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Everything posted by rareable89

  1. Definition of Irony from http://wordnet.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=irony "incongruity between what might be expected and what actually occurs" nice try. and again, great, effective insults.
  2. It sounds like you come from a very civilized, non-barbaric, and intelligent place. I find some irony in your posts however. At some points, you try to act all big and say things as immature as "grab your pencil thin wuss neck and beat the he-doublel out of you." but soon after that you start talking about flowers and Oprah again. I already warned you once makes you sound like a predator... I do not even know what a "he-doublel" is, unless you mean H-E-double-L... but surely you are not too lazy to press a few extra keys to make you sound somewhat intelligent and credible... so I guess i will trust that you know what you are talking about...
  3. Your intellegence radiates from your posts. The english programs in DC must be rockin'.
  4. Dude, that is a pretty original comeback. It kind of reminds me of the one I posted in response to your ignorant little friend's post. You are probably the smartest person in DC...
  5. You are a waste of life and dumb. Excellent spelling though...
  6. The keeper for CPA, Luke Roman, is very skilled. He went through CPA's district with only 1 goal scored on him. CPA had 3 goals scored on them in their distirct games total though (the other 2 were scored by David Lipscomb on CPA's second string keeper).
  7. I think we should keep bashing CPA. They are terrible. 12 and 0 in their district?? That is embarassing. The fact that they haven't let a goal in during this whole tournament is pathetic. I think we shouldn't let there record or acomplishments do the talking for them, lets bash their district and take the fun out of high school sports and compitition. That makes much more sense.
  8. #14, Dean Myers, from CPA would be a good candidate. I've been to most of CPA's games and i cannot beleive he is only a sophomore. The way he controls and passes the ball is unreal. Another good candidate from CPA is Curran Goad. He is as close to professional as it gets. He has repeated sophomore year 2 times but i am sure he will pass this year...
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