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Moore County/Summertown


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QUOTE(soccergal27 @ Mar 8 2007 - 08:00 PM) 826405378[/snapback]Well for one thing, the "Large blonde woman" has a name. It is rather tacky to refer to her like you do. If you don't want to use her name, fine..don't use it, but at least have some respect for how you talk about people. And big flippin deal if that was her a few years ago. She is a fan..probably one of the best fans out there. My gosh if one of my girls had been fouled like that...you better believe I would have been out on the court in a heart beat too. And I don't see anywhere on here where she tried to explain it away. She apologized...I trust you know what that means. She made comments to those who were willing to forgive her..even make light of the situation. Finally, what I expect to find on here...a sports website..are scores, highlights of plays, ect.... not personal attacks on fans. I know I have come in here and made a personal statement, so yes I am a hypocrit...I'm sure you can supply me with a quote from one of my previous posts...so please, by all means, point out how I am a hypocrit and I will acknowledge it. And it is not in YOUR place to judge people. The worlds full of people who have nothing better to do than to nit-pick...we don't need anymore. So thank you for enlightening me...I feel so much better about myself and my mistakes. I'll be sitting here anxiously awaiting your feedback for my stupid post



I don't think your post is stupid nor have I ever said anyone was stupid. I wrote that her act was stupid and when you do stupid things and become involved in any aspect of the discussion about the act you should expect some feedback. Yes, wouldn't it be nice if all you had to read about were the games, scores, highlights of plays, ect. but that is just not ever going to happen. I don't judge and I don't nit-pick as you call it. I was making a comment about someone who was critically asking rethorical questions.

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QUOTE(sinjin @ Mar 8 2007 - 08:34 PM) 826405536[/snapback]I don't think your post is stupid nor have I ever said anyone was stupid. I wrote that her act was stupid and when you do stupid things and become involved in any aspect of the discussion about the act you should expect some feedback. Yes, wouldn't it be nice if all you had to read about were the games, scores, highlights of plays, ect. but that is just not ever going to happen. I don't judge and I don't nit-pick as you call it. I was making a comment about someone who was critically asking rethorical questions.




Seriously...why waste your time looking for stuff like this? No one cares about your comment to "someone who was critically asking rethorical questions" just as no one else cares what I'm saying to you. It may have been stupid, to some, what she did...so what? Some people are proud of her. They wish they had the guts to do it themselves. Point is, by baiting people with such posts about their actions being stupid and them not practicing what they preach, really just adds fuel to the fire and actually makes this more of a gossip forum than an actual sports forum. I will apologize for offending you in any fashion, however I will not apologize for what I think, which I am sure you are quiet aware of what I think now. I do take such things personally as attacking and or insulting fans, especially great fans, such as refchaser. I don't know who you support, but if it is Summertown, then I would expect you to be able to see why she rushed the court. If you're not for Summertown, then that's fine...I won't patronize you and explain why a fan would do such a thing for a girl who was seriously injured during the last seconds of the game. If you're going to make comments about people's actions, then you shouldn't hold back...let EVERYONE know what they did wrong. Again, I apologize if I have offended you in any way.

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QUOTE(sinjin @ Mar 7 2007 - 10:14 AM) 826403320[/snapback]refchser maybe you should practice what you preach. A few months ago when you were under scrutiny you made the comment and I quote--


"I was raised in a home, although not perfect, in it we were taught that adults should take the high road." And if I saw you running after me I would run to the locker room, call security, and lock the doors also. Chasing the refs off the court is not taking the high road.



You are right. I was wrong...if I could change my actions, I would do so and if you've read my other posts as throughly as you claim, you'd know that. I was raised to be better than what I did that night. On my behalf I will say this: I reacted out of passion. That does not make it ok, but it was not a calculated, premeditated action. Another point I'd like to make on my behalf is that I did not start this conversation, I just replied to it. So, the post about my doing a dumb thing then writing about it is a moot point. I used this forum to apologize and explain. If I were attempting to "explain it away" I would not have apologized. I was wrong. I was wrong. I was wrong. I made a mistake. It is not the first time I have made a mistake and probably won't be the last. Hopefully, it will be the last time I make THAT mistake. Either forgive me or don't; that is up to the individual's heart.

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QUOTE(soccergal27 @ Mar 6 2007 - 10:27 PM) 826402948[/snapback]Refchaser, I for one, am proud of you! You did what a lot of people felt like doing at the time! And no matter what certain people, who think they know everything, say it was NOT a tasteless. To me, your action showed support beyond belief. I think it is tasteless for people to pass judgement on players as well as their fans. That game was so upsetting to many people, even more so since someone got hurt. Your actions were justified completely. I am glad that there is someone out there who is willing to show emotion and challenge what happens as apposed to people who just make rash and meaningless comments about things. Thanks again for showing that you care about the girls.



Thank you. I am proud of the Summertown Lady Eagles, but not proud of what I did. Thank you for your understanding of my actions. I honestly did not want to hit the refs, I just wanted to spin them around, look them in the eyes and tell them they needed to rectify the situation by calling a foul. Truth is, nothing would rectify the situation because she was already hurt. Thank you again.

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QUOTE(basketballknowitall @ Mar 6 2007 - 07:12 PM) 826402721[/snapback]If you go back and look at the posts, Moore County is a very dirty team. Teams have been complaining all year.


I was waiting for that remark. If you can't beat them or don't like the outcome of the game say that they "play dirty".



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