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I agree with you TheLefty he is not very consistent with his starts all the time..yea he has some speed but only average for a high school pitcher....i agree with the bats also once they start seeing live pitching in the game they will start hitting the ball better.....i really hope they bring the pride back to Lewisburg this year...Thanks for your comment...

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We all know you are trying to get stuff started....All Chapel Hill people try and get stuff started all the time...Anyways...it should be a good game...Hopefully!!! :D I hope Marshall County can hit against Chapel Hill!! You know Minor will start....Good Luck to both teams, no matter the outcome make sure it doesnt effect the rest of the season!!!!

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O you do you Chapel Hill punk!!!!! What is it then??????????? I never talked crap about where Minor is going that is a top notch School and a very Good baseball team!!!! Vol-State is really not a good school...Anybody can get a full ride at Chapel Hill, because their schooling is not very hard there!!!! They teach you how to feed the cows and stuff and get a pinch of Smuff..and cry if they dont get their way!!!!!!! By the way like yall need a new football field, your football team is about as bad as Cornersville team!!!!! And by the way they only way you guys will win is if Minor keeps you in the ball game, because you guys have nothing special except Minor anyways...if it wasnt for him you guys would not even be on the map!!!

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Chapel Hill punk? What are you in third grade? You're a first class douchebag. A pinch of SMUFF? You're about as smart as the keyboard you typed that bush league comment on. And is this a football forum...nah dont think so man so keep the football where it needs to be and stop hiding behind it just because your baseball cant hang. From what i can remember our jv team came within about 1 run from beating yalls varsity team for this year...and how can a team with only 1 GOOD PLAYER have a 1 loss season and make it to sub-state? You tell me since you know everything about our team.

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Hey 1rocket8, this embaseball is not worth it.

Embaseball and this is to you, this is a baseball forum. This is not a forum to criticize someone's education. You should not be knocking a school if you have not gone there, PERIOD!!! It doesn't matter what school you go to, you get out of it whatever you put into your education.

Minor is a great pitcher, but remember one thing no matter what the sport is it takes a team to win. Also, like someone else stated earlier, anytime you can go on to the next level to play ball is a great thing. It doesn't matter if it is Div I, II, III or Junior college. Everyone does not always get that opportunity, so when you get it appreciate it.

This is Mr. Albarran( I'm not shy to use my name), I have coached players on both Forrest and I have coached players on the Marshall Co. team. Both schools have solid ballplayers, but like I stated earlier it takes a team to win. I always want both teams to do well, but some of this stuff is bush league. I wish both teams all the success for this coming season.

Edited by daa21
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Last year you played Marshall Countys JV team too...the varsity players had a prom that night...so get your stuff straight!!!!! Mr.Albarron nice comment about the players on both sides!!!!! and thanks for your luck this season!!! And like i said it should be a good game or good games they play two days in a role...So Mr.Albarron who do you think has the better advantage????

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Both games should be good. They're happening earlier than I would have liked. I would have liked to see the games played later on in the season when both teams have played a few games. But, you can't always have what you like. Both teams have solid pitching, so like most games hitting and defense will usually decide it. So, saying all that whoever hits and plays defense well will win the game or games.

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I wish the same thing, about the games should be later in the year..when both teams are at their best....the first games should be interesting...Marshall County will have to hit the ball..it will be tough against Minor...hopefully they can pull it off....Im not to worried about Marshall Countys fielding or their pitching...they are pretty solid....and yes our 4 seniors will be there....you can even ask your coach about last year, thats why yall played your JV team too..if you want proof ask!!!!!!! by the way im sorry for embaseball for calling your coach that!!!!! I hope nothing like that will happen again....

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