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  1. they wood look even bettur if they gave brooks the vurabul treet meant like them their titans did two day
  2. due ewe think if coach brooks new this that he wood half tryed to get him the ball more on saterdee instead of his sun?
  3. if it aint tin and oh coach brooks kneeds the boot eye am shore that it want bee eye mean the guy was gitting the ball to his sun more than his mr football winner it is ensain too me that yall steel dee fend brooks aftur that showun own saterdee
  4. they cant two busy drawing up plays for coaches boy daddy ball wheel cost ya
  5. me boy eye bean quite own hear cuz they bean playing better the reel coachun staff showed up too day
  6. coaching wheel cost games talent has bailed brooks out all year
  7. eye am glad he got sum tee vee thyme boy yall must bee ree lated terribul play calls
  8. if these hear other peeple would take off their coach brooks tented glass is then they wood sea it two
  9. un diss a planned team all year costed them win it mattured its a shamed that we half to watch coach brooks and his sun rewin this hear team field with talent eye am shore that @CCLHL08 @Chiefbigfoot and the other homers from cross planes wheel dee fend him
  10. coach brooks shore made shore that his sun got all the touches today feed the peepul that got you their eye am shore that every won in cross planes is happy but they should half one that game
  11. due knot say that ewe wheel git these hear indians fans mad
  12. our ewe reelee bragging about beeting a team with a loosing recurd how much dues brooks pay ewe too come own hear and deefend him ever thing eye said has ben write so far except it boy
  13. eye never sed that now did eye pond nevur had the talunt that brooks had all sew too a aint never ben this down and we steel can knot when it we fine ally had a littul compitishun in are rejun and got beat the skejool is full of cup cakes and that is watt makes brooks recurd look good brooks aint the ansur boy
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