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Everything posted by sumthrow103

  1. i dont know if its me or not but i think i have ground to talk on. being a sophomore has nothing to do with any just like being a junior or a senior. its just flat out talent/experience maybe they arent the best people always in but its jus who does well together. as for the football team i mean i hate that we loose and all. but makin fun of em isnt going to help anything. you gotta try and lift their spirits and if you wanna say a joke about them go home and lock yourself in the bathroom when no one is home and dog them all you want. Surcey does know what he is doing. He always is trying to be positive after playing three years of ball for him i never once heard him say anyone stunk or they did bad he always tried to keep our heads up. So good luck coach surcey and the cougars tonight.
  2. Tyler could golf one handed and still beat anyone in tennessee he will hit chelsea in the head with a ball . tyler bottom line is the best. he scores WAY lower than everyone so that means he wins
  3. by far she is not the best i think tyler barnett could putt putt his way into any major university. GO TYLER
  4. i think they should take the focus off the cheerleaders cause personally i could care less how they preapred for a game. i was very impressed with their head coach. he knows what he is talking about.
  5. The term rednecks means a poor uneducated white person. Im proud to be called a redneck. At least our school has some freaking school spirit. GO COUGARS. And dont worry about the ACT scores half of SH and DB will be in jail in less than a year..
  6. size iisnt the only thing in basketball. Lane will be missed but i believe we can make up for it in McCann and i have alot of confidence in McCoy i think he hasnt showed up what all he has and Hess is jus the best.. I got mad love for justin hess...
  7. I thought Miller could bench more.. or at least ive heard around 400? not sure though..
  8. Tisk Tisk.. I am back.. Yes I am the defending state champ for A-AA. Yes.. I won as a freshman and back for my cophmore year my knee is great. And I am definatly feeling it this year.. unlike last year i was post-op from and acl tear in my right knee. I had Surgery Jan. 9 And was ready to go by state May 27.. So no fear i am back.. and throwing over 120 thumb
  9. 99 isnt anything to brag about amber anderson.. hit the weight room Good Luck On MAKING it to state..
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