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Everything posted by abaseballfan

  1. Wow man -----you do good! Keep up the good work - by the way I'm hungry - know where to get any good pizza's????
  2. Sending thoughts and prayers for a speedy and full recovery from Harpeth.
  3. THANKS! Glad you are on top of things. Putboobieincoach, You a David Price fan?
  4. Harpeth's loss and Shelbyville's gain! Good Luck Shelbyville. Have heard nothing put positive things about your new coach.
  5. Our thought and prayers are with his family and friends! May God Bless and take care of them!
  6. Better that Abbot and Costello!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Will continue to "listen"
  7. Thoughts and prayers from Harpeth. We extend our sympathy to his family.
  8. Positive input and comments are always more classy that any put down or negative comment. Harpeth had a GREAT season. Thanks to everyone who showed their support. See ya next year!
  9. Enough said! Tell it like it is! Go Harpeth!
  10. Congratulations Harpeth! You all show great sportsmanship, continue to do so. Harpeth is a first class act. Play with pride!
  11. ok trash talking happens in all sports on all levels..that is a fact, grow up get over it and go on, doesn't mean you have to participate in it. It just shows class to say to your rivals and your teammates - Good game, great play, awsome hit, great catch, whatever. See it, say it. Parents and players should all show some respect for others. When you go back and reread ALL the posts you can actually see who is the true SPORTSMEN on this site. More of you should actually practice this. Let me put it to you this way What exactly do you think college coaches are looking for? Do you thing skill/GPA is the only thing--not so- they dont want someone with a foul mouth, some one who is not a team player, not individuals who cause problems but someone to play and represent them. I know! so step up and be good sportsmen, lead your teams with pride and play hard!
  12. especially since it is the Coach and the parents that are/have "built" the field not the county. Many long hard hours have gone into this new field. Each year Harpeth has improved. Haven't see it lately? - join Harpeth this weekend and see for yourselves!
  13. David Limbaugh, good for you!!!! in other words "Shut up and let's play ball" - enough of the negativity people support your ball players and the other teams players...after all they have chosen to play ball instead of being on the streets! Positive reinforcement goes a long way!!!!
  14. Congrats Harpeth on this weekend!!!Keep it up!
  15. "a large number of players are too soft today, and this only hinders those who are'nt. on a side note, i hope that the softer players have no expectations of competing at the next level because the "harsh" criticisim only gets worse" sounds like you know baseball and how the real world works
  16. fanofthemound I sure wish I knew who you are, I'd like to shake your hand - care to let us know
  17. mommies and daddies whinning and crying becasue they think this is little league !!- that seems to be the word. a good team and coach knows baseball maybe they will come out of their funk now and play like we've seen Harpeth play, they just have to forget what is outside the lines!
  18. some kids just need to pickup their toys and go home with Mama
  19. ok, didnt want to get into it , just wanted to view post after watching games,but was at the game and saw what happenend,granted it was an a judgement call but the ump made the call, and i heard that a tape was given to the CW coach for review. Your view might not of been the same, if I am not mistaken it was reviewed. things happen on the field and FANS need to let the umps and the coaches deal with it (on both sides). Fans need to remember they are there for support and not to stir things up. let the coaches coach ---IMHO ---- both the teams are matched and its always a great game on the field!
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