Question with Huntingdon this year is can they beat a good team. I’ve seen Huntingdon. They seem capable of beating good teams but their schedule doesn’t show it. Best wins are probably Greenfield and Jackson Christian. 0-6 against USJ, South Gibson and Gibson County
The nice thing about the sport is they get to prove it on the floor when it counts. FW is good no doubt about it and if they are the best then they will hoist the gold ball in March. Right now all we have are opinions ( biased if we are being honest) Knightsfan is pretty close on all his assessments with very little biase. If you disagree, that’s allowed it’s ok to have a discussion about why you disagree.
They are going to have to face a Clarkrange or Clay in an elimination game in the Regional Tournament. Both of those teams are very capable of pulling an upset.