it. BUT, now you've been caught red handed!!! HA. What kind of a weak gimmick is this? If you're going to attempt to hack somebody...get out!! COACHT EDIT:KICK THIS IMPOSTER OFF THE SITE.
  6. ....I'm fixing to objectively prove you're not being truthful. Watch this.
  7. Amen! I'm all for that...that was my point precisely! GO LIONS!
  8. Finding the embedded truths and psychology of behavior is not an insult. HA! Hehe, that's your game. You just contradicted yourself. I'm a bad writer, but you refuse to read my post??? ROFLMHO!! Hilarious that you just refuse to participate in any discussion, enlightment or debate. MAN...the. Lions really are in your headspace and it's not even game week. YYYYYAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHOOOOO!!!!!! The LIONS HAVE ALREADY INTIMIDATED THE UC BABY TWISTERS!!! GO LIONS!! DLU ALL THE WAY!!!
  9. Then, WHY does he make such disdainful comment, remarks and pokes at other fellow Lion supporters? If folk aren't not going to embrace the truth, then there's no need for such discussion. Enough with that, next Friday the biggest game in regular season Lion history is taking place. No need for supporters fighting amongst one another like British parliament. EVERYBODY needs to be there for Lions. Loud and proud in dramatic devastating fashion! HA! Methinks it this game was on Vegas betting line, wise men could benefit from placements on the Lions. Hehe. Not that I suggest that type of artificial earning. But, I refused to be belittled. Everybody keep that in mind. GO LIONS! Now is your shot, chance and stab at being one of the best high school football teams of all time. Then, like I said few days ago, we will have every game on ESPN, get featured on USA today polls and become a pipeline for potential college and professional players.
  10. Dude... I just saying. That's a random comment from ysoangry. What if Yso is part of a "spy network" for Huntingdon? Yes! Haha...something like he stays close to Dresden players to learn special trick plays and gives them to Huntingdon coaches in exchange for cash. DUDE! Ha! Maybe that's why no matter what...we can never beat Huntingdon!!!That might be it. Maybe that always been why he bringing done his own community supporters. Does anybody else see the connection? Huh? Eh? Whatchu guys think? WOW!!!! ROFLMYHO!😄....uh oh. WEEEEOOOHHHH WEEEEOOOOOHHHH....BUSTED!!
  11. Maybe that is why you never pick the Lions to win! ROFLMHO😀. Should you be a Huntingdon fan...are you a Huntingdon fan? HA! Methinks it's funny how folk nowadays get made at truth seekers for telling the truth. And dude...truth is it's sad people are too hard headed to read a post that a tad longer than some of the bot like writers on this forum. But, I'm not going to let YOU get a rise outta me. Ask any player and they'll tell you some games I'm the first there and last to leave. HA! The Lions can hear my encouragement when they're stretching their muscles and the positive atmosphere rubs off on them. SO, how can YOU go against that? You should be glad we have support in Dresden. But, like with every post you insult me, scoff at me and humiliate me. Do you have a heart, morality, humanity or anything to keep from such insults? And not just that...you insulted Walter Peyton's character! WOWIE! Implying the Fridge scoring a TD made Sweetness mad. HA...I'll never get over that one! 😀 GO LIONS!
  12. I knew that was coming...that's one of the most depressing things I've ever read. Simple minded, naïve and conformist folk will one day have to answer for their ignorance. ROFLMHO! It's such a joy everybody's attention span has been manipulated by 15 second car commercial ads. HA! Most folks are just too lazy, afraid of being wrong or self important to try to see another's insight. Wow.
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