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  1. ok ok... Liberty and Bolivar in the Championship, this would be a game that nobody has seen before. Bolivar might finally get a RING???? Let's look outside the box a little. Bolivar almost got beat by Lipscomb, beating them by only 7, and the game was tied the whole wat through. Liberty is great, yeah yeah... What about Goodpasture and McMinn, wouldn't anyone like to see the upset, the cinderella story, a team that has never won get a ring and bring some pride to their school. Let me hear it?
  2. Goodpasture pretty much dominated this game... the score made it sound a lot closer... but as a veiwer, Brainerd never had a chance
  3. Goodpasture is going to the state tournament and will play Knox. Catholic in the first game and then the Mitchel/Bolivar winner. Good Luck Cougars... You can do it
  4. Goodpasture won by 18... who was right...
  5. goodpasture by 5-10, i dont think they can stop GP's offense
  6. Livingston and Goodpasture are hard teams to compare. The only common opponents are Station Camp and Lipscomb, both of which Goodpasture has beaten twice. While Goodpasture's record against these two teams is 4-0, LA's is only 1-1. Both teams are 23-6(goodpasture is actually 24-6 due to a forfeit by Davidson Academy). I will say that Goodpasture seems to have had a much tougher schedule with matchups like Lipscomb(twice), Sycamore, state bound AAA Red Bank, and definitely a tougher district. LA is a completely different type of team as well, being more of a small team with too many great shooter, running the floor and shooting seem to be their forte'. Goodpasture has 3 different players scoring over 17 a game, The 6 foot 8 Zack Frey, and 6 foot 5 Chris Buchanan(both seniors) and CJ davis, a junior. Also the 6 foot 9 Matthew Fox will make the matchups hard for both teams. LA's has three player coming in at between 10 and 13 points a game, mainly three point shooters and mid-range jump shots, rarely the post feed. I think that there will be a winner by a mark of at least 10 maybe even 15 or 20 but im not too sure which team that will be. like i said it will depend on which team can match up against the other. For Goodpasture, they will need to hold down the shooting of LA, but for LA, it will all depend on if they can even stop the scoring of GP
  7. who would win if Livingston and Goodpasture were to meet up?
  8. wow, what a shock! White House played very well. In spite of their best player having only 6 points they still pulled out the victory. Ladd had 19? Maybe GP was tired after that 5 OT game against Lipscomb to play good down the strech?
  9. Goodpasture won by 20 last time... the freshman boys at GP got in the game... you tell me who wins, this should not even be a topic
  10. Last game was close. It appears that Goodpasture has wraped up the district with their 8-0 record with only 2 more games to go... if white house does not stop them, then they win the district with ease. But... Goodpasture wins this one, white house plays most of their games close because they control the tempo of the game. They drive teams crazy when they walk the ball up the court and try all that pass/pass/pass offense, which is a good quality of a team. Overall the game could be close if white house plays their best game and GP plays their worst... but even if that is the case, like we saw earlier, then gp still wins. So by 30 or 1... GP wins
  11. Davis may have a bad attitude, but thats the case with a lot of players. He will clean up his act when he needs to, he will have to or colleges wont be too interested. Goodpasture is a good team that plays down to thw level of their competition sometimes. If they want to win games they will. A 19-3 record shows that... plus they are now in the top 10 teams (all classes considered) in the mid-state
  12. The other night at Belmont when Mitchell beat Bolivar, Wayne Chism was out in the second half due to injury. After only losing by two points, would they have pulled out the victory if they would have had Chism.(by the way Brandon Powell for Mitchell did not impress me at all, he hardly played and only had 8 points, but he did have lots of looks, scoring only 8 points after having 14 field goal attempts0
  13. No way, Goodpasture will beat Greenbriar convincingly. Greenbriar does not have anyone who can match up with the cougars. If not by 20 or 25, Goodpasture wins by at least 10.
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