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  1. Oh the silly things the private schools try and pull off. Could talk about it all day.
  2. Do you put her name on the roster with the correct number now? I seem to remember you trying to hide her when she was a freshman;)
  3. The clubs have got to make a move from the cities into the more rural areas to see true growth in our state. We also need to see a price drop. I don't see either happening anytime soon. To many Chiefs and not enough Indians.
  4. Calling past teams dynasties when they had an obvious competitive advantage, and putting a mark on the new team crowned, unless its Greeneville, because of those teams absence is a bit crazy. No, I think G misses them and wants them with him;)
  5. CAK and Catholic winning state in A/AA...would be like me taking my Div 1 club team and playing D3 soccer with them all season and winning state. But...Greenville's title is watered down this year...smh!!!
  6. Both would match up well in DIV II with the other teams that have an obvious competitive advantage over normal public schools.
  7. When football goes back to 3 divisions that a something we should talk about then.
  8. But the area you get your players from shouldn't matter. Glad you aren't making the decisions!
  9. Dcurtis, So is II A or II AA watered down in your opinion? Why isn't CPA competing against Baylor this week???
  10. They have more coaches and assistants than they do substitutes. Makes it hard to be competitive.
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