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Everything posted by Flea21

  1. Anyone who was there, give me the rundown if you don’t mind….wasn’t able to make it.
  2. Keep in mind that Jackson transferred in from Chicago to take Tav’s spot…..deuce transferring to take Jackson’s spot is not unique….should LA said no? I guess they should have said Go to MBA…they don’t have a QB.
  3. Not following your comment…..are you talking specifically about the qb that transferred in at Lipscomb?
  4. I think the top 4, maybe 5 in triple a are all in the east…
  5. Sorry about that…probably didn’t word it right…I think Trent rotated enough…just not a fan of only one side of the ball in high school. The games have few enough plays that a full time wr or db can play half the snaps on the other side. Trent didn’t have to last year as they were loaded at the skill positions and the schedule was fairly week other than the first two non conference games. This year is different and I think there are a few players on d that I hope to see with the ball in their hands…..specifically Kaleb. Imagine how bored he gets in practice doing the same stuff every day. I think he knows the cb position well enough and wouldn’t miss a beat if he cross trained at wr…same for CJ and maybe Edwin at fb/rb….just my 2 cents
  6. LA has more “talent” than any school in Tennessee and quite frankly it’s not close. The key is qb play and deviating from Dilfer’s system of 22 starters. If and a big if, kilburg is the real deal and if CJ, Kaleb and Edwin get legitimate snaps on offense, they could/should win state. Tons of great teams in d3 but none better than lipscomb….at least on paper.
  7. Trent did a home and away with Thompson….new staff got IMG and Christian Bros
  8. Flea21


    Booger would say “freak show” but I guess saves that for Lipscomb
  9. You hate lipscomb because of how Trent treated you several years ago by pulling up 5 minutes before game time and then beating you by 40+ points…….and that was when you were good and we were not. You’re irrelevant now….this is big boy talk.
  10. Also have Thompson at home and Calvert Hall on the road ( if we honor year 2 of the contract). hoping we can add CPA and one more. Hate that Goodpasture is gone…not sure how many years in a row that game was played but probably at least 50.
  11. Oops….boog’s right again…getting my fcs, fbs, power 5, group of 5 all mixed up.
  12. Completely disagree with you….Trent was an amazing x&o coach, coupled with having 15+ coaches on staff. Defensive coordinator so good that Trent brought with him to UAB. Say what you want, but how many high school d-coordinators step up to a power 5 d coordinator job. You have zero idea what you’re talking about here. You think Lipscomb had better talent talent than Thompson?
  13. Lol boog….maybe you’re sayin Tate ain’t a playa but knows some playas…so prob has some good info. I think I agree with that.
  14. Heard rumblings about it but nothing official…when will it be made public? Hope your sources are correct!
  15. Why do you say that Tate….baggage?
  16. Sorry…was talking about Beasley…not the 8th grader
  17. Don’t bother….all signs pointing to Ty McKenzie
  18. Sorrry about that….Didn’t mean to disparage Hillsboro…many fine folks there. However, there are not many that have influence on athletics at the academy other than Candice. My point was that to suggest LA football will go backwards because Hillsboro CC is now running the show was a dumb comment. But it will play itself out and if I’m wrong I’ll come back and take my beatings (but I’m not :))
  19. LOL…you’re talking about Hillsboro Church of Christ? Yeah, Candace and Hutch go there and who else? Maybe a total of 5 kids at the academy. You’re giving your opinion and that’s fine, but it’s very uninformed.
  20. Hasn’t been that long and there is no rush in high school. Agreed in principle with Witten and his son got cold feet about moving to Tennessee….giving him a little extra time to make sure his “no” is final.
  21. Sure they could but why would they? and I’m not saying LA is a better program at all…but what would they have to gain?
  22. You may be disappointed…sophomore and junior class is absolutely loaded. They live in Nashville. Where would they go and why?
  23. You seem like a really good dude….hate that the rivalry between us got nasty over the last few years…a bunch of great people on both sides and a few idiots. Best of luck to CPA going forward. Hope we keep the rivalry going….I know it’s in Ingle’s hands.
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