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Weight progression question


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Is there a guideline/statue explaining weight progression for example weighing In over the Weight the progression sheet states for that day resets your progression time line and weighing in under the weight shown for your progression sheet keeps you at eligible weight class until your date to move down is shown? Is there a document explaining the rules to weight progression? 

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7 hours ago, cougars130 said:

Is there a guideline/statue explaining weight progression for example weighing In over the Weight the progression sheet states for that day resets your progression time line and weighing in under the weight shown for your progression sheet keeps you at eligible weight class until your date to move down is shown? Is there a document explaining the rules to weight progression? 

Try this:

Weekly Weight Loss Monitoring
All wrestlers will be limited to losing no more than 1.5% of their body weight per week as they make their descent toward their pre-determined minimum wrestling weight. This rule will be monitored as follows:
A. At each weigh-in, all coaches must present a pre-match weigh-in form of their team to the host administrator/coach and the head official. The head official shall place the pre-match weigh in sheet at the scorer’s table. All of this can be obtained from the Track Wrestling website. If a school does not have a pre-match weigh in form, the referee shall report this to TSSAA.
B. All head coaches of participating teams in dual meets and tournaments will be required to record their actual weigh-in weights for dual meet and tournament competition. This applies to all levels of competition (varsity, jv, 9th grade, exhibition, etc.). The weigh-in sheet is established prior to competition and actual weights are recorded following competition. Actual weights must be recorded for all individuals who weigh in, regardless of whether or not the wrestler competed in a match.
C. Each participating school should complete the dual meet result section which is on the Track Wrestling website. This should be done immediately following competition. Match results not recorded should not be used for seeding purposes at the individual region tournaments.
D. In the event that any wrestler exceeds the 1.5% weekly weight loss rule, he/she will not be permitted to be entered on the pre-match weigh-in form. If a wrestler competes at a lower weight class than her/she is eligible, then his/her win will be forfeited. When a team wrestles with an ineligible athlete in a TSSAA Dual Meet postseason tournament, the entire contest is forfeited, the team is removed from the tournament, and no team replaces that team in the tournament series. If a wrestler violates the 1.5% weekly weight loss program but does not change weight classes, then there is no violation.



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