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Everything posted by WBNC83

  1. No butt hurt over here but thanks for still thinking of me. I let that loss and game go Friday night. You should probably do the same. You've got a big game coming up in a few days. My prediction is simply based off the fact I've seen both teams play. DB is bigger, stronger and faster. They are just a better team all the way around. And their bread and butter is their run game. Which no team has been able to stop this year, even in their losses. DB can and will run it down BC's throat if they so choose to. BC will not win the line of scrimmage or be able to push DB around. If both teams play to their potential DB wins by 2-3 scores. Watch and see.
  2. I think DB wins easily Friday. Bradley can score points but I really don't see them being able to stop DB's ground attack. They won't win the line of scrimmage. DB should be able to run it down their throat. Just run Hicks and Taylor at them all night and they'll wear down. As long as the Indians play the way we all know they are capable of they should win by at least 2-3 scores. Maryville/DB is a toss up. Maryville has better coaching but DB has the athletes; size, speed and strength to match the Rebels.
  3. Science Hill and DB are 6A. DB has had a good program for as long as I can remember. SH made a coaching change about 7-8 yrs ago that has really paid off. They finally made a commitment to the football program, brought in a good HC and built new facilities. The program has done a complete turnaround since then.
  4. They're the best OL I've seen this year. They do a great job protecting the QB and opening up big holes for the RB's.
  5. DB might have the biggest OL in the state. They're bigger than SH's. Just a massive group that works really well together.
  6. No doubt in my mind SH will be sending some footage from this game to the TSSAA. That's the last I'll say on tonight's game. A cruel way for a season to come to and end but it is what it is. The SH players have nothing to hang theirs heads about. I hope they know that. DB is a team you don't want to play right now. They've found their groove. That running attack is almost unstoppable. BC has to make the long trip up next week and J. Fred will be rockin. I honestly think the Indians win by 2 scores next week.
  7. The SH QB recovered it regardless of what you believe. Even unbiased fans on Twitter are saying it looked to them like SH recovered. But, the refs made their ruling (even though it was wrong) and nothing can be done about it now. Good luck next week to DB. Think you all have this one. BC has a good team but the Indians are better.
  8. The SH QB recovered the ball. It was clear who had it.
  9. Another big win for DB. I knew the Owls didn't stand a chance. DB is rollin right now. Bradley Central is currently up 42-28 on my Toppers in the 4th. SH just got screwed on a fumble recovery call. Hate that the refs seem to be taking over this game. SH was driving to tie up the game and the refs blew the call.
  10. Not saying DB recruits. GS clearly does but I for sure don't believe DB put him up to it. Crockett isn't innocent by all means either. When a certain SH football assistant became a coach at Crockett I heard stories from SH players that said certain Pioneers coach tried getting them to move and come play for him.
  11. The TSSAA already said that any player who transfers from Crockett to DB will be ruled ineligible. So I'm not sure why the Kollie family is actively working to enroll their boys there. Did they miss the statement the TSSAA gave to WJHL? The TSSAA made it pretty clear. Heck, they even said if Crockett players transfer to DB that DB will be punished.
  12. Still trying to figure that one out myself. Absolutely ridiculous. Coach Carter did say in his postgame interview that his team was not focused or prepared. DB took the lead and kep their foot on the gas. SH took the lead and laid down. Congratulations to DB. They earned the title.
  13. SH's regular season is done. Last week vs Jeff County was their last game. Just waiting to find out seeding in the postseason now.
  14. My personal opinion is that the Kollie boys won't be at Crockett next year. Even if they stayed, what kind of teammate would they be? Would you want to be teammates with kids you know want to transfer? They clearly do not want to play for Crockett. And it's pretty clear they won't be at DB either. As for Science Hill, Greeneville and Elizabethton-they could transfer to any of those schools without much of a problem as far as I can tell. Not saying they will or even that any of those programs would want them but at this point there is nothing they've done that could potentially keep them from moving to those three schools. As for GS, he just needs to stop talking. He keeps running his mouth and talking in circles. His supporters are dwindling by the day. People just want him to shut up.
  15. Who would they have watched film with? GS? How the heck would he have access to that stuff at DB? Is he just allowed to come and go as he pleases over there?
  16. Coaches decision probably because he's worried playing them could cause even more trouble. I don't understand how they could be ruled ineligible if they moved to Kingsport. If the family moves under their own terms (without any assistance from GS or related to the DB program) that's completely fine according to the rules. However, the article made it sound like regardless, if any players transfer to DB they will not be allowed to play. I'm guessing because of what's happened to this point-GS taking them to the school etc. DB would probably turn any Crockett players away at this point anyway. They know the TSSAA would be all over them and wouldn't want that. Now, GS is encouraging kids to transfer to Science Hill, Greeneville or Elizabethton. He says he just wants them to go somewhere they can get a good education and that Crockett is not a place where that can be done.
  17. So I guess that means the Kollie brothers are out the rest of the season? What happens if they choose to transfer next year? Would not surprise me at all to see them leave the state.
  18. If these players want to transfer and be eligible at their new school immediately they will have to move within the city limits if said new school. If they don't move but just transfer schools they will have to pay tuition and will not be eligible to play a sport at their new school until, I believe, 10 months after they last played at their previous school.
  19. They'll have to move within the Kingsport City limits if they want to go to DB and be eligible immediately.
  20. So Crockett's the real deal while DB's just a bunch of wannabes? Interesting. I won't claim to know much about TPTB in Washington Co or Kingsport. I'll just have to take your word for it, I guess.
  21. Why do you think they'd transfer to SH? GS specifically encouraged players that wanted to transfer to go to DB. He made no mention of SH or being able to secure housing in Johnson City. The players in question are the Kollie brothers. One is a freshman. The other is a junior, I believe. They play RB. SH is stacked at that position. All 4 of SH's RB's will be back next year. I'm assuming DB has just as much talented depth at the position.
  22. I never said anything about DB recruiting players in the past (or present for that matter). But there's no mistaking what GS said last night. Go watch his live stream and hear it for yourself. He encouraged players to transfer to DB. He said he could get them housing in Kingsport if they wanted to transfer. He also talked up the school by saying there are no "good ol boys" at DB. Which is funny considering waco's always said the opposite.
  23. You'd think he'd know the rules. What he was doing last night was actively recruiting some of his players to another school. And the biggest thing for me was him saying he'd secure housing for them to make the transfer process possible. That's a big no-no/red flag.
  24. I watched a little of the live stream he did last night on his social media accounts. He was actively recruiting kids to play at DB. He even said he could secure housing in Kingsport for any kid that wants to transfer. If I was DB I would be very very wary having him around my football program. He's already committing TSSAA rules violations by trying to recruit kids over there. You'd think he'd know that.
  25. Did anyone catch the live steam GS did last night via his social media accounts? He encouraged kids to transfer to DB, even going as far as telling anyone interested in transferring to contact him and he could get them some housing in Kingsport. So I won't be surprised if we see a couple of Crockett players in maroon and grey next year.
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