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Everything posted by bulldoggfan

  1. they really was not that good they were ok at best but yes i realize u beat them twice and that does not go unnoticed bc its very hard to beat even a decent team twice in the same year its a sign of a pretty good team if u can do that so props for it
  2. keep in mind i said unless they are really bad which is possible since ward is no longer there
  3. ur right we are talking about 11aa in 2014 i was just pointing that out i still feel like unless camden is really bad they win it
  4. one of yall alcoa guys tell me how i can watch or atleast listen to the games over the net by any chance would love to keep up withh yall more this year then just checking the final scores
  5. u play in milans district over the last ten years i can promis u u will know what i mean but u go on thinking ur really that good and go on home after the first round
  6. in a cupcake district and i have seen lewis more then a couple times everytime they are supposed to be so good and what do they do not much come playoff time yeah u make it but more times then not its a first or second round exit
  7. but i know what i come to expect from lewis and fairview every year not much
  8. fairview lol they could sneek up depends how good camden is never know
  9. i wonder this as well granted they have been getting better then ther whipping post they used to be but not there yet and it dont belong here anyway
  10. u are exactly right there my thought is make everyone play by the same rules no matter what or where they are and then noone has anything to fuss n cry about n then if they wanna cry they can take their ball elsewhere and play i personally have always thought there was more of an advantage with open zones then privates anyway my thinking is if some can have open zones all should if some cant then noone should
  11. camden and lewis will decide who wins it but i look for it to be camden
  12. idk to much about camden this yr but im hoping they pull it out
  13. not i i could care less but i do try to conduct myself as an adult not a child and show a lil class too he would have gotten the same remark no matter who or where he was from makes no diff to me either way ill be the first to say i hated milan lost to alcoa both times however ill also the first to say congrats on the gold period weather its my team or not its part of it
  14. that makes two of us last year killed me lol
  15. u sound like a highschooler we are supposed to be adults here or atleast act it
  16. in 3a in west i think ya gotta look at milan westview at the top even if lewis and fairview was in west they r not on the top
  17. all i can say is wow really they just wanna get worse and worse every time they mess with it
  18. i think the top two is gonna be westview and milan followed by dburg
  19. Someone just made me smile

  20. i have reliable info that says ward is going to crockett but i just cant see why after what he has built at camden
  21. me personally i would love to see something like this happen it would do nothing but make us a better team win or loose the only problem i would see would be the travel for both teams i guess u could alternate one yr play there and then the next play here meeting in the middle would be a good option too in my mind i just dont see it happening but hey u never know
  22. im a milan fan but anyone who says rankin cant coach or doubts him is full of it just what i have seen from him in the two state championships milan played them he is one heck of a coach
  23. i wish i wasnt pulling for gp but i am not because of who they are but just cause they are our side of the bracket doesnt matter anyway not gonna happen gold ball will reside in the east again
  24. ill be the first to say if a young milan team can have 5 turnovers and fall down 28 zip and almost come back i really dont think they will have anything for the f5 as much as i hate it alcoa will bring home another gold one for the case
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