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From: Riverdale


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OK lets look at some of the things that have been going wrong for the last '4' years starting with the freshman program. Yes I said 4 years because it started with Rankins last year.


The freshman program started going down hill then because of lack of caring for it because Rankin was NOT going to be here. It continued to get worse with Coach A's first hire of the freshman coach, which in my 'opinion' was lucky just to find the field. Since then there has been two more freshman HC's and luckily the one they have now does win. Not pretty and not with over powering scores as in the past but that is the nature of the wingT they are forced to run. That does mean we still have 'talent' though!


This in turn has given other teams the edge in that they consider R'dale vunerable, which they are due to lack of defense!


I will give Coach A credit as he DOES know the WingT offense, but unfortunately his defense knowledge is sadly lacking. This was proven early when we played the game in Chattanooga and he did man up and take the heat for LOSING that game which we had in the back pocket score wise.


As to running off coaches, I will say he did because he might have felt some were not loyal to him. One with some justification as there were some hard feelings between him and some of the old coaches.


Discipline-this is a team that went from having HEAVY discipline to having alomst NONE! Kids being kids took advantage of it. I still can't get used to seeing pony tails and ear rings on R'dale players! Who is responsible for that? The kids? I do NOT think so!


Earlier someone told me to get over it as Coach A IS the coach and will remain to be it. I have gotten over it and can live with it, but can R'dale and will I be quiet? Nope. Any Coach worth the title will have folks in the stands second guessing him and complaining. That comes with the title of COACH!

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