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ItsAlwaysSunnyInAtwood last won the day on July 18 2023

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  1. I have halls as my #2 in the region. They may give UC a fight
  2. Its weird. They played the exact same schedule last year just flip home and aways...but not a soul complained about their schedule. But get a simpson at QB and now you're supposed to schedule IMG in the 2nd year of a 2 year rotation. Cant make it up.
  3. So McConnell was supposed to convince the Westview AD to schedule harder games when he was the Camden coach? You sound moronic right now.
  4. So is McConnell supposed to go out on the field and tackle his own defenders on their way to the end zone? His QB threw 6 passes all game. And I can find plenty of examples of over participation over the years from the middle warbritton to Pearson to Eubanks. Huntingdon has no problem rubbing a losing teams nose in a loss. Weird you take this stance now.
  5. Did you say the same about y'all's coach when you were in 1A beating schools with half your enrollment by 60-70? Just curious
  6. Look I know I'll probably come off as an a-hole but this is why I couldn't buy into brucetons hype. It's seemed like the same story for the better part of a decade. Preseason hype then things start falling apart when the first loss comes. Hope y'all can right the ship over there
  7. Woah. Dont see fans say that about their players much
  8. Harder region to gauge this year. Dresden and LC could easily be a game that determines 2nd and 3rd but it could just as easily determine 4th and 5th. Winner of this one gains some momentum I expect.
  9. Pitt will get everything out of them too. QB looks like a big boy and can sling it pretty good. What grade is he in?
  10. Maybe I'm way off but I think Halls puts the boots to Greenfield in this one. Jackets are much improved from last year but I don't think they're ready to compete for a playoff spot in this region. Halls is.
  11. I don't think many would argue that. Texas is a football crazy state with over 30 million people. They should be better. But when you go off a per captia basis its closer than it probably should be. And nothing should be taken away from Tennessee teams going out west and beating championship programs of a similar size. Regardless of classification differences.
  12. We did have one move to milan and another to Humboldt. From what I understand though a lot of kids just aren't playing. Whether its their own personal reasons or mommy and daddy bent out of shape about something idk or care. If anything but injury keeps you from playing you probably don't need to be playing anyway. This is definitely the smallest roster I can remember though.
  13. Every school you named except Southlake Carroll has double Oakland's enrollment or more. Not exactly equal
  14. Coach Dowland said on Talons Out Live that after the Jr High season concludes there will be some 8th graders to join varsity. Definitely a first but we need some more bodies for sure.
  15. Just because they post videos of themselves running laser timed 40's doesnt mean it's real?
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