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Everything posted by torseq2

  1. 8-2 Cumberland U travels to Williamsburg KY to take on the 6-3 U of cumberlands Saturday 11-13-10 at 12:30 E.s.T. Both teams stand at 4-1 in the MSC West and this game will be for the MSC West crown and a auto post season playoff spot.
  2. Chiefs 26 Cats 17 The only thing getting ugly is the sad drive back over the Ridge Akphilips get back to class
  3. Dawg's 4-1 have been whoopin up on the East side of the division but open up the West side of division play this Saturday. I here it's the scout team that makes them look good on game day don't know just what I've been told. Go Dawg's
  4. It's offical MONGO signed to play for Cumberland University
  5. Q 1.Can The Bears get to round 3? A. No ,I hope they can and wish them all the luck. But I just don't see it. support the BEARS THEY Have done great things this year. Q 2. pecking order for 2010? A Thats a loaded question, a lot of if's. But if things stay par for 2010 I say THS,SHS,SQHS With some changes SHS,SQHS,THS or SQHS,THS,SHS or maybe SHS,THS,SQHS OAk gRove rd holds all the cards. Q 3.What happened? Our County Director of schools said "This is the direction we need to go." When the Dircetor and the school board got into Coaching with out giving up any $, Well here we are. The ole buddy system.
  6. Ok CHIEFS FANS Don't forget about the Banquet. Thur. Dec. 18 7pm at the Grand Vista Hotel, Vonore Meal tickets are $17.0 ea and are pre-planed so turn yours in to Coach Satterfield or Mike Peels ASAP General admin is $5.00 Don't Wait till the night of the Banquet to pay at the door and expect a good seat or a seat at all we should have a full house, it was a great show last year and Mike has been working hard to try and top it. And as a special treat for all of the Coach T posters, I just found out from the Man at the TOP the special guest speaker will be. Well hold up he just called me back and ask for security reasons not to post that information in advance. I'll let you know when I can. but it starts with a ??????. Get your tickets turned in show up and support the PLAYERS . Torseq2 Don Workman ps. I'll be filming this so clean up for the boys one more time. /roflol.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":roflol:" border="0" alt="roflol.gif" />
  7. Thats funny What do you mean buy not playing varsity. He had 3 tackles at Notre Dame 2 where for negitive yards. Ok to try to clear it up. The Sequoyah Roster given to Notre Dame had 2 number 66's Colin Watson and Josh Workman Most Chiefs Fans known that C.Watson is #56 and J.Workman is #66 It just so happens that the N.D. coach is the one who puts this together,Yes the coach with the bad Chiefs roster. congrats to all
  8. Have to go with Central in this one Mc Central 32 Howard 19
  9. Going back a few years, no a few more It was 2001 when the jr's and Sr's players of this game where on the field at Sequoyah High School as LL hoppers Madisonville Vs Polk Co. Polk was up late in the 4th 20 to 16 Polk has the ball at mid-field with about a 3rd and 6yds to go. Throw the screen to the left its picked off by J.F. and he gets his long legs moving and takes it about 55yds for the score. The Chiefs to be get the win 22 to 20. Now I know alot changes from LL to HS but basicly its the same kids that have played against eah other from 6year old till High School and these kids from both side have went back and forth over the LL years but that game was one of the best I have seen. Just a reflection on one of the great football games between these 2 groups of young men. Don Workman Looking forward till Friday
  10. Coach T should shut this one down. When you see the name of Slobber nothing positive can come of it. all you get will be 1/2 truths at best and personal fights with adults taken out on kids
  11. Go Chiefs!!!!!!!! Go Bears!!!!!!!!!!
  12. Tellico mowing/curly tail/ or clucking B-Q, Fire cooked Burgers/ dogs, Fried tato,beans,slaw,+ all the standard stuff all priced good
  13. On a side note: Chiefs JV got a big win over Sweetwater last night Chiefs 20 S-Cats 7 Could be a good week to be a Chiefs Fan, Stick to the game plan and keep working. Go Chiefs And Go Bears
  14. Sounds like you went to watch a game at Notre Dame. Private Schools All schools under TSSAA rule should be forced to use the same By-Laws. All teams and or schools should have to follow the same set of By-Laws but that is not the way it is. Private schools can charge to park but public can not all they can do is ask. But yet public and private are is the same region so we are forced to pay. Fairness you say, but such is life, all we can do is deal with it.
  15. THE BEARS! Pull out the upset of the year in 3-3A
  16. Now hold on If you would watch the tape of the game you would see TJ tackled #66 from behind after the play was blowen dead and as they hit the ground your sweet little TJ got in 3 punches then he spread his legs to get up and got alittle play back then as 66 was getting up TJ gave 1 more shot to his back, Right in front of the REF. These 2 have been going at it sence the Cutter age group in LL. And last Friday they where back and forth again.The difference is you have to stop at the end of the play and get ready to do it again. I have a copy of the game film and will be filming the JV game tonight if anyone would like to review the play come on up to the press box. And yes I am the DAD of #66
  17. Hold on to your hats, Chiefs fans I just had one of the most interesting phone calls. GGGGGGEEEEEEEZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ!
  18. Realy don't know until seeing all the teams but. Bob you almost nailed the prediction on King & Stiles the 2 all state from central. Bell and Workman kept them away from the ball. Yeh they had some tackles but they were all 3or 4 yds down field, They both where in on 1 stop for a loss but it was on a roll out on the sidelides. But the SQHS line played well all the way across not only to the o-line but to the backs as well all blocked hard from what I saw. I think we should lay prise all the way across the Chiefs O-Line From L to R Workman,Peels, Roberts,S-Heart,Bell LT LG C RG RT My view may be alittle one sided ? But thats what I saw. Shoot all the boys Played with fire and want to. Both sides of the ball
  19. Chiefs make up for the one that slipped away at the end last year. SQHS 26 ND 12 /hungry.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":hungry:" border="0" alt="hungry.gif" />
  20. To sum it up. The Good: Big,Strong & Quick The Bad: Too many I's and look at Me's/*/// that need to change to US and We's. Just my view. adjust the atta's and the pently yards will decrease Good luck to the Chargers
  21. What type of in-season weight program has been put in place this year? IMO last year was the first time in several years we seemed stronger the late in the season. in-season or maintance lifts or drills?
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