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Everything posted by OLD PIRATE

  1. Dad Burnit, Old Pirate been watching from the bushes at all the going ons. Figure theys a HEEP of know it alls jabbering fixes. The short of the matter is Pirates got beat and that is unacceptable fer the spoiled! Old Pirate only gots a sure fire problem amongst the Pirates. A sitting close to the team it is easy to see a few players that need to be thrown overboard for insoboardination! “Doctoring the festers will help heal the sick” YepReconSo
  2. Lol, Old Pirate says folkes knowds why the rivalry was stopped. OP ain’t charged up bout playing them Fellers from down under neither but don’t figure they’l be a HEEP of mess like that perpetuated before.
  3. TTP, Old Pirate ain’t a nary bit surprised at the leaving, jest the timing leaves a real nasty taste. The timing is where OP’s focused awful late in the season to become a DC in Canada. Figure theys more to the story, And Snake Oil Salesmen tag can/will be applied by most. YepReconSo
  4. Well help my time, LOPAO. Old Pirate says all know’d this would happen, jest not how soon. Fellers majority of coaches is like ladies of the night, theys goes where the $ is! Lesson learnd by all. The Pirates are staggered from a vicious sucker punch, and will sail on.
  5. Old Pirate would not want to go into fued with a nary one. Some fellers easily skeerd.
  6. Ain’t No thinking, jest reality! Get the record books out. Ain’t got to far back neither. Simply look up The Captains record against Jasper
  7. LOPAO, Then stop the moaning, whining & crying! Embrace the change & move on. The Pirates have nicely.
  8. Yous surely been sheltered or too deep in the subterranean cave. The NJ fued will be easily equaled or a HEEP more. Jasper only got close a couple of times in the last decade. Feller, you desperately need to throw them Rose Colored Glasses away.
  9. The Professional got his retirement & don’t need tithes. Liars table claim he’d coach fer nothing to get the job. BTW, Did you Fellers EVER pay tithes owed to P? AND SOS? Asking fer RD
  10. BTW, Thank staff & administration fer the heavy loss of revenue. Stop with the excuses, ain’t never goin to be believed.
  11. Old Pirate is hopeful SP never plays Jasper but ain’t got a clue, cept OP is done buying tickets to watch the Jailhouse fellers
  12. Old Pirate hopes GB can Earhole them Circle Fly Fellers.
  13. LOPAO, Old Pirate sleeps jest fine, cept on stormy nights and the room lights up. Your answered question that wasn’t answered. You not ask foolish questions you know the answer to. As fer all the other mess you implied is the result of parent middling, heat, long practices and change. Figure a feller could compare to getting use to a new pair shoes. Middling salesman urges his opinions, heat when cooler weather is wanted for insulated boots, long exhausting looking fer the right purchase and change when you get home and the skillet slinger complains! YepReconSo
  14. Thanks RD fer creating this season opening website. OP & cousin Lester hunted fer you a spell a the 1 quarter Fueding in Finley. The Pirates appear undersized but played a HEEP of players. O looked sharp at times, D showed spunk.
  15. Old Pirate says the answer is....Lmao. Jasper was openingly doing that last year when they broke their contract. Had a second chance to fulfill that contract couple weeks later, yet the earholing that was sure to follow was too big! Now Fittingly, Jasper replaced NJ as the forgotten. OP ain’t thrilled bout playing them Fellers south of the border, but sure is better than putting up with the inbred kinfolkes from around the Jailhouse. Jasper received justice for all the mess they’ve done over a long time. Figure the main reason SP administration didn’t kick them to the curb earlier was the streak. Jasper coward out on the continuous 2 times within a season.
  16. Old Pirate says, Ifin yous talking bout Rodney Rankin & Brian Jannaway, both of them South Pittsburg youngons recruited by Jasper sure did make a difference. YepReconSo
  17. Liars table reported pert near 70 early, around mid forties now. But chatter is a family moving in could add a tad.
  18. Dad Burnit RD, OP jest wondering bout where in tarnation you is. Old Pirate plans on goin to that multi team fued in Nooga with cousin Lester from the Eagle Nest. The Pirates got a rough road this season and the numbers have reportedly fallen.
  19. Old Pirate says you fit in nicely with them imbreeders round the jailhouse. Is you still band director fer that west puke purple team?
  20. LOPAO, I recon the position being vacant by the 4 year starter graduation eased the tension.
  21. Well help Old Pirate’s time. Thought since Them Jasper kinfolkes been kicked to the curb, they’d learn a lesson. Figure ain’t No fixin stupid. Best SP folkes quit responding to the really dumb kinfolkes round the jailhouse. Sorta like pissing straight up, theys goin to be smelling mess a falling back down! YepReconSo
  22. Dad Burnit ST, theys still a HEEP of Fellers still confused, but some real dumb. Weren’t jest a year or so The Captain was ROY. Figure ain’t no class nor pill a feller can take to help neither. Theys jest always going to real stupid. YepReconSo
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