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Top 11u and 12u teams to play this Friday

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Word on the street is that Team 147 out of Nashville and WACG all stars are playing a exhibition game Friday night. Does anybody have any info? Word is that these are two of the top teams in the country.


8:00 Friday night at MBA. Should be really fun/interesting. Team 147 is all local middle TN. I hear WACG is flying in 5th graders from all over the country, although one of their players is from Nashville.


Should be good... :popcorneater:

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Do you know anything about either team?


Team 147 is a 12u/6th grade team from Nashville. Scott Oatsvall (FRA) is the coach. The team won last summer's YBOA National Championship in Orlando. All of the players are from middle TN. Team 147 gets it's name from, and uses basketball to raise awareness of, the 147 million orphans in the world today. Go to "www.147millionorphans.com" to learn more. The most recent edition of Tennessee Sports Magazine has an article on them.


I don't know a whole lot about WACG. Some group (AAU, Recruiting Service, etc. ??) has ranked them the #1 11u/5th grade team in the country. (How that works, I don't know). I do know that there are recruiting services out there that rank players all the way down to 4th or 5th grade (maybe lower - seems kinda crazy - we've all seen kids that are absolute studs in 7th grade but that is also their absolute peak. Ahh, but I digress). Anyway, the best player on this team is the #1 "ranked" 5th grader in the country out of Chicago, I believe.


Should be a fun game.

Edited by doctorno
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Went to the game. My mind is blown. TEAM 147 57-29 in a blow out win. This is a unbelievable 6th grade team. WOW! Must have been 400-500 people there to watch 11 and 12 year olds.


Team 147 is the real deal.


I was glad to see everyone well behaved at the game - fans, players, coaches. It was a good, fun atmosphere - something AAU is not always known for.

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