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Everything posted by Dylan

  1. As far as I know Lexington decided for whatever reason not to bring him back and Lexington fans were not happy about that.
  2. South Gibson hires former Lexington coach Keith Runyon as their new boys head coach.
  3. I got the game on MyTV30 Nashville website but the sound is absolutely awful
  4. According to the TSSAA website Milan is moving up to 4A. Pearl Cohn and Wooddale is also moving up to 4A
  5. Hopefully this new principal that Humboldt just hired supports all programs and not just basketball I've heard the old principal only cared about basketball
  6. Humboldt has hired Anthony Ballard to their next head coach
  7. If the administration isn't going to support the football team they might as well shut the program down it's really sad how much this once proud program has fallen another problem in my opinion was Coach Reid now I don't know him personally I've heard he's a great man but I was told that he was not a disciplinarian and had "optional" practices which the latter is one of the most ridiculous things I've ever heard Humboldt needs a coach who will coach those kids and put some discipline in that program I do hope Humboldt's football program can be built back up and start winning again because that will bring back support from the community
  8. Humboldt job just opened back up Danny Nowell has resigned and Jackson North Side just promoted a assistant coach to head coach after letting their old one go the new Jackson North Side coach is Jesse Powell
  9. Correction on the Humboldt job Ryan Wall was actually hired as an assistant coach it was just announced that the new head coach at Humboldt is Daniel Nowell
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