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Houston vs Ooltewah


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well for one, when you have so many mistakes your not going to do well and just like curtis said after the first goal was scored we put our heads down, i should know because after the second goal was scored i just about cried i was the goalie for that game and trust me it sucked, we got so far, and yet we still couldn't find out a way to win. I think we had a great year, but i came in like the middle from JV but i still think we had a great season none the less and yeaimcool two words for you shut up we already feel bad so just keep your mouth shut about it. Oh and the field by the way sucked majorly! just like general owl said the middle was the worst, it was so freakin' muddy.

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well for one, when you have so many mistakes your not going to do well and just like curtis said after the first goal was scored we put our heads down, i should know because after the second goal was scored i just about cried i was the goalie for that game and trust me it sucked, we got so far, and yet we still couldn't find out a way to win. I think we had a great year, but i came in like the middle from JV but i still think we had a great season none the less and yeaimcool two words for you shut up we already feel bad so just keep your mouth shut about it. Oh and the field by the way sucked majorly! just like general owl said the middle was the worst, it was so freakin' muddy.



Your 100% right... you did well all year, so keep your head up. I know who you are and I know your a hard worker! All we can say is: Get 'Em Next Year! After a loss like that I know all of the players are feeling dejected, but try to focus on the positive things that happened this year.

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I think our girls did a good job. You can't win them all. I mean look at their season, they played their hearts out to get to where they were yesterday. We thought the girls would turn up the heat after the first half, and they did at some times, but the ball wasn't on their side this time. I congratulate the girls on their season and having the heart of the game to get to where they were. I don't look at the lose last morning as a set back. I love Holly and I am going to miss her dearly. The team is young, but they are losing a lot this year. I believe Holly brings light and love to the team and I know her team mates are going to miss her as well. Our head coach is an awesome coach, and I think the girls have a great relationship with him. Coach Blair has an amazing skill or coaching and has an eye for the game. I believe he is happy for himself and for the girls as well for this year. I mean all coaches and teammates want to win it all, but just be glad you go the chance. Good job Ooltewah. Just get ready to kick butt next year!

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