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Everything posted by Dawg05

  1. Yes, this game was as close as the score. Clay Co. couldn't hit much in the first half and had to bench 2 players with early foul trouble in the 1st quarter. Van Buren was hitting a lot of there shots and crashing the boards hard. In the second half Clay Co. hit more of there shots and it was just a battle right down to the end. Clay Co. held the ball for a big chunk of the end of the 4th until Van Buren finally fouled. Then Clay called a timeout at the end to draw up a shot and Chase drained it at the buzzer. The most interesting part of the game though was the fans. They were gettin loud and really gettin into the game on both sides. Good luck to Van Buren and maybe we'll see you in the region tourney.
  2. Anyone know the score in this one?
  3. This may not be the game that pops out to you when you see it on the schedule but we at Clay Co. have had this game circled since December 13th. In that game we were able to foul out 4 players, 3 of which were starters, and pick up 4 techs and Van Buren kept they're starters in until 28 seconds to go in the game. They also took 40 or 50 somethin free throws. Clay Co. will be comin to play tomorrow because it's PAYBACK TIME, and there couldn't be a better night to do it, as it's Senior Night.
  4. Van Buren will get what they've got comin tomorrow night. That's as much as i'll say about it.
  5. We're in district 7, region 4 and our region matches up with the Temple and Chattanooga Christian region in sub state.
  6. I want to say that up in the Clay Co. area we have found the equalizer for the bad ref. We had two pretty bad refs tonight but the third one was MOE. Moe is the best ref I've ever seen. Every game should have a ref like Moe. He's DA BOMB.
  7. Yea really what happened? Did the RBS bus get lost on the way and the cheerleaders had to play or somethin? From what I heard Bailey wasn't even gonna play and RBS is only able to score 27. That's amazing.
  8. The Lady Bobcats showed a lot of heart in this game. They got down quite a bit in the first half and were able to come back and get the game to OT. In OT they outscored Clay Co. 10-0 and have now put themselves in position to get second place in the district.
  9. Clay Co. went to Pickett and was able to get a big win. Not sure of the score but the scoreboard on here is wrong. Dusty Adams had a huge game with 17 points to lead all scorers. He also played awsome defense on Baily and held him to 11 points.
  10. I say let 1 of the 3 refs do it. Having only 2 refs officiating would make the games a heck of a lot better anyway and the refs would still get the same pay.
  11. I think Coach Edwards should get it. He's done a great job of getting us ready for every game and usually knows what the other team is doing better than they do. He has also got us a tougher schedule to get us ready for tourney time. If he doesn't get it though I think PC's coach should get it.
  12. First Team C- Meador PF- Chase SF- Saylor SG- Bailey PG- Stafford Second Team C- Frazier PF- Wright SF- Hudson SG- England PG- Dusty
  13. What you just said makes absolutly no sense. Your telling me that Josh Wright, who was guarding Chase all night while he put 31 on PC, is better than Chase. Chase also guarded Wright and would you like to tell me how many he had. As far as Meador goes Chase outscored him and was probably right up there in rebounds with him. The only real arguement should be Bailey. He has a great shot and is really quick. Chase is still the best player in the district though because when he gets the ball anywhere from the foul line in he is almost unstoppable. Before the year is over I think he'll have a game or 2 with 40 points. He also plays the best defense of these 4 players. Against RBS he stole 2 or 3 passes near half court just because of how quick his hands are and how good he can catch. He is a great player and he should be District 7A MVP.
  14. I forgot to hit on a few other things. 1) Mullins shouldn't start. She must have had 5 TOs in the game. If she could get rid of those, she probably would start. 2) Ramsey's 3 to end the first was more like 37-38 ft. Pretty funny too, considering that the score 5-5 at the time she made it.
  15. This was a good game. There were a ton of easy shots missed in this game that had nothing to do with defence. In the end, LA just wanted it more than CHS. CHS had a lead of like 9-11 points in the third and I didn't think there was any way that LA could come back. Beech finally got a few shots to fall in the 4th and CHS just missed everything they put up.
  16. This was one heck of a game. It came down to a last second shot just like it should have and Dusty played awsome D on England to make him miss. I don't think if Heady had played it would have made that much of a difference because all we had to do was call a timeout and let Chase rest and he could have done whatever he wanted. He's averaging like 31 points in his last 5 games. Saylor and Frazier made some huge shots as well tonight. When noone else could score Frazier stepped and scored 8 points. That was a huge turning point in the game. The only real dissapointment in the game was the reffing but what else is new. Great game to both teams.
  17. Well i hope we win by 10 but I think just like the last game points will be few and far between. It will be a heck of a battle and we will have to rebound like we have been lately. If we do that I think we'll win by 5.
  18. I want to start out by saying that yes, reffing is a very tough job. It seems like the refs this year just want to blow their whistles though. Most people don't care if you miss a call but we do care when one trip a hand check is called and the next trip a clothsline isn't. From a players standpoint I just want a ref who makes calls consistantly and stays out of the way as much as possible. There are just way to many calls being made and there have been way to times when there was nothing to call.
  19. First off I do want to say good game to VB. Ya'll took and made a lot of good shots and did a good job rebounding which is what you had to do to win. We didn't have our A game and that's our fault. I still believe though that if the refs had been decent, we played good enough to win. There's not a whole lot any team can do when 2 starters and your backup big man are all fouled out with 4:00 to go...IN THE THIRD QUARTER. Give me a break. We might have fouled some but to have 4 players fouled out with 12:00 minutes to go is ridiculous. The 4 techs we got were pretty weak too. One for getting yelled at by another player, one for saying Oh my God to himself, and one on a player sitting on the bench for throwing a towel when he never had a towel to throw. Take away the 6 technical foul shots and the possessions they got because we got them and who knows what might have happened. Oh and to whoever said that VB was as good as we were, ya'll couldn't even extend your lead even after we had 3 starters and a bench player all out of the game. You didn't do much better even when the 4th starter fouled out. Then we put in our JV and the refs stopped calling fouls and you still couldn't do to much. You couldn't even get your JV in til 30 seconds to go. We'll see how good you are on Feb. 20th when we might actually have some decent refs.
  20. I hate it when people say "If you think the officiating is so bad why don't you try it". It's the refs job to call the game right and mess up as little as possible and he's getting payed pretty good to do it. People don't complain about a little call being missed here and there. The refs mess up so much that they take the game into their hands and cost some teams games. I like the comment that was said before, "People come to see players, not refs." Don't take the game into your hands. Make the calls you have to and be consistant with them. If they can't do that then they don't need to be out there.
  21. This will be a real good game, as Celina teams have always struggled in Monterey. As long as the Clay Co. big girls stay out of foul trouble, they should win this game by 10 or so.
  22. Pickett Co. likes to run and I think that is in their favor, because RBS has trouble gaurding the transition game. I'll say Pickett Co. by 15.
  23. As long as Pickett Co. keeps Meador off the boards and shoots decent they'll win.
  24. The game is at Monterey. Girls start at 6:30.
  25. It was a pretty good game. It was close the whole way and ended up going to overtime. In overtime Livingston made their shots and we didn't. Brad West shot the ball real well and was a big reason Livingston pulled it out. We also had a lot of foul trouble for most of the game.
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