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Why don't the linemen ever get the credit they des


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Guest LAfootball40

I know that we have got a very small line we got em from 5'9" 160 5'9" 220 6'3" 180 5'9" 260 and we got one big hog 6'5" 280.........i don't play on the O side but i do on the D i play fullback and i am so thankful for my line (wesvols ur not to brillant are you) if it was not for them i would never get ne where.......good runners are made from a goodline and that is all that needs to be said................ ;)

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Guest LAfootball40
Posted by acer:

Real linemen don't want any credit. If they did they would be running backs or QB's. They play the line because they love the game. And the game is all about trench warfare. And the best part of the game is in the trenches. If you have never been there you can't even imagine what it's like. But linemen will always decide who is going to lose and who is going to win. That's the beauty of the game that's decided by hogs. ;)


even if they don't want they still deserve it..........i just don't think it is right for em to do 80% of the work and get 2% credit for it...........i love my line :D

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I know the thread has taken a detour, but here is my answer to the original question:


Offensive lineman do not get the credit they deserve b/c it is the nature of most people to focus on the result and not the process. You see, the result of a play may be that a runner gains the needed 8 inches for a first down, but the lineman who fired off the ball low with driving feet will go unnoticed by most.


A quarterback throws a long pass to a streaking receiver. Nice. Without the line in front, nothing would happen.


It takes the truly intellegent to realize the importance of the process. The result can only be obtained through the process. Lineman are the process; runners, throwers and catchers are the result.

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Guest IrishFootball

First I would like to say to Wes Vols that your an idiot and have no clue what your saying! 2nd I have to agree that the line gets no credit! Its the man with the ball in the hand that gets the credit and usually gets the scholarships, How fair is that I ask everyone? Its not! I see our line bust their butts to protect the QB so therefore they should get most of the credit! But as everyone knows as well as I do that this is never going to change and things are always going to be this way! Whether we like it or not! However, I am not saying the QB shouldn't get any credit because he should, I am just simply stating that the line deserves more than what they are getting!

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Guest Football4life

ill tell u what i didnt need any credit for playing line in high school. all i needed was to look down and see that fat ring on my finger that said STATE CHAMPIONS on it and know that i wouldnt have that if it wasnt for me and 4 other guys that worked their butts off with me.

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After playing offensive line for many years, I know without a doubt that if a reporter or anyone came to an O-lineman for an interview, they probably would not do it. Just like with any group I have ever played with or coached, the motto of the offensive linemen is always that they are the tightest unit on the field, and that if the whole group doesnt perform then nobody deserves any credit. They know their job, and they go out and give it 110 % every play.

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