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Briacrest and Craigmont


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I don't post here often but I've tried calling the Commercial Appeal editor about their tasteless article in Modays issue on Briarcrest and Craigmont. I know 3 of these players personally and they are NOT the type of players (thugs) the editor Jason Smith is trying to depict them as. The classless article is titled "Unladylike behavior" and the picture shows the players standing in probably one of the worst areas in the City of Memphis, posed like a low budget female GANGSTA rap group. WHY? The Commercial Appeal is trying to insight and create a negative atmosphere between the teams and communities that is very unhealthy. This article does not promote females positively in HS sports. The Commercial Appeal’s reason for this is simple, to stimulate sales at the expense and welfare of our youth and communities. PEOPLE DON’T BUY INTO THIS CRAP… Several of the players have told me there quotes were taken out of context and re-worded to insinuate something that doesn't even exist. They were told to pose in the manner that does not depict their normal outlook. Instead of pitting two of the top female programs in the state of TN against each other, why not take the high road and use this to stimulate more females to participate in athletics, specifically the younger girls 9 - 14. This article reads like, “if you come to the Briarcrest / Craigmont game you better wear your bullet proof vest or flak jackets as you step out of your armored vehicles”. This is irresponsible journalism at its best, with the recent senseless violence in major college and professional sports over this past weekend I guess the Commercial Appeal is trying to insight and stimulate the same behaviors in HS. All six of these athletes are beautiful young ladies with very bright futures ahead of them, we as a community shouldn’t do anything to distract them, their team, their coaches or our communities.

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I thought it was a good article.

Deserved or not, Briarcrest has been accused in the past of avoiding the powerful city school teams. Now that the games are being played, I'm glad the Commercial Appeal is promoting them. It's natural and healthy to foment a rivalry to peak interest. I re-read it after your post and could find nothing about "bullet proof vests" or "armored vehicles." After living in Memphis for 10 years, I was unable to identify the area of Memphis where the picture was taken, but regardless, I'm not sure how taking the picture in a poorer area of town makes a difference. I similarly don't see how the picture is "Gangsta."


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I agree with tyjacks,


I read this article also, and it does not reflect or promote anything positive between the two schools. To print players 'calling out' the other team is not positive at all, it will not create true rival type competition just animosity. Besides, to be rivals you would have had to have played, I believe this is the first time these two teams have ever played, so where is the rivalry? Couldn't this article have been done differently? Why does it have to be "Unladylike behavior"? From what I understand Briarcrest has a hard time scheduling games because the powerful city/county schools in the Memphis area don't want to play them. This should be a good game regardless of the Commercial Appeals negative promotion of it.

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The rivalry comes about mostly from AAU competition. Some of the girls had played together for the Memphis Waves and then when the team split and the girls went to two different teams, the rivalries started there.


Also, it is very untrue that the public schools in Memphis don't want to schedule Briarcrest...believe it or not, its the other way around....

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Hmm, that’s interesting that some of these girls were on the same AAU team. Was it the 99' Memphis Waves team that won AAU Nationals? Anyway, how does that create a HS rivalry? Maybe rivalry between AAU clubs/teams.


I know several AD's in the Memphis area, the main reason public schools do not like playing is because they feel the private schools have an advantage, specifically Briarcrest. Briarcrest has been very successful, they seem to consistently attract and develop top level athletes. What teams have they not wanted to play?

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