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Everything posted by 9oldschool5

  1. Dyersburg travels back to Mcnairy co. For the second week in a row. This time to face the Bobcats. Predictions?
  2. Mcnarry, you are exactly right AHS football is all Mcnairy co has going for it. I noticed a freshman qb and his family chose Aville over Selmer high school. They ain't dumb. Aville just dismantled Dburg who beat Milan who mercy ruled you. I would say Aville is in the "Real Men's" league if you guys consider yourself in the "big boy" league. Aville is in a great spot geographically and has a great program. Did you know that you can live in Adamsville and have a Hardin co address out by the golf course. Bet you didn't know that, now you do. You guys are in the middle of Selmer and still going nowhere fast. But hey you got a Walmart! Why don't you start a thread over in the 3-4a board....Mcnairy vs Dburg. That should be a thriller. At least everyone can go eat after game because clock will be running after 1st period. Make reservations for 8:30.
  3. Prediction: tssaa caved to pressure from Memphis region callin for walkouts, boycotts, mini riots. Allowing team to play without coach still gives them power to cancel postseason while staving off pandemonium.
  4. It's trezevant vs theirself for 2a title, they lose on grade discrepancies.
  5. The only reason Marion co. got within striking distance was because of penalites on trezevant. This whole trezevant dropping from 4a to 2a in one season was skeptical at best to begin with. Goldsmith and crew from TCA would have won by two scores in championship game. The tssaa should be flooded with calls until a post season ban is in place, or the season is suspended. The administration and coach had to know so they must go. All we ever heard from the dedicated few supporters of trezevant was how happy they were that these kids were doing it the right way, education then athletics. It was all a farce.
  6. Final Milan- As many as they want to score. Mcnairy- As many as Milan wants them to have.
  7. Expelled from a system yeah no thanks athlete or not don't care to even ask what situation was. Kicked of a team with a valid change of address, I want to know why then maybe give him a chance. Adamsville has no file you would have to have been found guilty of something to have a file. I suppose they are mad now that the rb from Hardin county had to move to mcnairy county bc of a death in family and chose the winning program with deep playoff runs over the sept. Oct. and done team. sounds like a no brainier informed decision to me.
  8. how come noone ever transfers in and to McNairy? we know why. Hard for you to believe but kids like winning and stability, of which you offer neither.
  9. mchs would gladly take anyone who could help regardless of whether they were kicked off previous team. Everyone deserves a second chance as long as there is a valid change of address. Don't be fooled they are out there in the shadows working. 2 big injuries this season really hurt them, could have been a .500 team which would have been much improved and a good start in a crazy strong region. gonna be uphill all the way this year. best of luck to them tho.
  10. Don't take what I said the wrong way. I know he is the type that will excel at whatever he does. Yes I am an Aville fan but I don't dislike mcnairy. I know it takes lots of $ to be successful. the part that is upsetting to me is the manner in which he was hired. Is it a good hire? Yes. Did it look good to outsiders how it was handled: no. Just like the gentleman getting the maintenance supervisors job when he just resigned from the board of Ed. It just doesn't look good. He has done a good job but the circumstances around the hire were fishy. Looks like we hire our friends and not follow the proper protocol. For a long time in this county (some are still in power) we promoted the dirtiest rotten scoundrels to leadership positions. (This has nothing to do with the hire at hand and Franks pls don't think it does). People who lived like hellions with no moral compass were principals and coaches with people and kids under them. The whole chain of command became less effective because no one aspired to be better than them. Anyway, that's the problem I have is that it doesn't look good and good ole boys system did it. If he wanted it I guess he could have resigned from ad job and let people know he was serious about it. Idk if that would have mattered didn't to me in the Maintenance case. He will do fine or should. Will def. be a challenge.
  11. He excels at getting close to people who have something he wants...(parents w good athletic kids, board members with hiring powers and $ power, boosters with $)
  12. Coach Browder did a stint as head coach of Aville before coming to mcnairy.
  13. Well said and from an outsider! I am in mcnairy co and keep being appalled at our ineptness of leaders. This doesn't look good from the get go and they MCHS claimed 35-40 applicants applied.
  14. The insurance guy and the yelling board member got them into this mess to start with.
  15. Politics as usual. You will hear the new coach and A.D. Say we were limited in who we could hire because of supplements. Don't believe it, this was the plan all along. He will now be A.D., baseball coach and football coach and teach zero classes. So what will his supplement be based on? A teachers salary? He is not a teacher. Mchs supporters can zip it for sure now about RECRUITING, no one is better at it than this guy.
  16. They don't have to do that, winning does that for you, and losing does that for mchs. They like to blame everything on Aville recruiting when in reality everything they have reaped was sown long ago, and they are continuing to sow what will become less than fruitful harvests.
  17. I think money may be the issue. Mcnairy co. Hoses their coaches with a percentage based not on their current salary but on a starting salary from 15 years ago. From what I understand the coaching supplement for a high school head coach is prob under 5k before taxes, which pretty much means they are doing it for love of the game. This amount never increases either from what I understand. Teachers salary goes up for 15 years for every year of service a few hundred dollars per insider, but supplement never increases no matter years of service or coaching record. Coaches elsewhere make much more and prob when they found this out they pulled their application. Just a guess on the situation but mcnairy co coaches pay is public record. Sad but you will have to find someone very hungry to prove themselves and unless the booster club pitches in they are probably looking at hiring a first time head coach with something to prove.
  18. This is becoming interesting. Those in the know claim 35-40 people applied for the job. You would think if that many applied at least one or two of them would be highly qualified and an attractive fit. Or, maybe not that many people applied and none standout. Whatever the case, time is ticking and spring is just around the corner. if they don't want to be even further behind the eight ball, iny miny miny mo it and go with someone.
  19. politics are still at play and the good ole boys system is as strong as ever. why, you may ask? because those "in the know" claimed to have known something 3 weeks ago. they were then alerted that either the person they chose would not be received well or they decided the timing wasn't right. lets be honest again, the talent coming from selmer middle is good again but not "great" as in the past. good wont cut it vs Milan, westview, dyersburg etc. it just wont. the last 10 years of mchs football has been nothing but a train wreck and it will continue to be until they let a good coach drive the train instead of daddys and boosters.
  20. On Bball radio broadcast Tuesday night both announcers hinted that there might be an announcements about new Fb coach during fri. Nights ball game broadcast. They acted like they knew who it was and was just a matter of announcing it at right time. An announcement was not made fri. So someone must have figured to wait to announce, but they do know who it is from the sound of it.
  21. Well said and spot on. Players have to adjust if they don't time to hit the road no matter the potential talent.
  22. Let's be honest, 1. It looks fishy. 2. This job has been and will continue to be (at least for a few more years) less than advantageous for a coaches resume. Being honest on a positive note: 3. Franks is a motivator of young men. He gets the most out of the least. 4. He seems to like the political side of it, he's going to have to sell everyone on it. 5. Nowhere to go but up.
  23. Credit to trezevant on the win. This one looks bad on tssaa's part. Perception is unfair however I realize the situation. But, No team should move two classes by choice or by rule in one calendar year. Rule change to disallow choice on the way I hear. Play where your numbers put you.
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