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  1. It sounds like you’re super bitter and angry. You just need to let it go. I’m worried about your mental health.
  2. You sound completely insane. You should seek some professional help. Geez cope a little harder. You can’t blame a 5 star player for leaving a dumpster fire to better himself.
  3. This Bearden staff is thin skinned. I thought since you were a Cherokee from south of the river you’d be tougher than this.
  4. https://tenor.com/view/head-in-the-sand-gif-12598832
  5. When I said “we” I was quoting and mocking you. I was making fun of your ridiculous response. You asked for any and all input. That’s what happens when you post on an open forum. I also notice in all the delusional deflective dribble, you couldn’t defend bearden’s embarrassing lost to perennial loser heritage. I guess losing a 5 star cb hurts more than you think. I wonder if the RB will make it through the year before following him to Chattanooga
  6. We definitely didn’t lose, but if we did it doesn’t matter. And I didn’t keep up with the score at all but I know we didn’t lose. Cope a little harder. Shouldn’t you have been over at the linemen challenge with the DL? but seriously, are you, Josh, and the 27 other coaches getting nervous?
  7. So another sports team used field paint on the field? Then they cleaned the paint off at graduation at the end of the school year? So there’s no more paint? And you’re still going on about it?
  8. 3-7 wins against HVA, Farragut, MoWest
  9. Oh man dawgz is about to start rambling about how Bearden doesn’t recruit but it’s ok that they do because everyone does. But also what you said is all made up and we’re the same person.
  10. How long until this highly ranked player leaves for greener pastures once he sees the train wreck? But in all seriousness, is Jones losing his appeal to Knox county players? Having to go out of state to find players?
  11. When you add everything together all within 2 seasons it screams dysfunction. Having to re-staff your entire staff in that time frame, many who showed up saw first hand what was going on and jumped, and losing big time players who have nothing positive to say about the coaches. It just shows how bad things really are. Eventually it’s going to implode and Jones is going to jump too. Hopefully he leaves before any major legal issues occur.
  12. You can think we’re all the same person, or whatever other deflection you can come up with. You can bury your head in the sand and pretend everything is normal. but I said the wheels were falling off at Bearden. Since then the two biggest prospects in the area have left. Other players are shopping around. The majority of the coaching staff has left. This kind of attrition is unsustainable. no matter what you think about me or other posters, you cant deny those very basic and well known facts.
  13. There’s plenty of money. But boosters are tired of constantly being hit up for money. They feel like the coaches aren’t doing enough to fundraise money and just keep asking for handouts. Plus, parents think not enough money is going to the kids, and it’s all being spent on Jones and his staff.
  14. If it’s one single kid then that argument would make sense. He’s essentially had to replace his entire coaching staff in the first two seasons, and like it’s been pointed out only one left for a better job. The two most talented players in the area both left, and number of others are actively trying to leave, including the head basketball coaches son. Also, the rumors of financial problems and over spending by Jones. Unpaid bills, missing money, inability to fundraise, has the boosters sick of being hit up for money. Im saying that is the definition of a poorly run disorganized program. If you want to pretend it’s a well oiled machine maybe you should take your maroon glasses off. All I know is I wouldn’t let my boys play in that kind of mess.
  15. I’m old enough to remember when I said Bearden was turning into a S**t show and Mr. IMADAWG and HTV called me a hater and how ridiculous that was. Since then they’ve lost 2 of their 3 best players, at least 5 coaches, and several other players who are about to jump as well. The Bball coach is shopping his son around, and chances are the RB will be at a private school soon. So do the JJ defenders want to just go ahead and admit I was right, or do you guys want to bury your heads further in the sand and tell me I’m just a hater and that this is all completely normal?
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