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  1. He is your horse let him wrestle where you want him to. Now look what is going to happen in 130--------------------------------
  3. Would it not be better if --------who ever is running the most important tourn. in town ------have experience?---------------We do have experienced coaches in town----------most people do not have CoachT to get infomation--------------next year we should pick how about---------- Northside High School
  4. When you said all of us ------Who were you refering to?
  5. Well I guess next year we can save the ink it took to write the seeding criteria----since no one follows it.
  6. Bucak was ranked 3rd-----Thomas 2nd------Hanson----4th///////no one else---I saw ranking sheet---------see you tomorrow------wrestling starts at 5p
  7. Remember Tisdale beat Gibbs head up and I heard that Tisdale stated Brittcliff gave him a better match---------Also Bucak beat Russel 3 out of 4 times this 05-06 season----2 times in both preseasons Remember Tisdale beat Gibbs head up 8-4 and I heard that Tisdale stated Brittcliff gave him a better match this season---------Also Bucak beat Russel 3 out of 4 times this 05-06 season----2 times in both preseasons----I think it is still a toss up between the top 4.
  8. We will have to see -----if no trouble means ------Gibbs has already lost to Tisdale this season----- and Bucak always wrestles like his competition and has only been beat by close point spreads all this year----- and Russell will bring the dog to the fight-------- Gibbs will have to bring his A game or go back to 130. I say let the boy eat and wrestle his natural 145.
  9. Russell had the most recent win over Bucak which would give Bucak the 4th seed. What effect does Russell have beating Tisdale late in the season ?
  10. Most recent----Tisdale beat Gibbs and Russell beat Tisdale ----all four wrestlers have excellent records this year. Gibbs should never be a 3rd seed any where but his seed effects the other three wrestlers and through the stupid rule -----we can only take three to state.
  11. Looking at your top state list--- 130 looks easier than 125 in Chat.---cutting wt. for an extended time is going to hurt him.------- I think Gibbs will have more challenge at 125 in Region 10 than in 130. What happened to him when he wrestled Tisdale this season?
  12. I think Fink and Wynn are twins----They are both excellent wrestlers. They both have what it takes to go far in the sport and I am glad that they are in Div. 2.
  13. Look at my response to you about the Topic Title -Top Seeds in Reg.10-----------------------Give me your thoughts.
  14. Look at topic on top seeds in Region 10 and read my reply and see what you think.
  15. Gibbs and Tisdale only matched up that one time this year with Tisdale on top. Russell/Brighten lost to Tisdale and Bucak/Bartlett----Russell beat Bucak once the season and Bucak beat Russell two times in preseason and once at Blackhorse ---Tisdale and Bucak went one and one at the two preseasons. Russel beat Tisdale regular season. GIbbs has never wrestled Bucak---Bucak pinned Rid./Harrision at the preseason. Region seed 125 1st seed Russell----2nd seed Tisdale------3rd seed Gibbs----4th seed Bucak What are your thoughts ? Gibbs beat Wynn-- Fink has beat Wynn and Bucak---- Bucak has beat Fink ----Wynn has beat Fink and Tisdale and Bucak --- It was a tough night Coll. and Briar. and St. ben. at 125 Tisdale lost to Russel and was too tired to wrestle again---Wynn beat Tisdale that night also. What are your thoughts for 1-2-3-4- seeds? Gibbs thought he will have a better chance at state by moving down but Bo Usary has the same idea and 125 has more well-known names then 130 at state. I think 130 is a weaker wt. class at Region-10 than Reg. 10's125. I think we might bump up for Regions.
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